
For the first time ever! Astronomers discover wandering black holes, just 5,000 light-years away from Earth?



Although humans took pictures of black holes for the first time in 2019, from the outside, black holes are just small bowls of pitch-black glittering in the void, white rings, like burning honeycomb coal, and no more valuable information can be seen from them.

In fact, this photo only confirms that black holes are indeed what existing theories describe, and that it does not provide scientists with more valuable and important information about black holes.

Black holes are also an unknown field for scientists when they have not seen real organisms, and people know very little about black holes.

The internal state, number, and density of black holes are unknown, but according to the latest estimates, there are at least 40 trillion black holes in the universe, and this number will gradually increase as technology continues to improve.

So how much of the mass of the universe do these 40 trillion black holes occupy?

How much of the total mass of these 40 trillion black holes can account for the total mass of the universe?

And what kind of distribution do they have?

Now that a wandering black hole 5,000 light-years away from Earth has been discovered, how did he come to discover?

How does it differ from the well-known black holes?

What's so special about it?

For the first time ever! Astronomers discover wandering black holes, just 5,000 light-years away from Earth?

1. 40 trillion black holes in the universe.

First of all, let's take a look at how the 40 trillion black holes in the universe came about?

What are the number of black holes of different sizes in the universe?

How does the number of black holes come about?

Black holes in the universe can be generally divided into three categories: the first type of black hole is the kind we are familiar with, with a mass of only 360 million tons, but it occupies the size of the sun, the density is extremely large, neutrino black holes that cannot be explained from physics, and heavier black holes; The second type of black hole is an intermediate-mass black hole with 10 to tens to 100 times the mass of the Sun; The third category is small black holes with masses smaller than the mass of the Sun, ranging from several times the mass of the Sun to the mass of the Sun, and their masses are even smaller.

Small black holes, that is, the third type of black holes, are the most numerous, they also account for 99.9% of the number of all stellar black holes, they are small, so difficult to identify and therefore difficult to identify, scientists have always had tangible evidence for the smallest black holes, so there is almost no doubt that there are a large number of small black holes in the universe.

So how do small black holes form?

The occurrence and death of stars in the universe can be said to be the origin of everything, and the cycle of all things in nature begins with stars.

At the beginning of the universe, a large amount of hydrogen began to accumulate in space, and then in the process of this aggregation, nuclear fusion began to occur, and the first round of stars was born in nature.

For the first time ever! Astronomers discover wandering black holes, just 5,000 light-years away from Earth?

After the birth of this round of stars, they begin to collide and gather as if they were other objects, and in the process form larger objects.

When these stars finally run out of energy and matter after a long period of time, they will collapse inward, and then in the process, most of the matter will form black holes.

For the first time ever! Astronomers discover wandering black holes, just 5,000 light-years away from Earth?

However, these black holes can form black holes of different sizes and types depending on the mass and size of the stars they form.

Specifically, when the mass of a star is several times the mass of the Sun, the star forms a supernova explosion, and then forms a new black hole in the process of this explosion.

For the first time ever! Astronomers discover wandering black holes, just 5,000 light-years away from Earth?

This black hole is the well-known intermediate-mass black hole, and the mass formed by the intermediate-mass black hole at this time can be said to be quite huge, so the mass formed by the intermediate-mass black hole at this time is still quite huge, and the amount of matter that the black hole has to absorb is still quite large, so all the stars in its path will be sucked into it.

And so on until this black hole turns into a huge intermediate-mass black hole.

For the first time ever! Astronomers discover wandering black holes, just 5,000 light-years away from Earth?

2. Stellar black holes account for 1% of the mass.

As a result, the intermediate-mass black hole has the ability to attract objects at greater distances until all the surrounding galaxies and stars are sucked into it, and finally the mass of the black hole becomes a maximum, resulting in the formation of a supermassive black hole.

However, this kind of study, which is more than 3.6 times the mass of the sun, is very difficult to study, and therefore it is not studied thoroughly, so small black holes have become the focus of scientists' research.

If we don't know that there are 40 trillion black holes in the universe, we can't know the composition of the universe and the scale of the universe, so these 40 trillion small black holes play a key role in the study of the universe.

For the first time ever! Astronomers discover wandering black holes, just 5,000 light-years away from Earth?

At the same time, these 40 trillion small black holes also play a significant role in the mass of the universe, so scientists have begun to study the quantity and quality of small black holes.

According to the latest research, if you want to make a rough estimate of the number and mass of small black holes, then according to the current structure of the universe, then they occupy about 1% of the total mass of the universe.

For the first time ever! Astronomers discover wandering black holes, just 5,000 light-years away from Earth?

The mass occupied by the 40 trillion small black holes also basically accounts for about 80% of the total mass of the universe, so the weight of the 40 trillion small black holes for the universe is still insignificant, and according to the current estimation of small black holes, the mass of small black holes is basically evenly distributed around 10 solar masses, so small black holes can be said to be important objects in the universe.

For the first time ever! Astronomers discover wandering black holes, just 5,000 light-years away from Earth?

In the estimation of the quantity and quality of small black holes, although there is a certain error, in the future research process of black holes, the number should continue to increase with the continuous improvement of science and technology.

At the same time, with the continuous progress of science and technology, scientists may be able to explore small black holes unknown to mankind in the future.

For the first time ever! Astronomers discover wandering black holes, just 5,000 light-years away from Earth?

3. Wandering black holes.

Just recently, a group of astronomers from the European Space Agency and the National Aeronautics and Space Center of the United States discovered 339 new black holes at one time after collecting data from more than 30 telescopes around the world, the largest of which has a mass of more than several solar masses, they are not large, and they are not laser black holes, this black hole is even the closest to the earth, only 5000 light years away.

This black hole is not an ordinary black hole, but a black hole called a wandering black hole.

In the universe, black holes are a particularly attractive object, and we have always thought that black holes have a particularly permanent property, that is, once a black hole is formed, it will never move again, and it will not leave the original position.

However, not long ago, scientists discovered a black hole wandering in the universe, which is capable of moving 45 kilometers per second.

For the first time ever! Astronomers discover wandering black holes, just 5,000 light-years away from Earth?

There are countless black holes in the universe, some black holes are formed by huge objects, so everything will be sucked into them, and some black holes are formed by relatively small star-level objects.

For the first time ever! Astronomers discover wandering black holes, just 5,000 light-years away from Earth?

Small black holes usually remain stable in their original positions and rarely move, but if they are intermediate-mass black holes, they will move to a certain extent, but this is also very rare, so it is rare to see such black holes in people's field of vision.

But this black hole is a wandering black hole, so how was it discovered?

For the first time ever! Astronomers discover wandering black holes, just 5,000 light-years away from Earth?

In fact, when scientists discovered this wandering black hole, they identified it from the stars next to the black hole.

The speed of the black hole is 6 million meters faster than the speed of light, so that the phenomenon of "gravitational lensing" will be generated, when the black hole goes close enough to a certain position, it will release a strong gravitational force, so that all the surrounding objects will be captured in the gravitational field released by the black hole, just like when the light is refracting the wall, it will be attracted by the pigment in the pure water, then the black hole is pure water, and the object attracted is the light path.

For the first time ever! Astronomers discover wandering black holes, just 5,000 light-years away from Earth?

When the light path passes through the black hole, the light will be bent, so that the object we see from the perspective of the earth will be deformed, standing on the angle of the black hole, we will see that the light path becomes a ring, this ring is the field formed by all the matter in the light path around the black hole, so we can see the weight of all the matter in the black hole from this ring, and then we can accurately locate the position of the black hole through this component.


At the same time, the research on this wandering black hole has not been completely completed, because the precise mass of this wandering black hole has not been calculated, and even the weight and quantity of the wandering black hole have not been fundamentally studied.

In 2025, the European Space Agency's Gaia satellite map will be launched, and there is reason to believe that many more wandering black holes will be found on the Gaia satellite map in the future, and even more may be discovered.

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