
一位對“沐浴”題材頗有建樹的西班牙畫家Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida



一位對“沐浴”題材頗有建樹的西班牙畫家Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida

沐浴之後1908,Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida(1863-1923)

一位對“沐浴”題材頗有建樹的西班牙畫家Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida

粉色浴袍1916,Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida(1863-1923)

索羅拉(1863-1923) 是一位受人尊重且高産的西班牙印象派畫家。Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida(1863-1923) is a respected and productive Spanish impressionist painter.

一位對“沐浴”題材頗有建樹的西班牙畫家Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida

索羅拉-黑色Black, 1906, Metropolitan Museum of Art,大都會藝術博物館

索羅拉很擅長描繪社會主題的肖像及風景。尤其是在他的家鄉,明亮的陽光以及陽光下的水中靈巧的人物和風景。(就簡稱“沐浴”吧)Sorolla excelled in the painting of portraits, landscapes, and monumental works of social and historical themes. His most typical works are characterized by a dexterous representation of the people and landscape under the bright sunlight of his native land and sunlit water.

一位對“沐浴”題材頗有建樹的西班牙畫家Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida

Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida,另一個瑪格麗特(Another Marguerite!), 1892.

他的第一個驚世駭俗的作品是《另一個瑪格麗特》(1892)(如上圖),該作品在馬德裡國家展覽會上獲得金獎,然後在芝加哥國際展覽會上獲得一等獎,同時,該作品被收購并随後被捐贈給位于密蘇裡州聖路易斯華盛頓大學博物館。His first striking success was achieved with 'Another Marguerite" (1892), which was awarded a gold medal at the National Exhibition in Madrid, then first prize at the Chicago International Exhibition, where it was acquired and subsequently donated to the Washington University Museum in St. Louis, Missouri.

一位對“沐浴”題材頗有建樹的西班牙畫家Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida

索羅拉于1897年創作了:顯微鏡前的西馬羅博士肖像。該作于當年在馬德裡舉辦的全國美展上展出,索羅拉獲得榮譽獎。Sorolla painted two masterpieces in 1897 linking art and science: Portrait of Dr. Simarro at the microscope and "A Research". These paintings were presented at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts held in Madrid in that year and Sorolla won the Prize of Honor.

一位對“沐浴”題材頗有建樹的西班牙畫家Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida

美國總統塔夫脫American President William Howard Taft, 1909

1909年,美國拉美裔協會委托索羅拉制作了一系列肖像畫,其中包括美國總統塔夫脫先生的肖像(上圖),這幅肖像畫是在白宮繪制的,讓人聯想到畫家和總統之間的歡樂時光。A series of portraits produced in the United States in 1909, commissioned through the Hispanic Society of America, was capped by the Portrait of Mr.Taft, President of the United States, painted at the White House, and suggestive of convivial sessions between painter and president.

一位對“沐浴”題材頗有建樹的西班牙畫家Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida

妮娜 Nina Sorolla 1904.

索羅拉作為畫家這一生是非常成功的,共繪制作品2000多幅。這其中“沐浴”的主題,真的是讓人賞心悅目。As a painter, Sorolla has been very successful in her life, drawing more than 2000 works. The theme of "sunbathing" is really pleasing to the eyes.

一位對“沐浴”題材頗有建樹的西班牙畫家Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida


一位對“沐浴”題材頗有建樹的西班牙畫家Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida


一位對“沐浴”題材頗有建樹的西班牙畫家Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida


一位對“沐浴”題材頗有建樹的西班牙畫家Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida


一位對“沐浴”題材頗有建樹的西班牙畫家Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida


一位對“沐浴”題材頗有建樹的西班牙畫家Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida



一位對“沐浴”題材頗有建樹的西班牙畫家Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida

