
Windows server 2012 Administrator access denied問題Windows server 2012 Administrator access denied問題

基于ESXI5.0或5.1安裝Windows Server 2012,在除C槽外新增分區或硬碟時可能會遇到新添加的分區在administrator下無建立删除修改權限,vmware tools安裝報錯“microsoft runtime dll安裝程式未能完成安裝”等問題,解決辦法如下:

Found a solution to this issue in case it helps anyone else out. In VMware ESXi 5.0 all hard disks added to the VM will be detected as removable. To get everything working properly HotPlug capability needs to be disabled as described here:

<a href="http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&amp;cmd=displayKC&amp;externalId=1012225" target="_blank">http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&amp;cmd=displayKC&amp;externalId=1012225</a>

NICs and SCSI controllers appear as removable devices.

The Safely Remove Hardware option for the virtual hardware appears in the Windows System Tray.

If you are using VMware View, you notice that View desktops which have persistent disks are disconnecting.

This article describes how to disable the HotPlug capability on removable devices.

You can disable HotPlug capability using the vSphere Client or by editing the <code>.vmx</code> file.

Note: You can disable HotPlug capability for PCI devices such as e1000 or vmxnet2 NICs.

To disable HotPlug capability using the vSphere Client:

Connect to the ESXi/ESX host or vCenter Server using the vSphere Client.

Power off the virtual machine.

Right-click the virtual machine and click Edit Settings.

Click the Options tab.

Click General &gt; Configuration Parameters &gt; Add Row.

Insert a new row with the name <code>devices.hotplug</code> and a value of <code>false</code>.

Power on the virtual machine.

To disable HotPlug capability by editing the <code>.vmx</code> file:

Access the ESXi/ESX service console using an SSH client.

Open the virtual machine configuration file (<code>.vmx</code>) in a text editor. The default location is:


Add the line:

<code>devices.hotplug = "false"</code>

Note: This setting does not interfere with HotPlug CPU/memory.

Save and close the file.

Note: If you are using VMware View, follow one of the above procedures for the parent virtual machine first, then follow these steps:

Create a new snapshot of the parent virtual machine:

In the vSphere Client, right-click the parent virtual machine and click Snapshot &gt; Take Snapshot.

Give the snapshot a name and description.

Click OK.

Recompose the affected pools to this new snapshot:

In the View Manager console, select a pool and open it.

Click View Composer &gt; Recompose, and select the newly created snapshot.

Click Next.

Configure the Schedule and Warnings options.

Review the confirmation information.

Click Finish and verify that the recompose operation successfully completes.

Repeat the recompose procedure for all affected pools.

本文轉自 lorysun 51CTO部落格,原文連結:http://blog.51cto.com/lorysun/1309041
