
The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

author:Doctor Tao Hui Xin Wu Shi

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Hint: In order to better tell the content of the article, the plot of the characters is fictional

After retiring, 61-year-old Uncle Li became obsessed with hitting trees for health. Every morning, he would come to the park and hit a big tree hard, saying that it would relax his muscles and strengthen his body.

The other old people in the park saw Uncle Li's energetic appearance and began to follow suit. For a time, the tree-hitting regimen became popular among the elderly.

The good times didn't last long, and a year later, Uncle Li was diagnosed with lung cancer during a physical examination. The doctor carefully inquired about his daily habits, and after learning that he had been hitting a tree for a long time, he couldn't help but angrily reprimand, this is too ignorant!

Not only does it not have any health benefits, but it can cause serious physical damage and induce a variety of diseases!

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

Uncle Li's behavior made people speechless, but it also sounded the alarm for all the elderly who pursue health and wellness. In today's society, there are endless local health regimens such as hitting trees for health, and the elderly are often easy to believe in these "nonsensical" secret recipes.

What is it that makes the elderly so "fascinated" by this? Does hitting a tree really have a health effect? In addition to hitting trees, what are the common ways of "pseudo-health"? In the face of complex health care information, how should the elderly choose?

First, the prevalence of hitting trees to maintain health among the elderly

The days after retirement should be a time to enjoy family life and spend your old age in peace. But many elderly people are "anxious" about their physical health. They long for longevity, for not being bothered by illness, for being able to enjoy life freely.

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

It is this desire and anxiety for health that has made them fans of all kinds of earthy regimens.

In the social circle of the elderly, the tree health regimen is praised as the "secret method of health preservation". In the park, you can always see old people in twos and threes, banging against tree trunks. After dinner, they like to discuss the miraculous effects of hitting trees.

Lao Wang and Lao Zhang are fanatical fans of "hitting trees to maintain health". Lao Wang, look at my leg, I hit a tree for a month, and the old problem is cured! Lao Zhang said. But no, I've been hitting a tree for half a year, and I feel relaxed all over, and I'm not tired at all! Lao Li smiled and agreed.

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

One spread ten, ten spread hundreds, and the originally unknown tree-hitting health regimen became famous among the elderly group.

But after careful consideration, what is the scientific basis for this tree-hitting health regimen? What kind of miraculous effect can it bring? It is also absurd to say that the source of "hitting trees for health" comes from an unprofessional online article.

The article claims that by hitting specific acupuncture points on the back, it can dredge the meridians, activate blood and dissolve stasis, enhance physical fitness, and resist diseases. This "illogical" explanation easily captured the hearts of the elderly.

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

In their opinion, isn't this "acupuncture massage"? As long as you persevere, isn't it easy to bump into a healthy future?

In this way, misled by many specious scientific assertions, a large number of old people "did not hesitate" to join the army of hitting trees. In the park, the trunks of the trees are polished by them.

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

Second, the truth of hitting trees to maintain health

In the face of the trend of hitting trees for health, medical experts shook their heads, don't be frightened by those high-sounding theories, this hitting the tree, not only has no health effect at all, maybe it will also break your own body!

Dr. Yang of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine got straight to the point and hit the tree? What's the picture? Even if you hit the acupuncture point, this force is too strong, not to mention hurting the muscles and bones, the blood vessels and nerves will be damaged! As he spoke, Dr. Yang was so anxious that he stomped his feet.

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

Director Wang of the Affiliated Hospital of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine was also very angry. He said, don't look at those people who are bumping into each other, there are hidden dangers behind them!

Osteoporosis will break when it hits, and if the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems are not good, it will break down as soon as it hits. This is health, this is clearly death!

Let's take Uncle Li's experience as an example. Originally, his health was not very good, and he hit the tree all day long. At first, I felt quite comfortable, but gradually, my back hurt not to mention, and I even struggled to breathe.

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

Go to the hospital for a check-up, lung cancer! The doctor glared angrily, didn't he jump into the fire pit by himself? Provoke this illness for no reason, what's the picture?

In fact, there are many examples like Uncle Li, according to incomplete statistics, there are at least hundreds of cases of elderly people who have suffered various bone and soft tissue injuries due to hitting trees. There are also some who seem to be in good health, and after a physical examination, there are a lot of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems.

This is the truth of hitting the tree to maintain health, which seems reasonable, but in fact it is absurd, harmless on the surface, and there are dangers lurking behind it. Old people, don't be blinded by those specious scientific evidences, and then collapse your body bones!

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

3. Other common pseudo-health regimen methods

In addition to hitting trees, there are also many secrets circulating in the circle of the elderly that sound very healthy but are actually harmful to health.

These health regimens that seem good on the surface are actually taboos for health preservation!

Let's just talk about the old people walking backwards in the park. They swear that walking backwards can relieve leg pain and strengthen the body. Uncle Zhang is one of the "loyal fans".

Every morning, Uncle Zhang would come to the park and start his upside-down regimen. It was okay at first, but as he walked, Uncle Zhang felt a little dizzy. Within a few steps, Uncle Zhang fell down and fell on all fours.

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

But when the doctor heard it, he was speechless! Go backwards, it's strange not to fall on your heels! Look at those old people, all of them have bad legs and feet, they have to walk hard, and they still walk backwards? Isn't that self-inflicted?

Nowadays, many elderly people like to "crawl for health". They also think it's very good, thinking that crawling can pass through the meridians and strengthen the muscles and bones!

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

In fact, the harm of "crawling health" has a great impact on the body. Director Zheng of the General Hospital of the Armed Police told everyone that the blood pressure of the elderly is already unstable, and when they crawl, their heads are congested, and their blood pressure will soar.

The joints are so fragile, crawling around, it's no wonder if they don't hurt! Lao Wang is a living example.

Since he heard about crawling health, Lao Wang has been fascinated by this new way of health preservation. Don't look at the old king, who is nearly seventy years old, when he gets up, he is called a tiger and a tiger. But within a few days of climbing, Lao Wang felt that something was wrong. Dizziness, palpitation, shortness of breath, these old problems are all popping up.

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

When I went to the hospital for a check, my blood pressure soared to 180, and the doctor was almost not scared. What kind of communication is this, this is simply practicing your own body! While the doctor hung blood pressure injections for Lao Wang, he hated that the iron was not made of steel.

There are also some old people who like to slap their bodies hard. The result was good, I didn't shoot through, but I took a big picture of my body.

Anything that doesn't get in touch is a fool! Elderly people have fragile skin and can't withstand such a toss. You see, it's okay to shoot twice, but if you shoot too much, the subcutaneous tissue can't stand it, it's bruised and swollen, and it's healthy, it's masochism!

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

Originally, his skin was thin and he couldn't stand the toss, but Lao Li was still a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers, and used the power of the wilderness to beat himself. As a result, the entire back is blue and purple.

These sound like healthy ways, but they are actually joking about health. There is no scientific basis, no medical guidance, blindly following the trend, and finally tossing and hurting myself, and blaming the doctor for not reminding him earlier.

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

In fact, true health preservation varies from person to person and needs to be gradual. Everyone's physical condition is different, and the suitable regimen is also very different.

Some people are suitable for walking, some people are suitable for tai chi, and some people are suitable for five bird operas, the key is to find the most suitable point for yourself.

Blindly following the trend and copying rigid routines is not only useless, but may also be counterproductive.

Wellness is not a one-step solution. You have to train iron arms and legs one day, isn't that a fool's dream? Health care is about gradual, slow, little by little accumulation.

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

Practice for a while today, practice for a while tomorrow, persevere, form a habit, and after a long time, the effect will naturally come out. If you can't eat a fat person in one bite and rush to achieve results, then you will put the cart before the horse.

Health is more important than the heart. Physical health is important, but mental health cannot be neglected. After the elderly retire, their lives will suddenly become more relaxed, and they will inevitably feel lonely and lonely. At this time, it is even more necessary to cultivate sentiment and find the joy of life.

Chat with old friends, play chess, play cards, activate your thinking, enrich your life, don't stay at home all day long, that's really unhealthy!

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

Be sure to keep your eyes open and see the true face of health! Those crooked and evil pseudo-health regimens cannot be blindly followed. Trust the science, follow the doctor's advice, and find the best way for you.

At the same time, we should also pay attention to mental health, learn more from old friends, and live an active life, so that the body and mind can be truly healthy! But don't be fooled by those pseudo-health regimens, lest you end up destroying your body, and the gains outweigh the losses!

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

Fourth, the correct way for the elderly to maintain their health

How to maintain health in the end? Health preservation, pay attention to the difference of each person, the ability to do.

Take exercise as an example, some elderly people are physically tough, and it is not a problem to run a few laps a day. But some old people may have deformed knees and not very good hearts, if they still run recklessly, isn't it asking for hardship? At this time, it is better to practice Tai Chi instead. The movements are soothing and gentle, and it can also cultivate the body.

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

Also, you can't work hard in sports, young people love how to exercise, how to exercise, and the elderly, whose bodies are in disrepair, how can they withstand such a toss? Take a walk, practice the five poultry plays, and keep fit.

If you don't feel like it's fun, you can also find a few old friends and do Tai Chi together.

Regular physical examinations are required, and the doctor can see at a glance what is wrong with the body. The doctor can also prescribe a health secret, such as what to pay attention to in diet and what to avoid in life. This recipe is much more reliable than those crooked home remedies!

The 61-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and 1 year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: It's too ignorant

If you blindly follow the trend, believe in those specious pseudo-health regimens, and finally toss your body badly, then the gains outweigh the losses!


Be sure to keep your eyes open and see the true face of health! Trust the science, listen to the doctor's advice, and find the best way to maintain your regimen.

In this way, health and longevity are just around the corner! Don't be like Uncle Li, going farther and farther on the crooked road!

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Reference Links:

An uncle in Harbin was convinced that he hit the tree for health, insisted on exercising every day, and then hit sepsis......

2018-11-24 14:39·

The 56-year-old uncle "hit the tree" every day to maintain health, and half a year later he was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

2024-05-14 10:19Dr. Jia Health Center

Hit the tree to maintain health! Have you heard of it? The old man banged into the tree every day, but he was diagnosed with cancer!

2024-05-14 19:58·Sister Zhao of Jiangsu

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