
This year's Xiaoman is not ordinary, and the 5 genera should "hide from the moon", reminding everyone to prepare for 4 things in advance

author:Mr. Yuan's first lecture

On May 20, 2024, Beijing time, the handle of the North Star points to the "position", which means that we will usher in the Xiaoman solar term, which is also the second solar term of summer, which means that it is one step closer to deep summer, and there are less than two days left before Xiaoman, Are you ready?

This year's Xiaoman is not ordinary, and the 5 genera should "hide from the moon", reminding everyone to prepare for 4 things in advance

The name of each solar term is named according to the characteristics of nature, such as "Lichun" is the beginning of spring, "Sting" is the moment when all things wake up, "Lixia" is the beginning of summer, but "Xiaoman" is the most special of the 24 solar terms, because the mainland is vast, and there is a large meteorological difference between the north and the south, so Xiaoman's "full" contains two meanings.

"Xiaoman" in the southern region: Entering the Xiaoman solar term, the southern part of the mainland is affected by the summer monsoon in the South China Sea, and the heavy rain begins to increase.

"Xiaoman" in the northern region: The north is just the opposite of the south, after entering the Xiaoman solar term, the rain gradually decreases or even does not exist, which will also cause the temperature to rise quickly, but this is also the growing environment that wheat likes, so "full" in the northern region refers to the wheat grains beginning to be full, but not yet fully ripe.

This year's Xiaoman is not ordinary, and the 5 genera should "hide from the moon", reminding everyone to prepare for 4 things in advance

This year's Xiaoman is not ordinary, because this year's Xiaoman is on the thirteenth day of April of the lunar calendar, corresponding to May 20 of the solar calendar, in the West, because "520" is "I Love You", so it represents "I love you", but in the mainland, "520" actually represents: "There is no shortage of grains (5), the second harvest (2), there is no bad harvest (0)", the second harvest refers to the summer harvest in summer, and the autumn harvest in autumn, so this year's Xiaoman also indicates the beautiful vision of smooth wind and rain and abundant grains.

This year's Xiaoman is not ordinary, and the 5 genera should "hide from the moon", reminding everyone to prepare for 4 things in advance

Xiaoman is not only an important solar term in the mainland, but also an important folk festival, so there are many customs, the most special of which is "hiding the moon", the old man said: 5 genera to "hide the moon", what is to hide the moon? Here are 4 things to do to prepare!

1. Don't forget to "hide from the moon"

Xiaoman "hiding the moon" is an important custom, every time to Xiaoman, there will be an old man who says "Xiaoman dodged the moon, a year of spirit full", here said "dodge the moon" is the custom of hiding the moon, not that every year Xiaoman has to hide the moon, but need to see the time of Xiaoman's junction, if Xiaoman's junction is after the unitary time (17 o'clock - 19 o'clock), you need to avoid the moon, because this is the time when the sun and the moon are converted, plus the solar terms conversion, the earth's magnetic field will be more chaotic, so you need to hide the moon.

This custom is the same as the "hiding spring" of the beginning of spring, the "hiding summer" of the beginning of the summer, it is a custom with the word "hiding", although there is no scientific basis, but the picture is safe and auspicious, in short, it is people's pursuit of a better life.

This year's Xiaoman is not ordinary, and the 5 genera should "hide from the moon", reminding everyone to prepare for 4 things in advance

Which 5 genera want to "hide from the moon"? There is a saying in the mainland that "the natal year is too old", so "hiding the moon" is actually "hiding from the Tai Sui", this year's Jiachen (dragon) year, so the dragon should hide from the moon, and there is a relationship with the natal year zodiac that has a relationship of "rushing, punishing, harming, and breaking" to avoid the moon, which are cows, sheep, dogs, and rabbits. plus the dragon, it is exactly 5 genera,

How to "hide from the moon"? The "hiding" mentioned here does not mean that everyone is really hiding. This year's Xiaoman's festival time is 20:59:17 on May 20, 2024, that is, Xiaoman will try to go home after 8:30 on the same day, in order to avoid conflicts with people, as the saying goes, "Xiaoman wants to hide, it is better to lie in bed", everyone can lie in bed to meditate, listen to music, and try to go to bed as early as possible, so that you can also face the next day's work more mentally.

This year's Xiaoman is not ordinary, and the 5 genera should "hide from the moon", reminding everyone to prepare for 4 things in advance

2. Don't forget to "eat three things"

Bitter herbs: As the old saying goes, "the spring breeze blows, the bitter herbs grow, and the barren land is the granary", in the past, the small full season is the time when the green and yellow are not connected, and many people have to use bitter herbs to satisfy their hunger, so eating bitter herbs has become a unique food custom of the small full solar term. In medicine, bitter herbs are also called "lost sauce grass", and Li Shizhen calls it "heavenly coriander", which is bitter and astringent, astringent and sweet, fresh and refreshing, and rich in nutrition.

This year's Xiaoman is not ordinary, and the 5 genera should "hide from the moon", reminding everyone to prepare for 4 things in advance

Goji berry seedlings: wolfberry seedlings are also called wolfberry tips, the taste is slightly bitter, with the effect of tonifying the liver and kidneys, clearing heat and removing fire, and brightening the eyes and maintaining health. In some areas, especially in Ningxia and other places in the northwest, wolfberry seedlings grow vigorously in the small full season, and naturally become a local seasonal vegetable.

This year's Xiaoman is not ordinary, and the 5 genera should "hide from the moon", reminding everyone to prepare for 4 things in advance

Bitter gourd: "Xiaoman suffers, better than tonic", after the small full solar term, the temperature will further rise, and the humidity will gradually increase. Bitter gourd has the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire, relieving heat and dampness, helping the human body to discharge moisture, in addition, bitter gourd can also play an appetizing role and relieve the loss of appetite caused by hot weather.

This year's Xiaoman is not ordinary, and the 5 genera should "hide from the moon", reminding everyone to prepare for 4 things in advance

3. Don't forget to "take a bath"

Xiaoman is also known as the "bathing festival" in some areas in the north, so there is a custom of "bathing" on this day. In ancient times, people's conditions were limited and they couldn't take a bath every day, so they would choose a specific day to take a bath, and the dirt and unhappiness on the body of the West District included the ancients' yearning for health and beauty.

But you should pay attention to the fact that although it is now summer and the weather is getting hotter and hotter, you must not take a cold bath, which will cause the pores of the body to shrink, resulting in the heat in the body cannot be dissipated, so that the body will have a feeling of heat after taking a bath, try to use warm bath water.

This year's Xiaoman is not ordinary, and the 5 genera should "hide from the moon", reminding everyone to prepare for 4 things in advance

Fourth, don't forget to "open more windows for ventilation"

At this time, ventilation at home is particularly important, especially in rooms that like to turn on air conditioning, it is necessary to ensure at least 20 minutes of ventilation every day, which can not only purify the air, but also make the room more dry and comfortable, so as to avoid the formation of mold, so if there are elderly people and children at home, they must not open the windows for ventilation because of the heat outside, which will have some impact on health.

This year's Xiaoman is not ordinary, and the 5 genera should "hide from the moon", reminding everyone to prepare for 4 things in advance

Summary: Xiaoman is an important solar term in the mainland, and it is also a folk festival, so everyone keep in mind the above 4 things, and wish you good health and happiness for the rest of your life!

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