

作者: 譯國譯民


那麼,你如何在自己的故事中創造出這種效果呢?今天TED的演講者Jodie Houlston Lau就給我們分享了小貼士。


演講者:Jodie Houlston-Lau

演講題目: How to make a sad story funny

A World War II veteran processes the devastation he’s witnessed from the confines of an intergalactic zoo.


As an estranged parent and child meet at a fraught family reunion, a little girl mumbles, “How do you do?” from behind a dirty curtain.


After the death of his best friend, a lonely king travels to the end of the world in search for answers and... walks into a bar.


It may seem counterintuitive, but comedy is often key to a serious story. As a writer, you need your audience to experience a range of emotions, no matter what your genre. Whether you want to evoke fear, grief, or excitement, when people are exposed to one emotion for too long, they become desensitized to it.



Comic relief is a tried-and-true way of creating the varied emotional texture a compelling story needs. So how can you create this effect in your own stories? Whether you use characters, situations, language, or any combination of the three, timing and contrast are crucial.


Take the “Epic of Gilgamesh.” This ancient Mesopotamian tale is possibly the oldest known work of literature, and yet the story remains compelling today. As King Gilgamesh approaches the end of the world, he walks into a bar. We think we’re reaching the climax of his story— only to have our expectations subverted.


That brief respite allows the tension to build even higher to a later, true climax. It both relieves and creates tension. This lesson also applies to modern stories: by briefly lightening the mood, you can build tension in your stories exactly when it’s needed.



The moment at the bar doesn’t just amplify the audience’s emotional response— it also complicates it. The wise bartender questions the purpose of Gilgamesh’s quest— setting the stage for the final, more nuanced resolution.

You can use comic relief not only to create contrast with graver moments, but to comment on them.


Sidekicks are one of the most common and direct ways to do this: they can supply sneakily perceptive commentary on the main action, often while simultaneously serving as blundering, hapless punchlines.


Kurt Vonnegut’s “Slaughterhouse-Five” takes a different approach: the story continuously alternates between horrific war scenes and wacky science fiction moments. These scenes provide comic relief, but also open a dialogue about what’s usually unspeakable, highlighting the arbitrary nature of human suffering in a way that makes it more impactful.

庫爾特·馮内古特(Kurt Vonnegut)的《五号屠宰場》采用了不同的手法:故事不斷地在恐怖的戰争場景和古怪的科幻瞬間交替出現。這些場景提供了喜劇性的撫慰,但也開啟了一段關于通常無法言說的内容的對話,以一種更具影響力的方式突出了人類苦難的随機性。

Arundhati Roy’s “The God of Small Things” takes yet another approach to comic relief. The narrative style draws upon the perspective of children to infuse a tragic story with poignant humor.

阿倫達蒂·羅伊(Arundhati Roy)的《小東西之神》(The God of Small Things)采取了另一種喜劇救濟方式。叙事風格借鑒兒童視角,為悲劇故事注入凄美的幽默。


When the adults funnel decades of tensions over race, class, and family dynamics into their expectations for their children’s behavior, you can’t help but chuckle with recognition when, at the moment she’s expected to put on a perfect performance of politeness, 7-year-old Rahel “[ravels] herself like a sausage into the dirty airport curtain and [won’t] unravel.”

當成年人将數十年來因種族、階級和家庭動态而産生的緊張情緒轉化為他們對孩子行為的期望時,當她被期望表現出完美的禮貌時,你會情不自禁地笑出聲來,7-一歲的 Rahel “[将自己像一根香腸一樣卷入肮髒的機場窗簾裡,并且還[不會] 解開。”

At the same time, you know her failure to behave will only add to the tension. Afterward, she thinks, “the play had gone bad. Like Pickle in a monsoon.” This punchline underscores the reality of the situation: the reunion is so forced and formal, Rahel feels like her family are actors in a play, and she feels powerless in the storm of what’s happening.


To make the most of comic relief, think not only about what moment in your story would most benefit from a splash of contrasting emotion, but also: what message you’d like to convey that you can’t say directly? Which of your readers’ assumptions would you like to call into question?


