
A new ABAP HTTP test client RSICFCLTST01


create a new test session using ways of URL by url:

you have to specify url,proxy host andport number. Select created http session after “create” icon is pressed, then click tab Detail:

A new ABAP HTTP test client RSICFCLTST01

execute CL_HTTP_CLIENT~send method,ensure sy-subrc = 0:

A new ABAP HTTP test client RSICFCLTST01

Then perform CL_HTTP_CLIENT~receive:

A new ABAP HTTP test client RSICFCLTST01

Once execution is done successfully, response is available to review:

A new ABAP HTTP test client RSICFCLTST01

execute GET_CDATA方法 to get returned text stream ( String ):

A new ABAP HTTP test client RSICFCLTST01

Utility tab contains many useful utility method provided by CL_HTTP_UTILITY~utility:( used for encode and decode url )

A new ABAP HTTP test client RSICFCLTST01
