


$ cat ooerr.bat

@@echo off

rem disp oracle error

rem /bin/grep ^10[0-9][0-9][0-9] $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/mesg/oraus.msg | grep -i %1%


grep ^10[0-9][0-9][0-9] D:\app\oracle\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\RDBMS\mesg\oraus.msg | grep -i %1%


D:\tools\rlwrap>ooerr undo

ooerr undo

/    aho        10/23/92 - add event to test truncate index undo (10603)

/    wbridge    01/13/92 - add event 10300 to avoid undo compatibility check

10015, 00000, "Undo Segment Recovery"

10016, 00000, "Undo Segment extend"

10017, 00000, "Undo Segment Wrap"

10023, 00000, "Create Save Undo Segment"

10024, 00000, "Write to Save Undo"

10026, 00000, "Apply Save Undo"

10041, 00000, "dump undo records skipped"

10044, 00000, "free list undo operations"

10048, 00000, "Undo segment shrink"

10201, 00000, "consistent read undo application"

10218, 00000, "dump uba of applied undo"

10221, 00000, "show changes done with undo"

10226, 00000, "trace CR applications of undo for data operations"

10251, 00000, "check consistency of transaction table and undo block"

10291, 00000, "die in tbsdrv to test control file undo"

10449, 00000, "enable trace of kst for undo manageability features diagnostics"

10511, 00000, "turn off SMON check to cleanup undo dictionary"

D:\tools\rlwrap>ooerr 10046

10046, 00000, "enable SQL statement timing"