
Gas stations made more than 3.2 million profits from cheating with software? was fined 2,000 yuan, and the comment area was completely fried!

author:Life is not very exciting

Gas stations made more than 3.2 million profits from cheating with software? The Market Supervision Bureau abused its power and fined 2,000 yuan, and netizens were indignant!

Gas stations made more than 3.2 million profits from cheating with software? was fined 2,000 yuan, and the comment area was completely fried!

It seems to be a punishment, but it actually encourages breaking the law?

Recently, a piece of news about gas stations using software to cheat and profit more than 3.2 million has attracted widespread attention. However, what is even more shocking is that the Market Supervision Bureau only fined 2,000 yuan and confiscated the illegal gains and four pieces of refueling equipment. Such a punishment has aroused the dissatisfaction and doubts of the majority of netizens, and they have sighed: Has encouraging illegal behavior become the new normal?

Gas stations made more than 3.2 million profits from cheating with software? was fined 2,000 yuan, and the comment area was completely fried!

Demystifying gas station software cheating

According to reports, some gas stations use software to cheat, and it was found that the computer equipment and software suspected of having the function of human intervention in the gas station business hall were found at the scene, and the relevant personnel reproduced it on the spot! The gas station business hall in question illegally obtained a profit of more than 3.2 million yuan. Such illegal acts not only harm the rights and interests of consumers, but also disrupt the market order. Of course, it's a good thing that someone breaks the law and someone checks! But the fine and punishment of the Market Supervision Bureau provoked public anger! However, when the AMR intervened in the investigation, they only fined the gas station 2,000 yuan and confiscated the illegal gains. I don't know who this seemingly "severe" punishment is an insult to! Besides, can the money of the car owners who were cheated by them be returned? What about co-authoring here? When there is no money, improve local finances through this method? Penalty gas station 2,000 for pretending? Co-authoring is to tell those people that they can do this, what's the point? Selling point: pesticide residues, vegetables can be fined more than 100,000 yuan for illegal profits? Selling oil for illegal profits of several million and a fine of two thousand? This is the reality, next time you can simply sell oil, don't eat vegetables, drink oil!

Gas stations made more than 3.2 million profits from cheating with software? was fined 2,000 yuan, and the comment area was completely fried!

Netizens are indignant and encourage breaking the law to become the new normal?

This penalty decision of the Market Supervision Bureau has aroused the indignation and doubts of the majority of netizens. Many netizens said that such a punishment obviously cannot have a deterrent effect, but will encourage more businesses to take advantage of loopholes to act illegally. They believe that stricter penalties should be imposed on violators in order to maintain the market order of fair competition. The incident has also raised questions about the SAMR's regulatory capabilities and credibility. Is such a punishment worthy of the victims? For illegal acts involving huge profits, the Market Supervision Bureau only understated the superficial punishment, which is unacceptable! In other words, it is only the common people who suffer!

Gas stations made more than 3.2 million profits from cheating with software? was fined 2,000 yuan, and the comment area was completely fried!

Netizens are hotly discussed!

Netizen: I don't feel right about this result, shouldn't I return the money to the consumer? You want to fine 2,000 and keep it, you confiscate it, where does the money go in the end, and who will go to the loss of customers who are refueling? In addition, a fine of two thousand is an understatement, and three million and two hundred thousand for normal operation should not be investigated for criminal responsibility?

Gas stations made more than 3.2 million profits from cheating with software? was fined 2,000 yuan, and the comment area was completely fried!

Netizen: 1: Shouldn't the extra money collected by the illegal person be returned to the consumer? How did you confiscate things at will? 2: As for the fine, 2,000 yuan, it is not painful, is the cost of violating the law too low? Why not a fine of 300,000 500,000? Let the cost of breaking the law be unbearable for profiteers, and will he dare to do such a thing to defraud consumers easily?

Gas stations made more than 3.2 million profits from cheating with software? was fined 2,000 yuan, and the comment area was completely fried!

Netizen: So it's equivalent to a gas station being fined 2,000 yuan? The 3.2 million illegal gains belonged to all consumers who had refueled, and finally nationalized, why does it look a little awkward?

Gas stations made more than 3.2 million profits from cheating with software? was fined 2,000 yuan, and the comment area was completely fried!

Netizen: It's legal, but I don't know if it's reasonable or not!

Netizen: The confiscated belongs to yourself, and the fine of 2,000 yuan is harmless to the gas station, which is to encourage the gas station to commit it again, and next time it will be better to fill your own pocket!

Gas stations made more than 3.2 million profits from cheating with software? was fined 2,000 yuan, and the comment area was completely fried!

Netizen: A fine of 2,000?! It is natural to confiscate illegal gains, and a fine of 2,000 is also imposed, what does this make the company think? Continue after the rumors?

Gas stations made more than 3.2 million profits from cheating with software? was fined 2,000 yuan, and the comment area was completely fried!

Netizen: I don't know who to laugh at!

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