
Python網絡爬蟲3 ---- ubuntu下安裝爬蟲架構scrapy

Don’t use the python-scrapy package provided by Ubuntu, they are typically too old and slow to catch up with latest Scrapy.

for you and are continuously updated with the latest bug fixes.

第一步: 為了安裝這個packages,在ubuntu下運作 lsb_release -cs,顯示

Python網絡爬蟲3 ---- ubuntu下安裝爬蟲架構scrapy

第二步: 現在需要做的就是用vi添加 deb http://archive.scrapy.org/ubuntu precise main 到 /etc/apt/sources.list中去

Python網絡爬蟲3 ---- ubuntu下安裝爬蟲架構scrapy

第三步: 然後運作 curl -s http://archive.scrapy.org/ubuntu/archive.key | sudo apt-key add - 

第四步:再更新源 sudo apt-get update

第五步:最後安裝  sudo apt-get install scrapy-0.1X,可選擇不同版本,我安裝的是0.16

Python網絡爬蟲3 ---- ubuntu下安裝爬蟲架構scrapy