

{"info":{"title":{"content":"庫裡14中3變鐵匠,勇士尴尬了,下場對陣步行者還輪休嗎?","en":"Curry became a blacksmith in 3 of 14, the Warriors were embarrassed, and the next game against the Pacers was still on leave?"},"description":{"content":"勇士今天又輸球了,他們以93:102不敵對手。失敗原因是核心球員發揮不佳,尤其是庫裡,全場出戰36分鐘,20投僅6中,三...","en":"The Warriors lost again today, losing 93-102. The reason for the failure was that the core players did not play well, especially Curry, who played 36 minutes, only 6 of 20 shots, three..."}},"items":[]}