
Don't you dare to be a little darker! Do you dare to take away the lives of ordinary people directly!

author:Xiao Yang tweeted

Under the light and justice, there are such dark corners! The compensation for land requisition, which was supposed to be used to properly resettle and compensate those people who depend on the land for their lives, was diverted by some district leaders to buy high-risk wealth management products. This kind of behavior is so bad that it is simply outrageous! They not only deprived the people of the land on which they depended for their livelihood - 1,297 villagers, a total of 169.383 acres of fertile land, but also deceived the people in the process of selling the land, and even represented the will of all the villagers with only the signatures of a dozen people.

Don't you dare to be a little darker! Do you dare to take away the lives of ordinary people directly!

These officials keep saying that "it is very complicated, and I am afraid that the common people will not understand it," but in fact they are just an excuse for their selfishness. They blatantly betray the interests of the common people, but hide the truth from the common people; They take the money of the common people to risk investment, but do not care about the livelihood of the common people. This kind of high-interest financial management is tantamount to a gamble, making money quickly and losing money faster. In just three years, the 30 million yuan may be wiped out. The end result will be that the common people will lose their land and compensation, while the greedy officials will be in their own pockets and continue their luxurious lives!

Don't you dare to be a little darker! Do you dare to take away the lives of ordinary people directly!

Such examples all reveal how serious the abuse of power has been in some places. We must be vigilant and expose this kind of behavior that harms the interests of the people and enriches our own pockets, and let the light of justice illuminate every corner!

Don't you dare to be a little darker! Do you dare to take away the lives of ordinary people directly!
Don't you dare to be a little darker! Do you dare to take away the lives of ordinary people directly!
Don't you dare to be a little darker! Do you dare to take away the lives of ordinary people directly!


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