
When you're older, is it better to sit for a long time? Doctor: After the age of 70, I don't exercise but live in retirement

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"Old man, your problem is not in the lungs, but in the legs." Doctor Li Jianhua looked at Uncle Wang in front of him and sighed.

Uncle Wang is a retired middle school Chinese teacher in the city, who has just turned 70 this year. In recent months, he has always felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, and sometimes he coughs violently, and even breathlessly in severe cases. Uncle Wang's wife was so anxious that she dragged him to the central hospital.

Dr. Li Jianhua is a veteran expert in the cardiovascular department, usually with a gentle temper and always patient and meticulous in his treatment of patients. After a series of tests, Dr. Li came to a surprising conclusion: there was no major problem with Uncle Wang's lungs, and the root of the problem was his sedentary lifestyle.

When you're older, is it better to sit for a long time? Doctor: After the age of 70, I don't exercise but live in retirement

When Uncle Wang heard this, his brows furrowed even tighter: "Doctor, I usually don't move, I also do housework, and I go to the supermarket, why do I sit for a long time?" ”

Dr. Li smiled slightly and patiently explained, "Uncle Wang, you may have misunderstood. 'Sedentary' here doesn't mean that you sit still all day long, but that you don't get regular exercise, especially full-body aerobic exercise. This has a big impact on your health. ”

"So what do I do now?" Uncle Wang scratched his head, a little confused.

"Actually, at your age, it's not a bad thing to cut back on some high-intensity exercise. We found that for people over 70 years of age, moderate rest and low-intensity activity can actually help to prolong life. After Dr. Li finished speaking, he took out some data and research reports and explained them to Uncle Wang in detail.

Studies have shown that people over the age of 70 may have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease if they exercise excessively. On the contrary, moderate rest and light activities, such as walking, tai chi, etc., can help improve cardiorespiratory fitness and reduce the incidence of hypertension and diabetes.

When you're older, is it better to sit for a long time? Doctor: After the age of 70, I don't exercise but live in retirement

"Studies have shown that a moderate 30-minute walk a day can significantly reduce the incidence of heart disease. High-intensity running, weightlifting and other sports will increase the burden on the joints of the elderly and increase the risk of injury. Dr. Li looked at the research report in his hand and explained further.

"So, should I give up all sports and just stay at home?" Uncle Wang was still a little confused.

"No, no, no, that's definitely not what it meant." Dr. Li hurriedly waved his hand, "What we advocate is moderate exercise and moderate rest. You can do some light activities every day, such as walking, doing gymnastics, etc., to maintain the flexibility of the body and the normal functioning of the heart and lungs. But don't do strenuous exercise and avoid excessive fatigue. ”

In order to let Uncle Wang better understand, Dr. Li also told a case: "There is an Uncle Zhang, who is about the same age as you, originally insisted on running every day, but he ran and ran and had knee problems, and finally had to give up exercise. Later, he followed the doctor's advice and changed to walking and doing some simple gymnastics every day, and now his physical condition is much better than before, his blood pressure has stabilized, and he has no more heart problems. ”

When you're older, is it better to sit for a long time? Doctor: After the age of 70, I don't exercise but live in retirement

After listening to Dr. Li's explanation and case, Uncle Wang suddenly realized that he had always misunderstood the importance of exercise. "So how do I organize my daily activities?" He asked.

Dr. Li smiled slightly: "Actually, it's very simple, you can do some simple stretching exercises in the morning to move your muscles and bones. Then, after breakfast, you can go out for a walk and get some fresh air. In the afternoon, you can take a short lunch break and then do some light activities in the afternoon, such as walking in the neighborhood or doing tai chi. You can also take a proper walk after dinner to help with digestion. ”

Uncle Wang nodded again and again when he heard this, and his mood relaxed a lot. "So, I don't have to worry about my cough and wheezing?"

Dr. Li nodded: "Yes, your symptoms are mainly due to the decline in physical fitness and weakened heart and lung function caused by sitting for a long time. Moderate exercise and rest will help you improve these problems over time. Remember, don't rush it, take your time, and maintain good lifestyle habits is key. ”

When you're older, is it better to sit for a long time? Doctor: After the age of 70, I don't exercise but live in retirement

When Uncle Wang left the hospital, his mood was much lighter than when he came. He decided to follow his doctor's advice and adjust his lifestyle to focus on moderate activity and rest instead of high-intensity exercise.

For the next few months, Uncle Wang walked in the park every morning and occasionally played Tai Chi with his old friends. Gradually, his coughing decreased and his wheezing improved considerably. When my wife saw it in her eyes, she felt a lot more comforted.

Time flies, and it's another year in the blink of an eye. On this day, Uncle Wang met an old friend, Aunt Li, in the park. Aunt Li looked at the refreshed Uncle Wang, and couldn't help asking, "Old Wang, how do you maintain your body so well, is there any secret?" ”

When you're older, is it better to sit for a long time? Doctor: After the age of 70, I don't exercise but live in retirement

Uncle Wang laughed: "Actually, it's nothing special, just listen to Dr. Li's words, exercise moderately, and pay attention to rest." Now I feel comfortable every day, and my body is naturally better. ”

Aunt Li nodded and said that she wanted to learn from Uncle Wang. As he was talking, a young man next to him came over: "Old man, I have heard a saying that people who are over seventy years old are better off not exercising, is that true?" ”

Uncle Wang smiled and shook his head: "Not exactly. It's not that you don't exercise at all, but you have to exercise moderately, not excessively. What we elderly need more is to maintain moderate activity, so that all functions of the body can function normally, and at the same time, we should also pay attention to rest and not overwork. ”

The young man nodded thoughtfully: "I see, I understand, thank you!" ”

When you're older, is it better to sit for a long time? Doctor: After the age of 70, I don't exercise but live in retirement

Uncle Wang looked at the young man who was far away, and felt extremely satisfied. It turns out that the secret of health is not to blindly exercise or recuperate, but to find a lifestyle that suits you and maintain a balance between body and mind.

So, the question is, why is moderate exercise and rest in the elderly more beneficial to health than high-intensity exercise? This question relates to the physiology and lifestyle of the elderly.

First of all, the physical function of the elderly gradually declines, and the ability of bones and joints to withstand it is weakened. If you do high-intensity exercise, it is easy to cause fractures, arthritis and other problems. At the same time, the cardiopulmonary function of the elderly is also gradually weakening, and excessive exercise will increase the burden on the heart, which may lead to heart disease, high blood pressure and other diseases.

Secondly, chronic diseases are prevalent in the elderly, such as diabetes, hypertension, etc. If you exercise too much, your blood sugar and blood pressure will be unstable, which is not good for your health. Moderate exercise and rest can help older adults better manage these chronic diseases and maintain a steady state of their bodies.

When you're older, is it better to sit for a long time? Doctor: After the age of 70, I don't exercise but live in retirement

Again, moderate exercise helps improve the quality of life in older adults. Through moderate exercise, the elderly can maintain a good physical condition, reduce illness, and increase the joy of life. At the same time, moderate exercise can also help the elderly maintain a good mental state, reduce anxiety and depression, and enhance self-confidence.

Finally, moderate exercise and rest can help slow down the aging process in older adults. Through moderate exercise, the blood circulation and metabolism of the elderly will be improved, and the functions of various organs in the body will also be maintained and improved, thereby delaying aging and prolonging life.

Therefore, the elderly should arrange exercise and rest reasonably according to their physical condition and living habits, find a lifestyle that suits them, and maintain a balance between body and mind, so as to have a healthy and long life in their old age.

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