

{"info":{"title":{"content":"TVB曝今年頒獎提名,陳豪郭晉安争視帝,欠鐘嘉欣的視後能補上嗎","en":"TVB exposed this year's award nominations, Chen Hao Guo Jin'an competed for the emperor, and could zhong Jiaxin's vision be made up"},"description":{"content":"引子新金牌娛樂觀察家知道,TVB萬千星輝頒獎禮2021提名名單公布。需要強調一下,這是初選名單,是以入圍的人很多。你們看...","en":"Introducer New Gold Medal Entertainment Observers know that the TVB Thousand Stars Awards 2021 nomination list was announced. It should be emphasized that this is the primary list, so there are many people who are shortlisted. You see..."}},"items":[]}