
Heavy! The three major combinations of the property market are good for landing, and real estate will continue to drive A-shares to rise next week?

author:Lao Chen Tao shares

The trend of A-shares on Friday changed abruptly, and the strong rise in the end of the market was shocked, completely reversing the weak and volatile situation of A-shares; It turned out that the fuse ignited by the real estate surge that stimulated the strong rise in the tail market was because the real estate sector was stimulated by the three major combinations.

The property market ushered in three major benefits in one day, which is classified as the policy of "two drops and one go", which can be said to be unprecedented; The two reductions are to reduce the down payment and the interest rate, and the first is to go to the real estate inventory and other three major benefits; In order to better understand the three major benefits of the property market, the following is a detailed analysis and explanation.

Heavy! The three major combinations of the property market are good for landing, and real estate will continue to drive A-shares to rise next week?

Good 1: Lower the down payment

The threshold for lowering the down payment is that the down payment for the first home is not less than 15%, and the down payment ratio for the second home is not less than 25%.

Comment: It means that the down payment for buying a house is lower, and you can buy a house with less money, for example, you can buy a house with only 150,000 yuan for the first house of 1 million, and you can buy a house with only 250,000 yuan for the second house, so that those who just need it have more conditions to buy a house.

Good 2: Cut interest rates

The lower limit of the loan interest rate for the first and second homes will be abolished, and the interest rate of the housing provident fund loan will be lowered at the same time.

Comment: It means that the interest rate of the loan to buy a house can be lower, and the interest rate is lower, and the interest rate is lower. The interest rate is lower and the repayment amount is lower, which directly reduces the repayment pressure of loan buyers, which is a major benefit to buyers who just need to buy a house.

Heavy! The three major combinations of the property market are good for landing, and real estate will continue to drive A-shares to rise next week?

Good three: destocking

The central bank has set up 300 billion yuan of affordable housing loans, and encouraged local governments and state-owned enterprises to purchase existing commercial housing or land.

Comment: There are sufficient funds to help the property market to destock, so that the vacant houses can be utilized, and the built houses cannot be wasted, which is a good thing for the entire property market and buyers.

The real estate sector continues to soar, driving A-shares to rise next week?

The above has an in-depth understanding of the three major benefits of the property market, namely down payment, interest rate reduction and inventory, etc., can the three combinations of good punches stimulate real estate to continue to soar next week?

On Friday, real estate has skyrocketed in advance, which is good for early cash; According to the principles of "good cash" and "good light death", it is difficult for real estate to continue to soar next week.

Heavy! The three major combinations of the property market are good for landing, and real estate will continue to drive A-shares to rise next week?

There are two reasons for this

First: the real estate sector has risen quite a lot recently, has accumulated a certain amount of profit chips, want to continue to soar will face strong selling pressure chips, these chips will be suppressed into the real estate sector next week's resistance.

Second: the three major combinations of real estate have been cashed in advance, according to the history of the good cash, generally high open low go set people, after the good is the main force when the high shipment, so next week the real estate skyrocketing can not be.

Heavy! The three major combinations of the property market are good for landing, and real estate will continue to drive A-shares to rise next week?

Since it has been explained that the real estate skyrocketing next week can not rise, it proves that real estate can not drive the A-shares to continue to rise, and the A-shares really want to continue to rise next week, only by relying on the three major financial sectors, only the financial stocks can really promote the rise of A-shares.

Therefore, next week, A-shares want to continue to rise above 3,200 points, not to be driven by real estate, but to rely on the three major financial sectors to drive, insurance, brokerages and banks to work together to pull up, only in this way can A-shares continue to rise next week, on the contrary, we should be cautious about the risk of A-shares turning around next week. #头条创作挑战赛#

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