
SAP Spartacus 代碼送出的git message規範

Start your commit message with lower case. We currently see a mix.

Avoid using the prefix fix or feat when this is an internal fix or feature. 注意pull request的描述還是用fix.

We like you to use other prefixes, such as chore, refactor, ci, testing as those will not be published on the release notes. These are considered details or “internal” fixes and do need to pile up(堆放,堆積) to the public release note section.

Always add a closed #123 or fixes #123 in the description of the commit message, so that a link to the context of the commit appears in the release notes.

Do not write a ticket number in the title of the commit message. This is causing duplicated links to the closing ticket, as it’s already provided in the commit description.