
How to Convert Dynamic Disk to Basic Disk without Losing Data?

Due to the limitation of Windows Disk Management, you cannot convert dynamic disk to basic disk without data loss. It requires to delete all volumes on dynamic disk so that you can convert it to basic disk by Disk Management. And if you forget to backup data, you may suffer a huge loss then.

The following you'll find three solutions to convert dynamic disk to basic disk: use EaseUS Partition Master, Windows Disk Management and diskpart command.

<a href="http://download.easeus.com/trial/epm_trial.exe" target="_blank"> DownloadWin Version</a>

Launch EaseUS Partition Master, and go to main screen.

2. Right click the dynamic disk and choose "Convert to basic disk".

Or select dynamic disk which you want to Convert to basic disk on the disk map, Disk becomes available on the toolbar. Click "Disk " and choose "Convert to basic disk".

3. Click "Apply" to convert dynamic disk to basic disk.

Case 1: Convert dynamic disk which contains mirrored volumes to basic

You need to break mirrored volumes by Windows Disk Management and then convert dynamic disk to basic disk with the "Convert to basic disk" feature of EaseUS Partition Master.

Right click "My Computer" and choose "Manage" -&gt; "Storage" -&gt; "Disk Management", right click the mirrored volumes and choose "Break Mirrored Volume" to break mirrored volumes or choose "Remove Mirror" to remove mirror.

If the boot/system partition is on the mirrored volumes, you can only choose "Remove Mirror" to remove mirror. Please backup your important data before this operation.

Case 2: To convert dynamic disk to basic disk with Disk management

Backup all data and even volumes on the dynamic disk that you want to convert to basic.

2. Go to Disk Management, rgith-click each volume on the dynamic disk and choose "Delete Volume".

3. After deleting all volumes, right-click the empty dynamic disk and choose "Convert to basic"

You're still recommended to backup all important data and even volumes on dynamic disk which you want to convert to basic disk. Follow next steps to use diskpart command to convert dynamic disk to basic now.

1. Open a command prompt and type diskpart. At the Diskpart prompt, type: list disk. Make note of the disk number you want to convert to basic.

2. At the Diskpart prompt, type: select disk (disknumber). And then type: detail disk (diskmumber).

3. Remember volume numbers, at the Diskpart prompt type: select volume= (volumenumber), then type: delete volume.

4. At the Diskpart prompt, type: disk (disknumber). Be sure the disk number that you type in is the dynamic disk that you want to convert to basic.

5. At the Diskpart prompt, type: convert basic.


