
Putin "apologized" to the teachers and students of the Harbin Institute of Technology: I will leave immediately, sorry for bothering everyone!

author:Xiao Yang tweeted

On May 17, Putin set foot at Harbin Institute of Technology and had a unique exchange with teachers and students. In this dialogue, a Russian student who loves Putin asks the president with admiration: How can you cultivate the quality of perseverance and lead to success, just like you?

Putin "apologized" to the teachers and students of the Harbin Institute of Technology: I will leave immediately, sorry for bothering everyone!

When Putin heard the question, he showed a rare shy side. He covered his mouth lightly, and his cheeks flushed with a faint flush, this small gesture instantly amused the audience, and applause and laughter were intertwined.

Putin "apologized" to the teachers and students of the Harbin Institute of Technology: I will leave immediately, sorry for bothering everyone!

Putin adjusted his mood and responded with humor: "I don't know how these excellent qualities suddenly appeared in me. But to be honest, I, like everyone else, still have a lot to do and still need to work hard. Perhaps, when we learn to look at ourselves critically and believe that we have more to do and struggle for, success will come unexpectedly. ”

Putin "apologized" to the teachers and students of the Harbin Institute of Technology: I will leave immediately, sorry for bothering everyone!

In this exchange, Putin also showed his humble side. When talking about the strict security measures taken because of his visit, he apologized to the teachers and students of Harbin Institute of Technology: "I saw that Harbin has taken such strict security measures for my arrival, which has undoubtedly caused inconvenience to everyone's life. I know that the local comrades are very dedicated and have put in a lot of hard work. I'm very sorry for that. The good news is that we'll be leaving soon, no longer bothering everyone. ”

These sincere and humble words made the teachers and students present feel Putin's approachability. He is not only a dignified national leader, but also a pro-people president who knows how to respect others and cares about people's livelihood. This exchange not only enhanced the friendship between the Chinese and Russian peoples, but also demonstrated Putin's unique personal charm.
