
Immediately after eating, lie down immediately or go for a walk, which is the best way to be healthy? Be wary of a few points

author:Explosive Nutrition Peng Xinrui


What should be done first thing after a meal?

Immediately after eating, lie down immediately or go for a walk, which is the best way to be healthy? Be wary of a few points

I believe everyone has heard the old man often say that you should take a walk after eating, such as "walk a hundred steps after a meal, and live to ninety-nine". On the contrary, some people believe that taking a walk after a meal can cause the stomach to sag, and that you should lie down immediately after eating to allow your body to have a better rest.

So, which is the best way to lie down immediately after eating or to go for a walk immediately?

Immediately after eating, lie down immediately or go for a walk, which is the best way to be healthy? Be wary of a few points

It's okay to take a walk after a meal, but not a brisk walk:

Walking at a slow pace after a meal will help gastrointestinal peristalsis, and for people who are always sleepy and depressed in the afternoon, they can take a walk after a meal, which will not cause stomach sagging.

And, I would like to clarify with you that exercise after meals has nothing to do with stomach prolapse. From a clinical point of view, what people call gastric prolapse is not a pathological state, but only a relatively low position of the stomach.

Immediately after eating, lie down immediately or go for a walk, which is the best way to be healthy? Be wary of a few points

Moreover, on the premise of eating a full meal, if someone eats nine minutes full or very full, because they have eaten a lot of food, the stomach is a very strong place to bear, in order to compare the gap before and after, there is a possibility of stomach prolapse after eating, which is also a normal situation.

As for exercising after meals, as mentioned above, it is okay to just walk, but if you walk briskly, run, skip rope, play basketball, etc., it may be because the stomach is full of more food, coupled with the swing of people when they exercise, which will affect the function of the stomach and cause abdominal pain, which has nothing to do with gastric prolapse.

Immediately after eating, lie down immediately or go for a walk, which is the best way to be healthy? Be wary of a few points

Therefore, you can not do strenuous exercise after meals, you don't need to be overly entangled, just judge correctly.

So, is it OK to lie down immediately after eating?

In fact, for this problem, there is no problem for the vast majority of people, and it can make the whole body relax. However, it is not recommended for special groups, such as people who are prone to acid reflux, such as those with typical gastroesophageal reflux.

Immediately after eating, lie down immediately or go for a walk, which is the best way to be healthy? Be wary of a few points

If you lie flat immediately after eating, it is easy to aggravate acid reflux and heartburn due to the influence of the disease. Clinically, for patients with gastroesophageal reflux, acid reflux heartburn is usually the mainstay, especially within 1~2 hours after eating, because the person is lying flat, lying on the side, and the abdomen is under greater pressure and other actions, which may be detrimental to the condition.

Therefore, lying down immediately after a meal varies from person to person. In terms of health, you can choose the way to walk. Of course, if you have a habit of taking a lunch break, you can also choose to take a lunch break. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the correct way, that is, a high-quality lunch break, which can be 10~20 minutes after a period of time after eating.

Immediately after eating, lie down immediately or go for a walk, which is the best way to be healthy? Be wary of a few points

At the same time, choose the time point that is easy to get sleepy, that is, from 1 o'clock to 3 o'clock, you can close your eyes and recuperate, so that you will be more energetic in the afternoon, which will greatly help you improve the efficiency of work and study, why not.

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