
[LintCode] Parking Lot 停車場問題

Design a parking lot.

see CC150 OO Design for details.

1) <code>n</code> levels, each level has <code>m</code> rows of spots and each row has <code>k</code> spots.So each level has <code>m</code> x <code>k</code> spots.

2) The parking lot can park motorcycles, cars and buses

3) The parking lot has motorcycle spots, compact spots, and large spots

4) Each row, motorcycle spots id is in range<code>[0,k/4)(0 is included, k/4 is not included)</code>, compact spots id is in range <code>[k/4,k/4*3)</code> and large spots id is in range <code>[k/4*3,k)</code>.

5) A motorcycle can park in any spot

6) A car park in single compact spot or large spot

7) A bus can park in five large spots that are consecutive and within same row. it can not park in small spots

Have you met this question in a real interview? 



level=1, num_rows=1, spots_per_row=11

parkVehicle("Motorcycle_1") // return true

parkVehicle("Car_1") // return true

parkVehicle("Car_2") // return true

parkVehicle("Car_3") // return true

parkVehicle("Car_4") // return true

parkVehicle("Car_5") // return true

parkVehicle("Bus_1") // return false


parkVehicle("Bus_1") // return true


上一篇: 10.2. License
下一篇: 第 11 章 Route
