
Huang Lei's black history was exposed, his family collapsed, and how many "beautiful" fig leafs were torn

author:Enlighten the Soul and Read

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Huang Lei's black history was exposed, his family collapsed, and how many "beautiful" fig leafs were torn

Back then, when we mentioned Huang Lei's family, every onlooker would sigh in their hearts and be full of envy. As a well-respected film and television superstar, Huang Lei's lofty status and elegant character in the entertainment industry are all admirable; His wife, Sun Li, is a typical traditional good wife and mother, elegant, calm, considerate and thoughtful, which can be called a model of a good wife.

What's even more rare is that their only daughter Huang Duoduo has been portrayed as a prodigy since she was a child, and she has shown extraordinary talent and wisdom in various variety shows, which is amazing.

However, not long ago, this seemingly flawless family was revealed for what it really was, the original aura disappeared in an instant, and the family's life was exposed to the public without any cover.

First of all, Huang Duoduo, who is known as a "genius girl", actually mispronounced basic words such as "river embankment", "wheat straw" and "sawdust" in the teaching video of her personal WeChat work account, and it is unbelievable that as a 17-year-old high school student, he could not read these simple Chinese characters correctly

Huang Lei's black history was exposed, his family collapsed, and how many "beautiful" fig leafs were torn

Although some people justified her by saying that she attended an aristocratic school and used English mainly in her daily life, it was difficult for a young girl who was about to enter high school to explain such a low-level mistake.

Next is Mr. Huang Lei, who is praised as a "literati". In a hit variety show, Huang Lei affectionately recited the famous poet Xu Zhimo's classic "Farewell to Kangqiao", however, the guests at the scene were amused by his low-level mistake of reading "Xing" as "Xing" and "Su" as "Shuo", and couldn't help but laugh dumbly.

What's even funnier is that as early as 2000, Huang Lei once posted a dynamic picture of Xu Zhimo's tomb sweeping, which seems to show that he has a deep study of the poet, but in fact, he made such a serious mistake in the recitation.

In the end, even Sun Li, who has always been known as a "good wife and mother", has not escaped public scrutiny. There was a video of her dancing on an occasion, and her dancing was stiff and unaesthetically pleasing.

Huang Lei's black history was exposed, his family collapsed, and how many "beautiful" fig leafs were torn

When netizens made pertinent criticisms, Sun Li turned a blind eye to all those who put forward negative opinions, and even took extreme measures to directly block them, showing an arrogant and empty-sighted attitude, which is in stark contrast to her previous image of being virtuous and generous, quiet and gentle.

In this way, the veil of the perfect family, which was once clothed in a scholarly family, has now been completely torn apart, showing the real and hard-to-see face of this family at a glance.

Those "beautiful" characters that were originally carefully constructed for envy eventually turned into hypocritical fig leafs, although they tried to cater to the eyes of the outside world, they were never able to hide their inner emptiness and powerlessness.

Whenever we talk about Huang Duoduo, we can't help but think of a natural prodigy-like image. When she was only five years old, Huang Lei had already begun to carefully build for her, pushing her into the spotlight of the variety show stage, showing her otherworldly intelligence to the national audience.

Huang Lei's black history was exposed, his family collapsed, and how many "beautiful" fig leafs were torn

In various programs, Huang Lei always praised without hesitation: "Duoduo can speak English fluently at the age of seven or eight, and is proficient in many fields such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting." And his wife, Sun Li, often shares her daughter's superb acting and cooking skills on social media, as a way to highlight her unique charm as a "genius girl".

Under the careful planning and vigorous promotion of his parents, Huang Duoduo quickly became an "omnipotent" prodigy image, and was envied and sought after by countless people. However, who would have expected that only more than ten years later, the aura of this "genius girl" would be ruthlessly peeled off in her own teaching video.

When Huang Duoduo taught children's lessons on the WeChat public account, she actually mispronounced the most basic Chinese characters such as "river embankment", "wheat straw" and "sawdust", which made the audience jaw-dropping. As a 17-year-old high school student, it is ironic that I can't even read these simple words correctly.

In the face of netizens' doubts, some people have defended Huang Duoduo that she studied at an aristocratic international school and mainly uses English in her daily life, so her mastery of Chinese is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

Huang Lei's black history was exposed, his family collapsed, and how many "beautiful" fig leafs were torn

However, for a young girl who is about to enter high school, such a low-level mistake is really difficult to justify.

With the dual help of the unique environmental advantages and the marketing packaging of his family, Huang Duoduo was once known as the proud daughter of the sky and became the focus of everyone's praise.

However, when this glamorous "genius girl" character was ruthlessly revealed, what was shown in front of us was an ordinary image of a girl, which was shocking.

Unfortunately, not only did his daughter's former "genius girl" personality suddenly lose her brilliance, but Mr. Huang Lei's own labels of "literati" and "indifferent fame and fortune" were also shattered in this incident.

Huang Lei's black history was exposed, his family collapsed, and how many "beautiful" fig leafs were torn

He was once known as the "God Operator", but when he was faced with the national salary restriction order, he openly and uncontrollably "made money".

According to relevant data, Huang Lei easily grabbed an astonishing salary of 44.2 million yuan just with a well-known TV series "Xiaomin's Family". As a practitioner in the film and television industry, he has a deep understanding of the "unspoken rules" in the industry, with policies and countermeasures, and careful calculations everywhere, which can be called an expert.

What's even more ridiculous is that when reciting a famous poem, Huang Lei made such a low-level typo. As early as 2000, he posted a dynamic picture of Xu Zhimo sweeping the tomb, with a respectful posture and elegant manners, as if he had an extremely deep study of the poet.

However, who would have expected that in a variety show not long ago, when Huang Lei confidently recited Xu Zhimo's classic "Farewell Kangqiao", the audience couldn't help but laugh because of his low-level mistake of misreading "Xing" as "Xing" and "Tracing " as "Shuo".

Huang Lei's black history was exposed, his family collapsed, and how many "beautiful" fig leafs were torn

In an instant, the atmosphere at the scene fell into an awkward silence, and I saw Huang Lei's face pale and sluggish, obviously completely defeated by this sudden predicament. As a "poet" who knows Xu Zhimo's works well, he can't even grasp the most basic pronunciation correctly, and this low-level mistake undoubtedly makes him lose face in front of the public.

From frantically "making money" to misreading simple words, Huang Lei's aura of "indifferent fame and fortune" and "literati" disappeared in an instant. The "noble face" that was once worshiped by everyone also completely collapsed at this moment, revealing the true face of being deeply trapped in Vanity Fair.

On the surface, it seems to be a sudden "collapse of personality", but if we go back to the past, it is not difficult to find that Huang Lei's family has worked hard to create the image of Huang Duoduo as a "genius girl".

First of all, they did not hesitate to spend a huge amount of money to purchase a luxury residence in Shunyi District, Beijing, which created a superior living environment for Huang Duoduo since he was born. In this luxury residential area located in the center of the city, all the people who can own property rights are business tycoons or political dignitaries, which shows that Huang Lei is highly concerned about the future development of his children.

Huang Lei's black history was exposed, his family collapsed, and how many "beautiful" fig leafs were torn

After moving into the mansion, Huang Lei was like a free-flowing painter, quickly paving a road to the peak of "connections" for his daughter. He went all out to participate in the "mahjong game" where celebrities gathered in the community, and successfully met the famous violinist Lu Siqing, and accepted him as his daughter's "disciple".

With such a profound "noble" guidance, Huang Duoduo's vision is naturally extraordinary. In order to make her a "compound talent" in the future, Huang Lei did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to send her to the private aristocratic international college for further study.

During his time at school, Huang Lei worked closely with Lu Siqing and carefully planned a "director's script" for his daughter in an international competition. As expected, under the careful layout of the two masters, Huang Duoduo finally won the championship in one fell swoop, showing her "talented" demeanor.

From the initial choice of residence, to the strategy of interpersonal communication, to the strength of investment in education, Huang Lei's family has poured extremely crazy operations into Huang Duoduo. They seem to be a group of passionate directors who carefully choreographed a "genius girl" drama for Huang Duoduo, and did not hesitate to invest in her.

Huang Lei's black history was exposed, his family collapsed, and how many "beautiful" fig leafs were torn

However, the original intention of all this was just to let Huang Duoduo gain more attention and envy in front of the public. It can be said that it took a lot of effort, but in the end, it ended up with the collapse of the character and the end of a farce.

In this turmoil of "collective personality collapse", Sun Li, as Huang Lei's wife, naturally couldn't stay out of it. She has always been praised as a "good wife and mother" and "gentle and quiet", but after this incident, her image was instantly shattered, revealing her hideous side.

There is a video of Sun Li dancing on a certain occasion on the Internet, in which her dance steps are stiff and jerky, and there is no graceful dance charm at all. As a professional dancer, her skills are too inferior, no wonder netizens have given sincere criticism and pertinent suggestions to her "dance skills".

However, in the face of these well-intentioned feedbacks, Sun Li showed an incomprehensible attitude. Not only did she turn a blind eye to all those who made negative comments, but she even blocked them one after another, keeping out those who were enthusiastic and completely unwilling to respond.

Huang Lei's black history was exposed, his family collapsed, and how many "beautiful" fig leafs were torn

This gesture of arrogance and prejudice, so abruptly contrary to her elegant, virtuous identity, makes people sigh at the vagaries of the world. A hotly discussed netizen expressed her opinion, she pointed out: "Imagine if Yang Liping's attitude towards criticism was like a glimpse of the world, then how could she stand alone in the world with her excellent dance skills in later years? "。

On the surface, Sun Li has always left the impression of a gentle, respectful and conscientious wife, a good wife and mother, whose words and deeds are full of etiquette and norms. However, when her fragile persona is ruthlessly revealed, we see a face of abhorrence: her indifference to criticism, deafness to dissent, disdain for those who make suggestions, and arrogance and emptiness.

In this way, after the "personality" of her husband and daughter was revealed, Sun Li became the most lacking in self-cultivation and cultivation in this turmoil, and it was undoubtedly the last "fragment" of Huang Lei's family design.

Through the collective "personality collapse" of this family, we are once again deeply shocked, and those overly false and exaggerated packages will only add to the burden on our shoulders. Unless you have the strength to support it, you may fear that one day the veil of mystery will be lifted, and then your persona will crumble and you will be left with nothing.

Huang Lei's black history was exposed, his family collapsed, and how many "beautiful" fig leafs were torn

There are many celebrities in the entertainment industry who know this, and they understand that their strength is limited, so they would rather keep a low profile than use false stories to deceive the audience and gain attention.

For example, acclaimed actors Zhang Yi and Zhang Songwen, despite the excellent reputation and box office success of the movies they starred in, in private, they still maintain a low-key and humble attitude and never show off their achievements.

Another example is the popular actress Zhao Liying, although the reality show she starred in was widely acclaimed, she frankly admitted that this drama is not a real reality show, but a well-planned "script show".

Her sincerity and honesty make people admire her personality even more.

Huang Lei's black history was exposed, his family collapsed, and how many "beautiful" fig leafs were torn

This family, indulging in the illusory game of creating gorgeous characters, forgot to improve their own strength in a down-to-earth manner, which eventually led to the collapse of the characters and the loss of face.

I sincerely hope that they can gain endless strength from this profound experience and lesson, knowing that false decorations will eventually be exposed by the truth of the facts, and they will never be able to replace the tempering of actual work ability.

Only by truly practicing deeply and spending every fulfilling day with full dedication will our life win the most lasting and warm applause and respect under the sun!

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