
1. VPP源碼分析(記憶體管理之mheap)

1.1. mheap

1.1.1. mheap_t

1. VPP源碼分析(記憶體管理之mheap)
  • first_free_elt_uoffset_by_bin: User offsets for head of doubly-linked list of free objects of this size.
  • non_empty_free_elt_heads: Bitmap of non-empty free list bins.
  • n_elts: Number of allocated objects.
  • max_size: Maximum size (in bytes) this heap is allowed to grow to.
    1. VPP源碼分析(記憶體管理之mheap)

1.1.2. mheap_elt_t

1. VPP源碼分析(記憶體管理之mheap)
  • prev_n_user_data: Number of mheap_size_t words of user data in previous object. Used to find mheap_elt_t for previous object.
  • prev_is_free: Set if previous object is free.
  • n_user_data: Number of mheap_size_t words of user data that follow this object.
  • is_free: Set if this object is on free list (and therefore following free_elt is valid).
  • user_data: For allocated objects: user data follows.

    User data is allocated in units of typeof (user_data[0]).

  • free_elt: For free objects, offsets of next and previous free objects of this size;

    ~0 means end of doubly-linked list.

This is stored in user data (guaranteed to be at least 8 bytes) but only for free objects.

1. VPP源碼分析(記憶體管理之mheap)

1.1.3. mheap_alloc函數過程

1. VPP源碼分析(記憶體管理之mheap)

從虛拟記憶體空間映射一塊size大的記憶體(am = 0x7ffff3a0ff54)

mmap_addr = mmap(0, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, flags, -1, 0);           
  1. 将mmap_addr指針和頁大小對其(av = 0x7ffff3a10000)

    return (addr + mheap_page_size - 1) & ~(mheap_page_size - 1);

  2. 從對齊頁的位置往前減去mheap_t的空間(ah = 0x7ffff3a0f860)

    ah = vec_aligned_header(v, sizeof (mheap_t), 16);

  3. 再往後n個page,(ah + page = 0x7ffff3a10860)得到真正的mheap開始的位置【這邊類似于補運算,在申請的空間内跳過page_size - mheap_size 的空間】
  4. (ah < am)

    ah += mheap_page_size; // 這樣可以保證mheap的其實位置在申請的空間内,且一定對其與page

  5. 最後計算出vector的偏移

    v = mheap_vector (h); // h + sizeof(mheap_t + vec_header_t)

  6. vector區域可以存放的資料大小為

    size = am + memory_size - v;

1.1.4. 從mheap中申請記憶體

void *     mheap_get_aligned(void *v, uword n_user_data_bytes, uword align, uword align_offset, uword * offset_return)           
/* Search free lists for object with given size and alignment. */     static uword     mheap_get_search_free_list(void *v, uword *n_user_bytes_arg, uword align, uword align_offset)           
/* Find bin for objects with size at least n_user_data_bytes. */     always_inline uword     user_data_size_to_bin_index(uword n_user_data_bytes)           
1. VPP源碼分析(記憶體管理之mheap)

根據使用者請求object的size and alignment找到合适的bin(small_bin or large_bin),再從bin中找到合适的free elt

