
Sanyuanli fired the "first shot of the ban on electricity", and the people applauded. Apologize to Judge Chen!

author:Qingqing said something

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A year ago, Guangzhou judge Chen Haiyi's proposal to restrict electric vehicles was met with overwhelming criticism and even personal attacks. A year later, the Sanyuanli Village Committee of Guangdong Province introduced a regulation prohibiting electric vehicles from entering the village, but it was widely supported and recognized by public opinion. This obvious change in attitude reflects the profound changes in people's perception of electric vehicles.

Sanyuanli fired the "first shot of the ban on electricity", and the people applauded. Apologize to Judge Chen!

Should we apologize for the overly harsh criticism of Judge Chan a year ago, and draw lessons from Sanyuanli's initiatives to further promote the standardized management of electric vehicles and usher in a new era of electric vehicles?

A year after Judge Chen was besieged, Sanyuanli led the public opinion turn

Judge Chen Haiyi of Guangzhou City, in her capacity as a deputy to the National People's Congress, put forward a proposal to restrict electric vehicles, the main contents of which include: prohibiting electric vehicles from entering the sidewalk, one-way streets going in the wrong direction, and restricting electric vehicles from entering the city. As soon as this suggestion came out, it was immediately strongly condemned on the Internet.

Sanyuanli fired the "first shot of the ban on electricity", and the people applauded. Apologize to Judge Chen!

Public opinion believes that this proposal focuses on traffic order one-sidedly, does not consider the needs of the majority of electric vehicle users, and is "bullying" the people. What's more, the physical assault on Judge Chan himself caused her great pain.

In the past year alone, Sanyuanli Village in Guangdong Province has introduced a total ban on electric vehicles entering the village this year, but the public opinion reaction is completely different. Most of the netizens and media comments expressed their support and understanding, believing that although this regulation is strict but necessary,

It can effectively solve the problems of indiscriminate parking and charging fire of electric vehicles. This apparent change in attitudes is a clear indication that the perception of electric vehicles has changed.

Sanyuanli fired the "first shot of the ban on electricity", and the people applauded. Apologize to Judge Chen!

The problem is highlighted by the surge in the number of electric vehicles

In the past year, the number of electric vehicles has continued to grow rapidly, from 35 million to about 50 million, almost half of the total number of cars in China. The rapid expansion of the number has led to a growing problem with electric vehicles:

Parking is disorderly, occupying the road and walking randomly. The random parking of electric vehicles obstructs the passage of roads and pedestrians, which has become a big problem in urban management. Charging fires are frequent. There has been a significant increase in the number of fires during EV charging, with some fires even causing serious casualties.

Traffic violations are frequent. Electric vehicles often drive in the wrong direction, run red lights, etc., which also leads to many traffic accidents. The city is overloaded with capacity. The number of electric vehicles is so numerous that it has exceeded the carrying capacity of many cities. It becomes a major factor in traffic congestion.

Sanyuanli fired the "first shot of the ban on electricity", and the people applauded. Apologize to Judge Chen!

The prominence of these problems has made the public realize that the rapid development of electric vehicles does need to be regulated and restricted, and can no longer be left to their own devices. Sanyuanli's move is in line with this shift in public opinion.

The need for EV management is imminent

While electric vehicles bring convenience to life, the problems that come with them are also worrying. The rapid growth of electric vehicles has exceeded the planning of many cities, and management measures need to be introduced as soon as possible to guide and constrain:

Strict purchase restriction policy. Implement a permit system for the purchase of electric vehicles in cities with too many ownership to prevent excessive growth. Demarcate no-go zones. Electric vehicles are prohibited in densely populated city centers and old towns to protect other traffic.

Sanyuanli fired the "first shot of the ban on electricity", and the people applauded. Apologize to Judge Chen!

Define the parking area. Add dedicated parking spaces for electric vehicles to avoid indiscriminate parking. Strengthen charging management. Strictly implement the charging safety operation procedures to prevent fires. Improve traffic rules. Establish special traffic rules for electric vehicles and regulate their driving routes.

6. Increase the force of law enforcement. Increase the punishment of violations of electric vehicles to deter non-standard behavior. Carry out publicity and education. Let users consciously abide by the regulations and improve the degree of civilization of electric vehicles.

Actively and steadily promote the governance of electric vehicles

The standardized management of electric vehicles is imminent, but it also needs to be promoted with a rational and peaceful attitude, which cannot be achieved overnight. Proactive and prudent practices include:

Sanyuanli fired the "first shot of the ban on electricity", and the people applauded. Apologize to Judge Chen!

Pay attention to consultation and public opinion. Before formulating policies, the opinions of the people should be fully listened to and social consensus should be sought. Categorical policy. The situation is different in different cities, and management should be promoted according to local conditions.

Step-by-step pilot. It can be piloted in individual regions first, and then gradually expanded in scope. Strengthen the package. At the same time as the restriction, special parking spaces for electric vehicles, charging piles and other facilities should be added.

Optimize incentives. Reasonable subsidies, incentives and other measures can guide users to switch to other green travel methods. Monitor adjustments. According to the implementation effect, we will continue to optimize and improve the policy to make it more reasonable and effective.

Sanyuanli fired the "first shot of the ban on electricity", and the people applauded. Apologize to Judge Chen!

Establish a sense of citizenship and build a civilized travel together

The regulation of electric vehicles needs to be led by the government, but it also requires the conscious support and participation of the public, which requires every citizen to establish a sense of civilized travel. We should understand that there are problems with electric vehicles that need to be solved, and the need to support orderly management.

Consciously abide by the relevant regulations, do not park indiscriminately, charge indiscriminately, drive illegally, and persuade others to practice together. Only when the government and the public work together can a civilized and sustainable travel order be established.

While the rapid development of electric vehicles has brought convenience to life, there have also been various negative problems. As the problem has become prominent, the public's perception of electric vehicles has also changed. The heated discussion caused by the "ban on electricity" in Sanyuanli can be regarded as the opening of a new chapter in the management of electric vehicles.

Sanyuanli fired the "first shot of the ban on electricity", and the people applauded. Apologize to Judge Chen!

This is not only an indirect atonement for Judge Chan's suggestion a year ago, but also a manifestation of social progress. Let's line up to express our sincere apologies to Judge Chen, and at the same time, have a rational discussion on the issue of standardized management of electric vehicles, and jointly promote the opening of a new era of electric vehicles with a positive and prudent attitude.

The whole network has been opened to protect rights, and plagiarism is not allowed, and offenders will be prosecuted. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

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