
Threejs 官網 - 檢測使用 three.js 時的 WebGL 和浏覽器相容性(Detecting WebGL and browser compatibility with three.js)檢測使用 three.js 時的 WebGL 和浏覽器相容性(Detecting WebGL and browser compatibility with three.js)

檢測使用 three.js 時的 WebGL 和浏覽器相容性(Detecting WebGL and browser compatibility with three.js)

<a target="_blank" href="http://blog.csdn.net/opengl_es">轉載請保留此句:太陽火神的美麗人生 -  本部落格專注于 靈活開發及移動和物聯裝置研究:iOS、Android、Html5、Arduino、pcDuino,否則,出自本部落格的文章拒絕轉載或再轉載,謝謝合作。</a>

Not all browsers support WebGL, in fact only chrome and firefox work with three.js WebGLRenderer currently. iOS works with the canvas renderer and although IE9 supports canvas, it doesn't support workers so currently isn't supported.


A solution
