
The 63-year-old aunt eats a bowl of tamales every day, and after 7 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: what are you eating?

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"Aunt Li, your diarrhea problem may have something to do with your diet." Doctor Wang Jianguo looked at the examination report and said to Aunt Li seriously.

Aunt Li is a retired teacher, and she likes to climb mountains and exercise with a few old friends on weekdays, and her life is quite fulfilling. Last weekend, Aunt Li and a few old friends went to the suburbs to climb the mountain, and after coming back, they kept having diarrhea and lost a lot of weight. Uncle Li couldn't stand it anymore, so he dragged her to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, but he didn't expect the results of the examination to surprise them - Aunt Li's digestive system had a big problem.

The 63-year-old aunt eats a bowl of tamales every day, and after 7 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: what are you eating?

"Doctor, I usually eat well, how can this be?" Aunt Li asked suspiciously. She and her wife usually live a simple life, but they like to eat tamales, and they eat a bowl almost every day, thinking that this dish is nutritious and not greasy.

Dr. Wang sighed helplessly and said, "Aunt Li, it is precisely because of your long-term consumption of tamales that you have problems with your digestive system. Although tamales are a delicious dish, they are not very friendly to your stomach. Especially for elderly people like you, the gastrointestinal function is not as good as when they were younger, and long-term consumption of high-fat, high-calorie foods can lead to indigestion and diarrhea. ”

Aunt Li was anxious when she heard this: "How could it be?" The tamales I eat every day are made by myself, and they are made with good ingredients! ”

The 63-year-old aunt eats a bowl of tamales every day, and after 7 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: what are you eating?

Dr. Wang shook his head and patiently explained, "Although homemade tamales seem healthy, they actually contain many health risks. First of all, the fatty meat used in tamales contains a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol, and long-term consumption can increase blood lipids, leading to arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Secondly, the seasonings in tamales, such as soy sauce and salt, contain a lot of sodium, and excessive intake can lead to high blood pressure. ”

"Saturated fat and cholesterol? High in sodium? "Aunt Li is obviously a little confused.

"Saturated fat is an unhealthy fat that can increase LDL cholesterol in the blood, clog arteries and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke," Dr Wong elaborates. Excess sodium can lead to water retention in the body, increase blood pressure, and damage the heart and kidneys. ”

In order to let Aunt Li better understand, Dr. Wang told a real case: "There is an Uncle Zhang, who is about the same age as you, especially likes to eat braised pork, but after a few years, he was found to have dyslipidemia during the physical examination, and was later diagnosed with coronary heart disease. After detailed questioning, it was found that he had been eating high-fat and high-cholesterol foods for a long time, which led to blockage of blood vessels and heart disease. ”

The 63-year-old aunt eats a bowl of tamales every day, and after 7 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: what are you eating?

Hearing this, Aunt Li finally understood the seriousness of the problem. She pondered for a moment and asked, "Then what should I do now?" Is it that you can't eat tamales in the future? ”

Dr. Wang nodded and said, "It's best to reduce the intake of high-fat, high-cholesterol foods and eat more healthy foods that are low-fat and low-salt. Especially for people of your age, who have weak gastrointestinal function, they need to pay more attention to a balanced and healthy diet. ”

Aunt Li nodded, indicating that she would try to change her eating habits. She asked, "In addition to quitting tamales, what else should I pay attention to in order to better stay healthy?" ”

Dr. Wang smiled and said, "In addition to reducing the intake of high-fat, high-salt foods, it is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat a balanced diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and supplement vitamins and minerals; Exercise moderately and maintain a good weight; Regular physical examination, early detection and early treatment. ”

He further explained: "For example, eating more antioxidant foods, such as tomatoes, carrots, green tea, etc., helps fight free radicals and protect cells; Moderate aerobic exercise, such as walking and running, can enhance immunity and promote good health; Regular physical examinations can detect abnormal changes in the body in time, intervene early, and reduce the risk of disease. ”

The 63-year-old aunt eats a bowl of tamales every day, and after 7 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: what are you eating?

Aunt Li nodded again and again, and Uncle Li also said that he would adjust his eating habits with his wife and children to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

A few months later, Aunt Li came to the hospital again for a follow-up examination, and Dr. Wang was very relieved to see that her physical condition had improved significantly. Her diarrhoea has been greatly reduced, her weight has regained, and she is in good spirits.

Dr. Wang said to Aunt Li, "Your persistence and hard work have greatly improved your physical condition. Continue to maintain good lifestyle habits and believe that your body will get better and better. ”

Aunt Li gratefully shook Dr. Wang's hand and said, "Thank you, doctor, it was your advice that made us realize the importance of diet and lifestyle habits again. We're going to stick to it. ”

Dr. Wang smiled and nodded, and told them to have regular check-ups and continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle. He knew in his heart that what elderly people like Aunt Li and Uncle Li needed most was scientific health guidance and good living habits.

The 63-year-old aunt eats a bowl of tamales every day, and after 7 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: what are you eating?

So, the question is, why does long-term consumption of tamales cause so much harm to health?

First of all, the fatty meat in tamales contains a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol. Saturated fats increase LDL cholesterol in the blood, clog arteries, and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. High cholesterol can lead to hardening of the arteries, affect blood circulation, and increase the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

Secondly, the seasonings in tamales, such as soy sauce, salt, etc., contain a lot of sodium. Excess sodium can lead to water retention in the body, increase blood pressure, and damage the heart and kidneys. High blood pressure is one of the most important factors in heart disease and stroke.

Thirdly, long-term consumption of high-fat, high-salt foods can lead to obesity. Obesity not only increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, but also increases the incidence of metabolic diseases such as diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Obesity also increases the burden on the joints, leading to bone diseases such as arthritis.

Finally, long-term consumption of high-fat, high-salt foods can lead to gastrointestinal disorders. High-fat foods are difficult to digest and can increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, causing indigestion and diarrhea. High-salt foods can irritate the gastric mucosa, leading to gastritis, gastric ulcers and other stomach diseases.

The 63-year-old aunt eats a bowl of tamales every day, and after 7 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: what are you eating?

To sum up, the health hazards of long-term consumption of tamales are manifold. The elderly should minimize the intake of high-fat and high-salt foods, choose low-fat, low-salt, and nutritious healthy foods, and maintain a balanced and healthy diet in order to better prevent diseases and maintain good health.

Next, we might as well further explore, in addition to reducing the intake of high-fat and high-salt foods, what other aspects should the elderly pay attention to in their daily life in order to better maintain their health?

First of all, the elderly should maintain a balanced diet with adequate nutrient intake. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, supplement vitamins and antioxidants, eat less greasy, pickled and smoked foods, and reduce the intake of carcinogens.

Secondly, the elderly should exercise moderately and maintain a good weight. Moderate aerobic exercise, such as walking and running, can boost immunity and promote good health. Avoid obesity and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

In addition, the elderly should have regular physical examinations, early detection and early treatment. Regular physical examinations can detect abnormal changes in the body in time, intervene early, and reduce the risk of disease.

The 63-year-old aunt eats a bowl of tamales every day, and after 7 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: what are you eating?

In addition, the elderly should maintain a good attitude and reduce stress. Mental health has a significant impact on physical health. The elderly should maintain an optimistic attitude, actively participate in social activities, cultivate hobbies, and enrich their later life.

Finally, the elderly should pay attention to environmental hygiene and reduce their exposure to harmful substances. Keep the living environment clean and avoid exposure to harmful chemicals to reduce the health impact of environmental pollution.

To sum up, in order to better maintain health, in addition to reducing the intake of high-fat and high-salt foods, the elderly also need to pay attention to diet, exercise, physical examination, mentality and environmental hygiene. Through integrated management, the elderly can better maintain their health and enjoy a good old age.

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