
Is the childhood memory "back good" an IQ tax? Doctors remind that proper posture management depends on habit and exercise

author:Eye-catching video


In the past few days, the "back and back good" that was once popular among primary and secondary school students is making a comeback in the live broadcast room, and the news that it has sold 100 million in just 90 days has attracted the attention of the society. At the same time, today's Beibei Jia is expanding the target audience, from teenagers to adults, the reporter visited Chen Chao, chief physician of the spine specialist of Foshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine on May 17, and conducted professional science popularization around the topic of whether "Beibeijia" is an IQ tax, and answered the doubts of netizens.

Is the childhood memory "back good" an IQ tax? Doctors remind that proper posture management depends on habit and exercise

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Does a good back improve hunchback?

Chen Chao pointed out that the causes of hunchback in medicine can be roughly divided into two conditions: passive (structural) and active (postural). To put it simply, the passive type is the thoracic kyphosis caused by the disease, and the individual can only passively accept this deformity. Common causes include ankylosing spondylitis, vitamin D deficiency (which can cause rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults), Schulmann's disease (juvenile hunchback disease), mucopolysaccharidosis, osteoporosis, etc., and even if orthotic bands are used, it is difficult to correct the deformity, so it cannot be corrected. To correct it, it is necessary to start with the cause, and often it is necessary to rely on surgery in the end.

Is the childhood memory "back good" an IQ tax? Doctors remind that proper posture management depends on habit and exercise

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The other type of hunchback is called active or postural, which is related to some bad habits of individuals. It is caused by the imbalance of the lower back muscles due to improper posture and insufficient exercise for a long time. For example, students who often lie on their desks to do their homework, office workers who are sedentary in the office, people who bow their heads who love to play with their mobile phones, and people who drive. The main reason is that the usual posture is poor, and after sitting for a long time, you will subconsciously stretch your neck forward, relax your waist and abdomen and move back, which will lead to more and more hunched back over time.

In the case of active hunchback, the main problem is muscle imbalance because the spine has not yet formed a skeletal deformity, so it is a soft hunchback. It is possible to recover by adjusting the posture, and the use of correction has a certain effect. However, posture correction products are only physical posture correction belts. Now there are a variety of correction belts, but its principle is to improve posture through the method of external force correction, Chen Chao said, "back and back" such correction products can only play a psychological role in the short term, reminding you what kind of posture you should be, only relying on external force to correct posture is limited.

What is the effect of long-term wearing "back and back" on the human body?

Since the orthotic strap can help correct the active hunchback to a certain extent, is it better to wear it for as long as possible? Chen Chao's answer was no.

He pointed out that the long-term hunched posture leads to an imbalance between the flexor and extensor muscles of the spine, and it is necessary to strengthen the weak back extension muscles, such as the erector spinae, latissimus dorsi, trapezius muscle, etc. Muscles are used in and out, and muscles are very "smart", once they can "save effort", they will immediately "slack off". If the hunchback band is worn for a long time, the dorsal extension of the spine is mainly maintained by the band and the muscles of the back extension will "not work", and muscle atrophy may occur over time. This will lead to a situation where the child wears a band and his back is straight; When I took the band off, my back collapsed again.

In other words, if the body is broken back to the correct position by an external force (correction belt), it does not mean that the weak muscle groups are exercised, and there is no relaxation effect on the tired muscle groups. With long-term wear, there are fewer and fewer opportunities for muscles to be exercised, which is not conducive to spine health. Orthotic bands are only a palliative treatment.

What are the real ways to improve the shape of the hunchback?

"The real posture management depends on habits and exercises," Chen Chao told reporters, to correct bad posture, change sedentary behavior, and correct bad standing and sitting postures. When reading, doing homework and using electronic devices to read, adjust the appropriate light intensity, maintain an appropriate distance, and maintain a normal sitting and standing posture. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the exercise, enhance the strength of the back muscles, and increase the exercise or stretching of some symmetrical back extensor muscles in the daily exercise, as well as the exercise of the core muscles of the spine, such as back muscle exercises, single rods, planks and other exercises.

A simple movement that can effectively correct the hunchback

1. Flying swallows spread their wings: hold their hands together, place them on their buttocks, tilt their heads and necks back, and stretch their backs. Slide your hands to the distal end and stretch your back as far as possible, feel that your hands are against the back of your neck and waist, and hold for 10~20 seconds.

2. Hold the back of the chair and stretch: sit on the office chair, relax your feet and be shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms back to wrap around the back of the chair, put your buttocks close to the back of the chair, slowly push your chest forward, feel the tension of chest expansion and back contraction, and maintain it for 10~20 seconds. Slowly return to the initial position, stay for a while, and repeat 10~15 times in turn.

Is the childhood memory "back good" an IQ tax? Doctors remind that proper posture management depends on habit and exercise

The doctor demonstrates the movements.

For consumers who have purchased posture correction products and hope to remind themselves to develop good habits with the help of external forces, Chen Chao believes that it is not absolutely undesirable, "Reminder is also a role, and my suggestion is to wear it for no more than two hours each time." Take it off after two hours, move your body, and bring it again after an hour, which is relatively reasonable. "But consume responsibly.

Hunched back, high and low shoulders are only a sign of children, whether it is suitable for the use of posture correction products, it is best to be carefully selected after formal medical examination and diagnosis by experienced orthopedic surgeons. The most important thing to correct hunchback is to develop a good sitting and standing posture and exercises to strengthen the extensor muscles of the lower back.

Text, pictures, video/Foshan News Media Center reporters Liu Yun and Tu Haixing

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