
SAP Spartacus頁面fake Url的防禦機制 - not found頁面的顯示邏輯

SAP Spartacus裡的路由機制共同有4種:

When Spartacus is launched, the route is handled by the router logic. There are 4 different types of routing that will be evaluated:

(1) the route should be handled by a custom router path; the customer has added hard-coded routes, and we should prioritise those.

(2) the route is either a PLP or PDP

(3) the route is a CMS content page

(4) the route is unknown (404 not found)

When an incorrect URL is passed to Spartacus, it will likely end up in the 3rd type. Spartacus will use the CMS api to fetch the content page for the given URL.

如果一個并不存在的url傳遞給Spartacus,會被當成content page處理,Spartacus會使用CMS API去讀取該url對應的content page.

If the CMS cannot find a matching content page, it will respond with a 404 error. Spartacus will handle this 404 error, and redirect the user (under the hood) to the not found CMS page.

如果CMS傳回404錯誤,Spartacus會顯示CMS裡model的not found CMS頁面。

結果:顯示not found頁面

SAP Spartacus頁面fake Url的防禦機制 - not found頁面的顯示邏輯
SAP Spartacus頁面fake Url的防禦機制 - not found頁面的顯示邏輯


navigation start:

app.module.ts:115 Jerry: NavigationStart(id: 1, url: ‘powertools-spa/en/USD/jerry’)


Jerry: RoutesRecognized(id: 1, url: ‘powertools-spa/en/USD/jerry’, urlAfterRedirects: ‘powertools-spa/en/USD/jerry’, state: Route(url:’’, path:’’) { Route(url:‘jerry’, path:’**’) } )


Jerry: GuardsCheckStart(id: 1, url: ‘powertools-spa/en/USD/jerry’, urlAfterRedirects: ‘powertools-spa/en/USD/jerry’, state: Route(url:’’, path:’’) { Route(url:‘jerry’, path:’**’) } )


Jerry: ChildActivationStart(path: ‘’)

app.module.ts:115 Jerry: ActivationStart(path: ‘**’)


SAP Spartacus頁面fake Url的防禦機制 - not found頁面的顯示邏輯
SAP Spartacus頁面fake Url的防禦機制 - not found頁面的顯示邏輯
SAP Spartacus頁面fake Url的防禦機制 - not found頁面的顯示邏輯
