
Oscar beat Shenhua's two major stars to become the top of the assist list, and there is not much time left for SIPG to renew his contract

author:Wisdom lotus leaf

Oscar's buddy is really not simple, he has been hanging all the way this season, and he is at the top of the assist list, which really makes people have to admire his skills and the overall situation on the field. Thinking that when he jumped from the European turntable to the Chinese Super League, many people still say that he is a slave to money, and now it seems that this buddy really has two brushes, leading Shanghai SIPG to act as an out-and-out "Mr. Pass" in the league.

Oscar beat Shenhua's two major stars to become the top of the assist list, and there is not much time left for SIPG to renew his contract

When it comes to Oscar's passes, they are so precise that it seems that every pass has been precisely calculated, and it always magically finds the best spot for a teammate. No, his performance also broke the hearts of SIPG's senior management, because Oscar's contract was about to expire, and whether or not to renew it became a sword hanging over their heads.

Oscar beat Shenhua's two major stars to become the top of the assist list, and there is not much time left for SIPG to renew his contract

But then again, in such a sought-after situation for Oscar, if SIPG can successfully renew the contract, it will be simply too cost-effective. After all, there are few players in the world who can deliver a fatal blow at a critical moment like Oscar. If SIPG can keep him again, it will definitely be the icing on the cake, otherwise, it will not be easy to find someone to fill this big hole.

Oscar beat Shenhua's two major stars to become the top of the assist list, and there is not much time left for SIPG to renew his contract

Let's talk about our two bigwigs in Shenhua, Xie Pengfei and Luis. These two are not covered, especially Xie Pengfei, although his fame may not be as famous as Oscar, but his stable output on the field is also indispensable. As for Luis, this one is also very good at assisting, but occasionally there are some minor flaws in the tacit cooperation with his teammates.

Oscar beat Shenhua's two major stars to become the top of the assist list, and there is not much time left for SIPG to renew his contract

However, when it comes to overall performance, it is the Oscars that are more eye-catching. Every time I see him dribbling the ball on the court, it's like playing Go, and every move is carefully designed to make the opponent unguardable. Moreover, his return not only enhanced the overall combat effectiveness of SIPG, but also set off a wave of Oscar fever among fans.

In the final analysis, this competition of the Chinese Super League is not only a contest of players, but also a contest of wisdom and strategy. Every assist can be a turning point in the game, so every assist from Oscar is worth savoring.

As for Jiang Zhipeng of Wuhan Three Towns, although he may be slightly dim under the light of the stars, his selfless dedication style has also won the team a lot of points. Don't look at him as not very showy, but his perseverance and fighting spirit on the court has inspired countless teammates.

If you look at the performances of these stars, you will find that the game of football is not just about kicking around, but more about psychology and tactics. A good assist is often much harder than scoring a goal, and it's not just a matter of technique, it's a test of keen observation and immediate reaction to the game.

As for the issue of future contract renewal, it is really a headache for the management of SIPG. After all, who wouldn't want to stay with such a star? But it's not just about throwing a big wallet, it's about giving Oscar a glimpse of the future of the team and his place in it. Therefore, SIPG's top management now has to rack their brains, not only to meet Oscar's salary expectations, but also to show him a bright future blueprint to make the superstar feel that staying at SIPG is worth it.

Under such pressure, the coming months of SIPG will undoubtedly be eventful. They need to keep the league competitive while ensuring that the core of the squad is not lost. And for the fans, of course, they want to see Oscar continue to play for SIPG and continue to bring them that exciting assists and exciting games.

In the end, it remains to be seen whether Oscar will stay in SIPG. But one thing is for sure, every time he appears, whether it is the final glory or farewell, it will become an indelible memory on the field of the Chinese Super League.

In this fierce Chinese Super League, every subtle action and every accurate pass have touched the hearts of countless fans. And Oscar's performance is undoubtedly the most eye-catching focus of this drama. As fans, we enjoy the excitement he brings and worry about his future. But that's the beauty of football, isn't it? On this green field, every minute is full of possibilities.

For SIPG, Oscar's contract renewal is not only a test for him personally, but also a test of the wisdom of the entire club's management. How to stay competitive at a high level and how to manage every star in the team are all problems that they have to face. I hope SIPG can seize this opportunity, so that we can continue to see Oscar's wonderful performance in the Chinese Super League and continue to contribute to the development of Chinese football.

In short, no matter what the future holds, we look forward to Oscar continuing to write his own legend on the football field. Whether it is the wonderful moments on the green field, or the interaction between the players and the club, we deeply feel the charm and vitality of football. Here, every running figure, every flying football, is the most affectionate hymn to the sport.

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