
The Sino-Russian 10,000-character joint statement is pragmatic and full of dry goods!

author:Livestock Corps 2024
The Sino-Russian 10,000-character joint statement is pragmatic and full of dry goods!

In the early morning of the 16th, Putin arrived in Beijing by special plane, and on the morning of the same day, the leaders of China and Russia held talks, and the two sides decided to deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era, and jointly signed and issued a joint statement.

This joint statement, nearly 12,000 words, was quite surprising after reading it, the measures were pragmatic, full of dry goods, and the most rare thing is that the pertinence is still so strong. Putting aside some diplomatic polite words, let's briefly talk to you about the three dry goods of the latest joint statement between China and Russia.

First, China and Russia signed a document on a unified vision for the development of the Black Blind Island (Great Ussuri). The joint statement said: "Both China and Russia will support local and border cooperation with the greatest possible ability, expand Sino-Russian people-to-people exchanges, jointly carry out investment and development cooperation in the Far East on the basis of marketization and commercialization, and jointly develop the Black Blind Island on the premise of friendship and respect for national sovereignty."

The Sino-Russian 10,000-character joint statement is pragmatic and full of dry goods!

Black Blind Island has a special significance for China, it is the first place in China to see the sunrise, implying new hope and dawn. But unfortunately, for a long time in the past, this was a controversial issue over the demarcation of the Sino-Russian border. It was not until 2004, when Putin began his visit to China and China and Russia signed a supplementary agreement on the eastern section of the border between the two countries, that a preliminary plan was reached for the demarcation of the Black Blind Island.

The blind man was divided in two, the western half was returned to China, and after the completion of the border survey in 2008, the Chinese side officially recovered half of the islands, and started infrastructure construction in full swing, and in 2012, the Wusu Bridge connecting the islands and the land was opened; National Highway 102 2013 edition, the end point was extended to the Black Blind Island; In 2016, the Sanjiang-Black Blind Island Expressway was also opened to traffic.

The Sino-Russian 10,000-character joint statement is pragmatic and full of dry goods!

But 20 years have passed, and Russia is not very concerned about the Black Blind Island, and even faintly defensive. Now, Putin has stated that the purpose of jointly developing the Black Blind Island is actually obvious, in the face of sanctions from the United States and the West, Russia needs to be deeply tied to China. But in any case, Russia's strategic trajectory has shifted, and at least for the next 12 years, there will be an increasing focus on "looking east".

The second point is the issue of the Tumen River's estuary. "The two sides will engage in constructive dialogue with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on the navigation of Chinese vessels through the lower reaches of the Tumen River," the joint statement said.

In 1858, the signing of the Sino-Russian Treaty of Aihui ceded part of the territory between Jilin Province and the Sea of Japan to Russia, and since then China has lost its coastline to the Sea of Japan, and can only pass through this short distance of 15 kilometers, facing the Sea of Japan across the sea.

The Sino-Russian 10,000-character joint statement is pragmatic and full of dry goods!

In 1992, with the approval of Russia and North Korea, China restored the right to go to sea on the Tumen River, and legally it does have the right to go to sea, but the actual situation is still far behind, the low bridge on the river is less than 7m high, the downstream river is blocked all year round, and the Russian side only allows seasonal fishing boats to go to sea, and commercial vessels are not allowed to go to sea.

All along, this is the pain of our Chinese! In a previous post, the captain also said many times that if Russia wants to express its sincerity in "looking eastward" and open the Tumen River estuary to China, it is more realistic than the joint development of the Far East. Now Putin has relented and is willing to engage in a constructive dialogue between the three parties, and the "constructive dialogue" is expected to produce results. And as long as the results come out, with China's infrastructure strength, it is not a matter of minutes to completely dredge the more than ten kilometers of the lower reaches of the Tumen River to a state where large cargo ships can enter and exit? Whether Jilin Province can obtain a real outlet to the sea is a matter of success or failure!

Third, the joint statement is very clear: "The two sides plan to solemnly celebrate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union in 2025, and jointly promote the correct historical outlook of World War II." ”

The Sino-Russian 10,000-character joint statement is pragmatic and full of dry goods!

This has to be reminiscent of China's grand and grand military parade 9 years ago, Russia and other friendly countries have sent their own troops to China for a review, and China has also given enough sincerity, 99A main battle tank, Z-19 reconnaissance gunship, "Dongfeng-26" nuclear and conventional medium-range ballistic missiles, etc. Whether the domestic H-20 will give surprises, wait and see!

It is worth mentioning that in this joint statement, the United States was named 13 times, bluntly listed, and directly listed the "five major crimes" of the United States.

I deliberately went to brush the foreign media, and I scolded and scolded with water, and my mouth became dirty. Of course, this is a world manipulated by public opinion, and public opinion that has received money will always have its own audience, just watching them toss around, this heart is much more comfortable!


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