
VMware 安裝/更新VMware工具


- VM Summary: VMware Tools – Running (unsupported)

選擇虛拟機>客戶機>安裝VMware工具。基礎架構用戶端裡面的虛拟機中安裝VMware Tools的ISO

- Create a directory, type in: mkdir /mnt/cdrom next you need to mount the CD-Rom drive, type in:

mount /dec/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

- The VMware Tools ISO is mounted and must be extracted, type:

cp/mnt/cdrom/VMwareTools [BUILD NUMBER ^] /tmp/

- Navigate to the tmp folder: cd /tmp/

- Type:

cd vmware-tools-distrib/

- To install the VMware Tools module type:


- The installation detected an older version of VMware Tools, to uninstall this version, type: yes      

- The installation will start, during the  installation you need to answer some questions. If you press [enter] the  installation will continue with default settings.    

- Type: yes

- VMware Host-Guest Filesystem is most of the time disabled or not isntalled, also in this installation choose: No        

Type in: No

- The installation is finished , the VMware Tools ISO will be ejected automatically

- In the vSphere inventory the VMware Tools is Running and correct installed