

Support channels on IRC and mailing lists exist for Ubuntu users whose first language is not English. You are welcome to join one of these or start your own. 


An important part of the Ubuntu manifesto is your ability to use your software in your local language. Part of that is ensuring that Ubuntu includes the best translations available for the Ubuntu desktop software (and you can help to improve those translations). 


Another part of that commitment is helping to create mailing lists and IRC channels for Ubuntu users in different languages. 


If you wish to create a list or a channel in a new language, please discuss it on #ubuntu and let us know if you think you have enough people to make it a vibrant community. 


If you want to start a translation team or to join an existing one, visit TranslationTeam and write to [email protected]

如果你想建立一個翻譯團隊或想加入已有的一個,請通路TranslationTeam并發郵件到[email protected] 

If you want to start a new localized documentation team or to join an existing one, visit DocumentationTeam and write to [email protected]


如果你想建立一個新的本地化文檔團隊或加入已有的一個,請通路DocumentationTeam并發郵件到[email protected] 

* Molts usuaris catalanoparlants d'Ubuntu han decidit utilitzar la llista d'usuaris catalans de Debian, que ja té una bona comunitat al voltant. 

* Tanmateix, podeu utilitzar el canal d'IRC #debian-catalan per a trobar-vos amb altres usuaris catalanoparlants. 


* De informatiepagina van het Nederlandse Team is op the wiki. 

* IRC: #ubuntu-nl op irc.freenode.net voor Nederlandstalige ondersteuning en discussie. 

* Mailinglist: ubuntu-nl, Nederlandstalige Ubuntu-ondersteuning en discussie 


* Mailing list: Liste de discussion sur Ubuntu 

* Documentation sur le Wiki: Page de wiki FrenchDocumentation 


* IRC: #ubuntu-de on irc.freenode.net. 

* Mailing list: ubuntu-diskussion 

* Forums: German Ubuntu users forum and Ubuntu-Forum.de 

* Wiki dokumentation: Die GermanDocumentation wiki Seite 


* IRC: #ubuntu-it on irc.freenode.net per il Supporto in Italiano. 

* Mailing list: Lista della Comunita' UbunutLinux ITALIA 

* Documentaone sul wiki: Pagina wiki ItalianDocumentation 


* IRC: #ubuntu-pt on irc.freenode.net is for Portuguese discussion and support. 

* Mailing list: Portuguese-speaking Ubuntu mailing list 

* Wiki documentation: PortugueseDocumentation wiki page 


* IRC: #ubuntu-ru в сети Freenode для общения и поддержки русскоязычных пользователей Ubuntu. 

* Mailing list: список рассылки для русскоязычных пользователей. Архивы доступны через Gmane (а также в виде блога и через NNTP, NNTPS и RSS). 

* Wiki documentation: RussianDocumentation wiki page. 


* IRC: #ubuntu-es on irc.freenode.net is for Spanish discussion and support. 

* Mailing list: Asistencia para usuarios de Ubuntu 

* Website: http://www.ubuntu-es.org/ 

* Documentación en el wiki: Página de wiki SpanishDocumentation 

Hebrew and Arabic(以色列和阿拉伯語) 

* IRC: #ubuntu-il on irc.freenode.net is for Hebrew and Arabic discussion and support. 

* Wiki Documentacion: HebrewDocumentation 

* Ubuntu local Hebrew/Arabic website: http://www.ubuntulinux.org.il

本文轉自 firehare 51CTO部落格,原文連結:http://blog.51cto.com/firehare/588114,如需轉載請自行聯系原作者