
Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, which hero is the owner of the village, and Liangshan can have a good future?

author:Read books and enlighten the Tao

Shuibo Liangshan has had three village owners: Wang Lun, Chao Gai and Song Jiang, but judging from the results, they are actually the same, and they did not give the Liangshan brothers a good ending.

In addition to Song Jiang, among the other 107 heroes, there are actually two heroes who are still more suitable to be the boss, so among the two of them, who can give the Liangshan brothers a good future?

Let's first look at where the three successive village owners have lost, and then see why the other two heroes are suitable, and who is more suitable?

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, which hero is the owner of the village, and Liangshan can have a good future?

01 Wang Lun, Chao Gai and Song Jiang's major flaws

Wang Lun was the first owner of Shuibo Liangshan, and died in the hands of Lin Chong not long after he became a village. Why did he die at the hands of a man he looked down on, that's where his real flaw lies.

What kind of person is Wang Lun, the author only made a conclusion in the form of a poem in the nineteenth chapter, but he did not say it clearly before that, so why does everyone think that he is narrow-minded? The prejudiced evaluation of Wang Lun originally came from Lin Chong's mouth.

Because Lin Chong was angry with him, he was made difficult when he joined the gang, and he couldn't do what he wanted after going to Liangshan, so Lin Chong hated him to the core, and he was about to catch up with Gao Yu.

But in another way of thinking, in Chai Jin's eyes, he must not be such a person, when Chai Jin and Lin Chong talked about Liangshan, he said, "The three heroes are also good friends with me", which means that they have a good relationship, and with Chai Jin's attitude towards Hong Jiaotou, it can be inferred that in Chai Jin's eyes, Wang Lun is at least not in the same category as Hong Jiaotou, so he recommended Lin Chong to go.

In Lin Chong's eyes, Wang Lun was jealous and narrow-minded, because he asked for something and couldn't ask for it, so he hated it.

After Chao Gai, Wu Yong and other seven people went to Liangshan, they also asked Wang Lun, but Wang Lun's attitude was the same as Lin Chong's attitude when he went to Liangshan, and he also refused.

Similarly, in the eyes of Chao Gai and others, Wang Lun is also a damned character, but in the end, Wang Lun's death is not only his own responsibility, but also the result of the game between Lin Chong and Chao Gai and others.

Lin Chong wanted to kill Wang Lun for more than a day or two, he was waiting for an opportunity, and Wu Yong took advantage of his psychology to promote the fire and Wang Lun.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, which hero is the owner of the village, and Liangshan can have a good future?

In fact, if Lin Chong didn't do it, Chao Gai and the other seven people could also overturn Wang Lun and a few people, and Lin Chong showed loyalty in the middle of the night, in fact, an agreement had been reached between them, that is, the ranking of seats after Wang Lun's death, so that everyone had leeway and capital to stay in Liangshan.

So, what are Wang Lun's flaws? Four words: the kindness of the woman.

These four words are also Han Xin's evaluation of Xiang Yu, this defect is most obvious at the Hongmen banquet, and Xiang Yu made this mistake.

For Wang Lun, if he wanted to save his life, he had to refuse Lin Chong at the beginning, and there was no need to hesitate. As for Chao Gai and the other seven people, they should not have been left overnight at all.

After Chao Gai became the owner of the village, he died not long after, why? This is also where his flaws lie.

Chao Gai is a rough person, not so many flowery intestines, and the robbery of Shengchengang was also kidnapped by Liu Tang, Wu Yong and others, it can be seen that Chao Gai was originally a more decent person.

Chao Gai is not only decent, but also affectionate and righteous to his friends. Lin Chong killed Wang Lun, and Chao Gai let him sit in fourth place; Song Jiang helped him escape, and after he settled, he sent money to Song Jiang; Song Jiang was in trouble in Jiangzhou, and Chao Gai traveled thousands of miles to rob the Dharma field, and he basically went with his head.

After Song Jiang was rescued, he was about to take revenge, and Chao Gai also relied on it; After going to Liangshan, Chao Gai basically obeyed Song Jiang, and who was the boss had become a problem.

When he realized this problem and wanted to fight for his top spot, he was unfortunately killed.

It is not difficult to see the defects of Chao Gai, three words, that is, no defense.

After Chao Gai's death, Song Jiang ascended to the throne, as an eight-sided and exquisite character, does he also have flaws? Absolutely.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, which hero is the owner of the village, and Liangshan can have a good future?

Song Jiang focuses on a "chivalrous battle", but this was before Chao Gai's death, and after Chao Gai's death, everything changed.

Before he went to Liangshan, because he killed Yan Poxi, he took refuge in Huarong, and then received a wave of people, such as Qin Ming, Qingfeng Mountain, Shadow Mountain, etc.; When he traveled from Yuncheng County, Shandong Province to Jiangzhou, he received another wave of heroes along the way, such as Jieyang Sanba and so on.

In the end, when he went to Liangshan, his capital was already thick, and his right to speak was already enough, which was enough to check and balance Chao Gai.

After Chao Gai's death, he received another wave of imperial court officers and large landowners Lu Junyi, and then began his official road to recruitment.

Why did Song Jiang want to recruit An? Of course, the theme of the novel is one reason, and the other reason is that he has always wanted to get ahead, you see that he wrote poems on the walls of Jiangzhou, which is called a domineering!

From his poems, we can see his depression and madness.

"Since childhood, I have studied history, and I have the power to plan when I grow up.

Just like a tiger lying on a barren hill, lurking minions to endure.

Unfortunately, the cheeks of the stabbing are worthy of being in Jiangzhou.

If he has revenge, blood stains the mouth of the Xunyang River. ”

"The heart is in Shandong, the body is in Wu, and the river and the sea are screaming.

If he is Ling Yunzhi, he dares to laugh at Huang Chao's husband. ”

His wish was finally fulfilled through Liang Shanbo's brothers, but in the end he also died?

It can also be seen that Song Jiang's defects, in fact, he is far inferior to Huangchao, the Huangchao uprising is because "the people are in exile, there is nowhere to complain", in a strict sense, the Liangshan rebellion is not a peasant uprising, their slogan is problematic: for the heavens, loyalty and righteousness, this is not a rebellion, he is helping the court to maintain social order, acting as a security guard.

Therefore, in the eyes of the imperial court, Song Jiang and other Liangshan heroes are more hateful than peasant uprisings, but the essence of thieves claims to be good ministers, which can also be summarized Song Jiang's defect in eight words, eating in the bowl and looking at the pot.

Since Wang Lun, Chao Gai, and Song Jiang can't let the Liangshan brothers really live a happy life, who among the heroes of Liangshan has this ability?

Let's take a look at Lu Zhishen and Li Jun.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, which hero is the owner of the village, and Liangshan can have a good future?

02 Lu Zhishen and Li Jun, who can give the Liangshan brothers a good future?

We know that Liangshan is a combination of multiple mountains, in addition to Shuibo Liangshan, the second most influential mountain is Erlong Mountain.

The owner of Erlongshan is Lu Zhishen, and there are two right-hand men under him, Wu Song and Yang Zhi, and the three of them have partnered to run Erlongshan well, which at least shows that Lu Zhishen's coordination and communication skills are still okay.

The internal is not chaotic, the external relationship is also good, Peach Blossom Mountain, Baihu Mountain and Erlong Mountain are in the same Qingzhou boundary, they also take care of each other, one side is in trouble, and the two sides come to help.

It can be seen that in the Qingzhou territory, Lu Zhishen, the owner of the village, still has a lot of face.

In addition, on Liangshan, Lu Zhishen also has foreign aid, that is, Lin Chong, he saved Lin Chong's life, and Lin Chong himself has a dual identity, he is not only the veteran of the Liangshan generation, but also the hero of the second generation of Liang, if Lu Zhishen is the leader, Lin Chong must be his good helper.

Moreover, he was also the leader after going to Liangshan, and together with Wu Song, he controlled the management of the infantry army, and he also had a certain influence.

But Lu Zhishen has a hard injury, he can manage the lower level, but he can't manage the upper level, if Lu Zhishen is the owner of the village, Liangshan will have to cut at least half of the one hundred and eight.

Therefore, in this case, Liangshan's strength is not good, and sooner or later it will be eaten by the imperial court, so it can be seen that Lu Zhishen is not suitable.

Song Jiangchao and Lu Zhishen can't do it, which hero is the owner of the village, and Liangshan can have a good future?

And what about Lee Jun? Personally, I think that Li Jun is the most suitable person because he has one advantage that stands out.

Li Jun is the leader of private businessmen on the Xunyang River, the boss of the three tyrants in Jieyang, and after going to Liangshan, four people from the Jiangzhou Gang have entered Tiangangxing, and they are also real powerful factions.

Moreover, Li Jun is the governor of the navy in Liangshan, and he also has the ability to stand alone, and the most important thing is that Li Jun's divergent thinking is better.

There are three main characteristics of divergent thinking, namely fluency, flexibility and uniqueness, fluency refers to the ability to generate a large number of thoughts; Flexibility refers to the ability trait to change the direction of thinking; Uniqueness refers to the ability to generate new and unusual thoughts.

Among these three characteristics, Li Jun accounts for two of the most obvious, that is, flexibility and uniqueness.

Judging from the ending, Li Jun retreated from the circle in time after conquering Fangla, led Tong Wei, Tong Meng and Fei Bao to build ships to seek development abroad, and finally became the lord of Siam.

Li Jun's behavior combines flexibility and uniqueness, and can be said to use divergent thinking to the extreme, which can be called the most bullish hero.

Therefore, if Li Jun becomes the owner of Liangshan, even if Liangshan is cut in half, he can let the brothers who stay behind live a happy life.

To sum up, if you choose a good village owner for the Liangshan brothers and can really lead everyone to live a decent and happy life, this person can only be Li Jun.

What do you think?

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