
Food recommendation: Flame drunken chicken, pearl cinnamon fish, bamboo fungus pipa tofu production method

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: Flame drunken chicken, pearl cinnamon fish, bamboo fungus pipa tofu production method

Flame Drunk Chicken

Raw material:

1 local chicken (about 1500 grams), 500 grams of konjac sticks, 80 grams of celery section, 100 grams of green bean segments, 200 grams of shredded ginger, 150 grams of green pepper section, 50 grams of millet pepper section, 100 grams of onion pieces, 50 grams of garlic cloves, ginger slices, garlic, green onion sections, salt, high liquor, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, sugar, spicy fresh sauce, homemade miso soup, cooked vegetable oil.


1. Slaughter and cure the chickens and cut them into small pieces with a knife. Put the konjac sticks into a pot of boiling water and boil thoroughly, remove them and drain them and set aside.

2. Heat the cooked vegetable oil in the clean pot, add the shredded ginger, green pepper section, millet pepper section, onion pieces and garlic cloves and stir-fry until fragrant, add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, sugar and spicy fresh sauce to stir-fry to taste, remove from the pot and put it in a pot for later use.

3. Heat the cooked vegetable oil in another pot, add ginger, garlic and green onion knots and stir-fry until fragrant, add the running pheasant pieces, stir-fry over medium heat until the water is dry, cook in the high liquor, then light the fire and cover and simmer.

4. Wait for the heat in the pot to go out, remove the lid and stir-fry until there is no smell of wine, then mix in the homemade miso soup, pour in the konjac strips that have been boiled in water, stir-fry with a spatula until the water is reduced, put in the green bean segments and continue to fry until the juice is thick, pour in the ingredients that have been fried in advance, add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence and sugar, stir-fry until ripe and flavorful, and then stir-fry well in the celery section and then eat.

Description: Homemade miso soup is to first heat the salad oil in a pot, add sweet noodle sauce, sesame sauce and peanut butter to stir-fry until fragrant, then add fresh soup to boil, add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, sugar, fish sauce, fresh sauce, spicy fresh sauce, Maggi fresh soy sauce and dark soy sauce, and boil the flavor over low heat.

Technical keys:

1. The main ingredient must be used to run the mountain chicken, because its meat is firm, the taste is slag, and the taste is fresh and fragrant. In addition, ingredients such as shredded ginger, green pepper section, millet pepper section, and onion cubes are stir-fried in advance to shorten the cooking time.

2. The chicken pieces must be stir-fried in oil until dry and fragrant, so that most of its fresh flavor can be retained in the chicken. The purpose of adding high liquor and lighting it is to remove the difference and increase the flavor, but the flavor of the wine should be volatilized so as not to affect the taste of the finished dish.

3. Homemade miso soup is the key to reflect the taste of the dish, because of the addition of sweet noodle sauce, sesame sauce and peanut butter, so the soup is relatively thick, so in the process of heating and collecting the thick flavor, the fire should not be too large, and it also needs to be shoveled constantly to prevent the sticky pan from scorching.

4. After the chicken in the pot is eaten, you can also add potato strips, lotus root slices, winter melon strips, tofu, tofu skin and other vegetarian ingredients, heat and blanch to eat. In addition, the rice is soaked in the leftover broth and tastes quite good.

Food recommendation: Flame drunken chicken, pearl cinnamon fish, bamboo fungus pipa tofu production method

Pearl Cinnamon Fish


1.5 catties of cinnamon fish.


200 grams of garlic, 50 grams of shallots, 20 grams of ginger, 50 grams of green onions.


100 grams of watercress, 5 grams of dark soy sauce, 10 grams of sugar, 5 grams of vinegar, 10 grams of soybean flour, 500 grams of oil.


1. Slaughter the osmanthus fish, remove the scales, remove the internal organs, wash and smear the salt, and set aside the cooking wine.

2. Use a small spoon to dig the garlic into small pearl shapes and set aside.

3. Steam the fish in a pot for 8 minutes.

4. Put oil in the pot and stir-fry the watercress, ginger rice, and dark soy sauce until fragrant, add water and add sugar, vinegar, dark soy sauce, and soybean flour in turn to collect the juice and bright oil, and pour it on the steamed fish.

Food recommendation: Flame drunken chicken, pearl cinnamon fish, bamboo fungus pipa tofu production method

Bamboo fungus pipa tofu


100 grams of bamboo fungus, 150 grams of southern tofu, 100 grams of lean minced pork, 2 eggs, starch, salt water, cooking wine, pepper, monosodium glutamate, green onion, ginger, shredded ham, a little shredded shiitake mushroom, 500 grams of broth.


1. Soak the bamboo fungus in light salt water in advance and cut off the cap, wash the red pepper and coriander, cut the red pepper into rings, and change the carrot to a flower knife.

2. Remove the shell and intestine of the shrimp, wash it with kitchen paper to absorb the water, and then pat it with the back of the knife and press it into shrimp paste.

3. Stir the tofu, add shrimp meat, evaporated milk, 1/2 egg and salt water, cooking wine, pepper, monosodium glutamate, green onion and ginger and mix well.

4. Sweep the oil in the iron mold, add red pepper and coriander, then put the tofu and shrimp meat and steam for 5 minutes, then take it out and let it cool and demold.

5. Put an appropriate amount of water in the pot and boil, add an appropriate amount of salt and oil, blanch the soaked bamboo fungus, asparagus and carrots in the water and then remove them and put them on the plate.

6. Coat the steamed pipa tofu with egg juice and fry it on a plate.

7. Bring the sauce to a boil and pour it over the tofu.

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