
Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

author:Shushan History Road
Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon


In the era when there are many heroes and heroes in Liangshan, choosing a suitable leader has become the focus of everyone. Although Song Jiang, Chao Gai, Lu Zhishen and others have their own martial arts, they are not strong enough to manage the good situation of Liangshan.

So, who is up to the task of the lord of Yangsan? Perhaps, this question is like an intricate chess game, and every move is related to the fate of the entire cottage.

On the stage of history, there are many heroes and heroes, but what can really become a leader is probably not by virtue of temporary heroism and bravery, but also by possessing outstanding wisdom and leadership skills. Today, let's discuss together, who is capable of the important task of the lord of Liangshan and bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

1. The fatal flaws of Wang Lun, Chao Gai and Song Jiang

Liangshanbo has experienced three village owners: Wang Lun, Chao Gai and Song Jiang. For these three people, although they all had a certain prestige and strength at that time, they couldn't really control Liangshan and give Liangshan and the heroes a happy ending.

As the first owner of the village, Wang Lun's narrow-mindedness and the kindness of a woman were his fatal flaws. At that time, although Lin Chong was troubled by Wang Lun, the other party always connived at Lin Chong's presumptuous behavior, which would inevitably cause dissatisfaction among the other brothers.

In the end, Wang Lun died in Liangshan under the joint efforts of Lin Chong, Chao Gai and others. It can be said that Wang Lun's failure mainly stemmed from his over-benevolence and his inability to deal with internal contradictions.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

After Wang Lun, Liangshan ushered in the second owner of the village, Chao Gai. Compared with Wang Lun, Chao Gai undoubtedly attaches more importance to brotherhood and is very righteous towards friends. He first accepted Lin Chong, who killed Wang Lun, and gave him an important position; When Song Jiang was in distress, Chao Gai did not hesitate to go to the rescue.

But it was this unguarded character that eventually led to Chao Gai's death. When he wanted to fight for his own right to speak, he was unfortunately killed. This fully shows that even if Chao Gai has a righteous heart, as the owner of the village, he still needs to have certain power and means.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

As for Song Jiang, the last owner of the village, he is undoubtedly the most cunning of the three. He is good at weaving myths and stories, portraying himself as an upright man, but in fact, his inner ambition has long been hidden. After gaining a certain strength and status, Song Jiang began to recruit An, trying to achieve his goals in this way.

Although he eventually led the heroes of Liangshan to the end, the ending was still not very satisfying. It can be said that Song Jiang's fatal flaw is that he pays too much attention to superficial kung fu and ignores his inner ambitions, which makes his way of life seem a bit hypocritical.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

Second, Lu Zhishen and Li Jun, who can lead Liangshan to glory again?

Since Wang Lun, Chao Gai and Song Jiang have failed to become the perfect Liangshan Cottage owner, who else can be up to the task? Among the heroes of Liangshan, Lu Zhishen and Li Jun are both high-profile figures.

Lu Zhishen, as the owner of Erlong Mountain, can be said to have quite good management ability. He has right-hand men like Wu Song and Yang Zhi under him, and his internal management is well organized. Moreover, in terms of external relations, Erlongshan also maintains good cooperation with other mountains. It can be said that in the game between the mountains, Lu Zhishen's means are also quite good.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

However, Lu Zhishen also has a fatal flaw, that is, it is difficult for him to unify all the heroes in Liangshan. As a flower monk who is addicted to alcohol, Lu Zhishen obviously can't bear those annoying political battles and red tape.

If he was allowed to preside over the affairs of Liangshan, it is estimated that he would have been tired of it for a long time, and he might even directly kill half of the heroes of Liangshan. In this way, Liangshan will inevitably fall into a civil war and eventually be completely annihilated by the imperial court.

On the other hand, Li Jun, as the leader of Xunyangjiang's private business, has undoubtedly made great achievements in business management. After going to Liangshan, he served as the governor of the navy, which shows that he also has certain skills in military affairs. But Lee's greatest strength lies in his way of thinking, which is both flexible and capable of generating unique ideas. This kind of divergent thinking is exactly what Yangsan needs.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

At the time of the final fall of Liangshan, Li Jun led Tong Wei, Tong Meng and others to fly away and eventually became the king of Siam. That's where his vision comes in. If Li Jun can become the owner of Liangshan, he will be able to lead all the heroes to create a new world with his strategy and courage, instead of finally falling into the stars.

It is for this reason that the author believes that if you have to choose the most suitable candidate to serve as the owner of the village among all the heroes in Liangshan, it must be Li Jun. He not only has management skills, but more importantly, he has great ambitions and a forward-thinking way of thinking, which is exactly what Liang Shan lacks.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

3. Song Jiang: An ambitious hypocrite

Among the many heroes of Liangshan, Song Jiang is undoubtedly the most controversial one. On the surface, he can be said to be a chivalrous and righteous man, but in fact, his inner ambition has long controlled his behavior.

Initially, Song Jiang, like the other brothers, entered Liangshan by robbing property. But then he began to receive more and more manpower, including officers who had fled from the imperial court, as well as some large landowners. This is obviously all to expand their strength and discourse.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

After Chao Gai's death, Song Jiang began his own road to recruitment. On the surface, he wanted to seek a stable home for the Liangshan brothers, but in fact, this was undoubtedly an important means for him to realize his ambitions. We can see from Song Jiang's own poems that he is unwilling and radical in his heart:

"Since childhood, I have studied history, and I have the power to plan when I grow up. Just like a tiger lying on a barren hill, lurking minions to endure. Unfortunately, the cheeks of the stabbing are worthy of being in Jiangzhou. If he has revenge, blood stains the mouth of the Xunyang River. "

Such poems undoubtedly reveal Song Jiang's inner unwillingness and ambition. Although he is discussing his fate on the surface, he is undoubtedly longing for the day when he can show his strength and dominate the world.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

In the process of recruiting An, Song Jiang even did not hesitate to betray his brother, such as framing the straightforward Chao Gai. This fully shows how strong his ambition is in his heart, so much so that he doesn't even care about his own brotherhood.

In the end, although Song Jiang led the heroes of Liangshan to the end, the ending was still not satisfactory. Although he got what he wanted and became a hero of the imperial court, the endings of the heroes of Liangshan ended tragically. This undoubtedly also shows Song Jiang's failure as a village owner, he pays too much attention to the surface work, but ignores the real needs of the heart.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

Fourth, Chao Gai: A martyr with a full sense of justice

Unlike Song Jiang, Chao Gai is undoubtedly a more righteous figure. The heroes of Liangshan under him all have deep respect and trust for him.

At the beginning, after Chao Gai took over as the owner of the village, the first thing he did was to publicly reward the spoils of the brothers. This undoubtedly shows that he attaches importance to brotherhood and is unwilling to swallow all the results of the battle alone. Even so, he was resented by some of his brothers. This once again proves that there are also some small abacus among the heroes of Liangshan, which are not as innocent as they appear on the surface.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

In later stories, we can also see the importance that Chao Gai attaches to his friends. For example, when Lin Chong killed Wang Lun, Chao Gai did not hesitate to put him in the fourth position; When Song Jiang was in distress, Chao Gai went to the rescue regardless of his life. This emphasis on brotherhood has undoubtedly become one of his strengths.

However, it is this overly affectionate character that has also become Chao Gai's fatal flaw. When he finally realized that he needed to fight for his own voice, he unfortunately encountered a plot. It can be said that Chao Gai was too innocent and ignored the wolves and sheep around him, and finally became a tragic hero.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

5. Lu Zhishen: A wild knight who does not want to be tied up

Among the many heroes of Liangshan, Lu Zhishen is undoubtedly the most maverick. Although he was also an important pillar of Liangshan, he never wanted to become the owner of the village.

Lu Zhishen is a complete wild chivalrous man, and he doesn't like cumbersome political struggles and bureaucracy at all. For him, the most important thing is to be able to drink to his heart's content, instead of worrying about these annoying affairs of Liangshan.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that it is difficult for Lu Zhishen to become a qualified village owner. If he was really allowed to preside over Liangshan's affairs, I believe he would be too tired to do it, and he might even kill half of Liangshan's heroes directly. After all, in his eyes, those so-called sense of justice and responsibility are not as tempting as a glass of wine.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

However, we cannot deny Lu Zhishen's advantages in some aspects. He has right-hand men like Wu Song and Yang Zhi under him, and his internal management is well organized. Moreover, in terms of external relations, Erlongshan also maintains good cooperation with other mountains. It can be said that in the game between the mountains, Lu Zhishen's means are also quite good.

It's just that these advantages are obviously useless in the face of such a big situation in Liangshan. Because Lu Zhishen doesn't want to be restrained by these affairs at all, he just wants to live to the fullest, instead of worrying about those cumbersome political affairs.

Therefore, even if Lu Zhishen does have some advantages in some aspects, he is not a qualified Liangshanzhai master after all. His overly free and wild personality makes it difficult for him to really control such a huge group as Liangshan. This is also his biggest flaw.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

6. Li Jun: A visionary businessman

Among the many heroes of Liangshan, Li Jun is undoubtedly the most far-sighted. As the leader of Xunyangjiang's private business, he has made great achievements in business management. After going to Liangshan, he served as the governor of the navy, which shows that he also has certain skills in military affairs.

But Li Jun's biggest strength lies in his unique way of thinking. He is both flexible and capable of generating unique ideas. This kind of divergent thinking is exactly what Yangsan needs.

At the time of the final fall of Liangshan, Li Jun led Tong Wei, Tong Meng and others to fly away and eventually became the king of Siam. That's where his vision comes in. If Li Jun can become the owner of Liangshan, he will be able to lead all the heroes to create a new world with his strategy and courage, instead of finally falling into the stars.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?

Unlike other village owners, Li Jun has a more ambitious blueprint for the future of Liangshan. He understood that under the attack of the imperial court and other powerful forces, it would be difficult for Liangshan to survive on his own. So he chose to find another way, leading all the heroes to fly away and create a new world.

This kind of advanced way of thinking is exactly what Liang Shan lacks. The other villagers are either too simple and direct, or too cunning and insidious, and it is difficult to really lead Liangshan to glory. And only Li Jun can truly give full play to the potential of Liangshan heroes and create a new development space for them.

It's a pity that Li Jun didn't become the owner of Liangshan in the end. Maybe he was too conceited about his ability, or maybe it was the jealousy of other village owners, in short, Li Jun could only choose to go to sea on his own in the end. But even so, he still made a deep impression and became the most visionary of the heroes of Liangshan.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, who can be the lord of Liangshan to bring glory and wealth to Liangshan?


Song Jiang, Chao Gai, Lu Zhishen and others, although they all have their own unique advantages, they failed to become real leaders in the end. Only Li Jun, with his foresight, finally chose another way out and created his own kingdom.

Perhaps, the heroes of Liangshan are destined to not be able to obtain a peaceful and prosperous era under the suppression of the imperial court. But as long as there are people like Li Jun who have advanced thinking, they will never give up the pursuit of freedom and ideals.

This is the true connotation of Liangshan's story: even if they fail to change their fate in the end, as long as there are still people who are unwilling to be mediocre, they will one day create their own glory in another world.

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