


背景:git 可能有用github.com,gitlab.com(自家搭建的git等),甚至于git.oschina.net等等。那麼多Git賬戶的使用就發揮作用了





<h2>Step 1:</h2>

Create a New SSH Key for account 2;

為賬戶b建立一個SSH Key

We need to generate a unique SSH key for our second Git account.

給賬戶b建立一個唯一SSH key

# 切換到C:\Users\Administrator\.ssh
$ cd ~/.ssh  
#建立SSH key:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "accountb"

Be careful that you don't over-write your existing key for your personal account. Instead, when prompted, save the file as id_rsa_COMPANY.

注意:不要将你生成的SSH key覆寫到之前的賬戶SSH key. --,當出現提示的時候,儲存檔案為id_rsa_

In my case, I've saved the file to~/.ssh/id_rsa_accountb.


# 設定名稱為id_rsa_accountb
Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/Administrator/.ssh/id_rsa): id_rsa_accountb

<h2>Step 2 </h2>

Attach the New Key

依賴新的SSH key

Next, login to your second GitHub account, browse to "Account Overview," and attach the new key, within the "SSH Public Keys" section.

登入你的賬戶B,在SSH Public Keys 部分 附加新的SSH key公鑰

To retrieve the value of the key that you just created, return to the Terminal, and type: vim id_rsa_accountb.pub. Copy the entire string that is displayed, and paste this into the Git textarea. Feel free to give it any title you wish.

檢索您剛剛建立的值的鍵,傳回到終端,列印id_rsa_accountb.pub。複制整個字元串,粘貼到Git 文本。随便給它一個你想要的标題。

vim id_rsa_accountb.pub

Next, because we saved our key with a unique name, we need to tell SSH about it. Within the Terminal, type: ssh-add id_rsa_accountb. If successful, you'll see a response of "Identity Added."

下一步, 因為我們儲存了一個獨特名字的Key,是以我們需要告知SSH關于這個key的資訊。在終端裡面列印:ssh-add id_rsa_accountb,如果成功,你将看到一個"Identity Added"(身份添加)的響應

ssh-add id_rsa_accountb.pub

<h2>Step 3</h2>

Create a Config File


We've done the bulk of the workload; but now we need a way to specify when we wish to push to our accountA, and when we should instead push to our accountB. To do so, let's create a config file.


touch config
vim config

If you're not comfortable with Vim, feel free to open it within any editor of your choice. Paste in the following snippet.


#Default GitHub
Host GitA
HostName github.com
User gitaccountA
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

This is the default setup for pushing to our Git accountA. Notice that we're able to attach an identity file to the host. Let's add another one for the accountB. Directly below the code above, add:


Host GitB
HostName github.com
User gitaccountB
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_accountb


This time, rather than setting the host to github.com, we've named it as github-COMPANY. The difference is that we're now attaching the new identity file that we created previously: id_rsa_COMPANY. Save the page and exit!

這時候,我們給Host命名為GitB 這一次,而不是設定Host名為GitA。不同的是,我們現在和我們先前建立的新身份檔案:id_rsa_accountb。儲存該頁面,然後退出!

<h2>Step 4</h2>

Try it Out


It's time to see if our efforts were successful. Create a test directory, initialize git, and create your first commit.


git init
git commit -am "first commit'

Login to your company account, create a new repository, give it a name of "Test," and then return to the Terminal and push your git repo to GitHub/GitLab.


git remote add origin git@github-B:XX/testing.git
git push origin master



$ ssh -T GitA

$ ssh -T GitB
