
9 years ago, Ma Yun and Wang Jianlin dedicated a wonderful "bickering" show

9 years ago, Ma Yun and Wang Jianlin dedicated a wonderful "bickering" show

Gong Jinhui

2024-05-16 10:28Published in Jiangxi Science and Technology Creators

9 years ago, Ma Yun and Wang Jianlin dedicated a wonderful "bickering" show

Author: Gong Jinhui

As we all know, Ma Yun and Wang Jianlin, two well-known entrepreneurs, have been among the richest people in China, and their respective subsidiaries Ali and Wanda are well-known business giants in China. Now, Jack Ma has long retired from Alibaba, and Wang Jianlin has lost control of Wanda Commercial Management, and they have both turned low-key, but there are still legends in the rivers and lakes.

In December 2012, Ma Yun and Wang Jianlin set up a sky-high gambling game of 100 million yuan on the issue of whether China's e-commerce can occupy half of China's retail market in ten years. In addition, the two bigwigs also brought a classic bickering, that is, in April 2015, at the annual meeting of China Green Company, Ma Yunyu fought Wang Jianlin, during which golden sentences came out frequently, both fierce collision of ideas, and humorous ridicule and mutual damage, which pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

The arrangement of the meeting on the day was as follows: Wang Jianlin gave a speech first, answered the questions of the guests present after the speech, and then Ma Yun gave a speech, and after the speech, he also answered a question from the guests present. According to my observation, the speeches of the two bigwigs are basically true and decent, and the real highlight appears in the interactive session. Ma Weihua, the former head of China Merchants Bank, served as the host of the conference, and he did things on the spot, deliberately arranging Wang Jianlin and Ma Yun to ask each other questions.

With high emotional intelligence, they seem to have gotten Ma Weihua's true intentions, and they cooperate tacitly when interacting, throwing sensitive and sharp questions to each other, and hoping that the other party can answer seriously instead of playing official nonsense, thus deducing a wonderful mutual pinching show, full of highlights, so lively.

After Wang Jianlin's speech, Ma Yun asked him, "I heard you say that the whole O2O is good, but we all know that transformation has a price." Transformation is like extracting a tooth, bleeding, paying medical bills, and finding a good doctor. What is the cost of Wanda's transformation? Wang Jianlin did not answer positively, but moved out of the 27-year history of Wanda Development (founded in 1988, which had gone through 27 years at that time) and counted the four transformation processes.

The implication is that Wanda will embark on a new transformation and is as well prepared as before. Ma Yun was not satisfied with this answer, and said with a slight complaint, "I still didn't understand after listening to it for a long time, I only heard that you let others share your price, and how much you are ready to pay." Under Ma Yun's questioning, Wang Jianlin couldn't hide, so he had to return to the topic and spit out the truth, "We are not prepared to pay much price, the price is too great, and I will become poor." Ma Yun laughed and applauded after hearing this, and the audience laughed.

After Ma Yun's speech, it was Wang Jianlin's turn to ask questions, and he was not to be outdone, seizing a small loophole in Ma Yun's speech to fight back. At that time, Ma Yun bluntly said that adding wings to a tiger is an imaginary scene, and he has never seen a tiger with wings, that is imagination. "The traditional economy can only exist in the imagination when it talks about its own flight."

But Wang Jianlin disagreed, "Before I ask a question, I will give you a correction, you just said that it is impossible for enterprises on the ground to fly into the sky, like airplanes." But I'm telling you, planes fly up from the ground and come back to the ground. As soon as these words came out, the audience applauded, and Wang Jianlin pulled back a game.

Then he formally asked Ma Yun, "Last year (referring to 2014), I set up a company with Tencent and Baidu, some people named it 'Teng Million', and some people named it 'Play Taobao', assuming that the three of us (Wang Jianlin, Ma Huateng, Li Yanhong) are Chao Gai, Song Jiang and Wu Yong of Liangshan, and now I want to pull you, Lu Junyi, into the gang, can't you go to Liangshan?" ”

I have to say that Wang Jianlin's question is very clever, not only giving Ma Yun a dismount in person, but also not forgetting to take the opportunity to test whether Ma Yun can be brought in, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone, which is really high. In other words, Wang Jianlin's calculation is: I hope that Ali and "Teng Million" will play happily together, and if they can't do it, "Teng Million" will not be afraid to compete with Ali. To put it bluntly, Wanda can attack and retreat, and there is more room for maneuver, so it depends on whether Ali accepts the move.

Ma Yun obviously knew that Wang Jianlin had something to say, he was not in a hurry, and indirectly stated his position through a sharp ridicule. "Any organization, first of all, ask what your mission is, what your aspirations are, what are your common values, what are the results you want to get, and only in this way can you build a great effect, so I think the three of you are a bit like a team."

Subsequently, Ma Yun continued to fight back, revealing the true face of "Teng million" in one word. "Jianlin needs to be completely reformed and transformed, and I deeply understand. The other two brothers thought that it wasn't me who paid anyway, and I felt very happy that someone was going to do Ali. The real opportunity for the future lies in the fact that if Ali has the opportunity to combine with the traditional economy of a company like Wanda, everyone understands that what we all understand is to open up the future and create the future, rather than defense and resistance in the campaign, otherwise any combination will be a rabble. ”

In my opinion, after a fierce confrontation, Ma Yun's overall answer was relaxed, with both empathy and kind reminders, as well as questions and replies, and the scale was in place, while expounding his own clear position, he just rightly saved face for Wang Jianlin. After listening to Ma Yun's soft and rigid answer, Wang Jianlin just smiled, as if he had an answer in his heart, and did not respond further.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that in this fight, the winner is Ma Yun, and Wang Jianlin's performance is slightly inferior. Of course, bickering is bickering, and different views or even opposing views will not make the two sides disagree, but more of an "impromptu performance" to enliven the atmosphere of the scene. The master is high-energy throughout the whole process, with both verbal and gag, colliding with sparks of ideas, which can be called a textbook-level case of entrepreneurs talking in public.

To this day, the rare peak dialogue between Ma Yun and Wang Jianlin 9 years ago is still worth recalling, and I have benefited a lot after tasting it. I really hope that one day, the two bigwigs can dedicate another wonderful and inspiring bickering 2.0, looking forward to ing!

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  • 9 years ago, Ma Yun and Wang Jianlin dedicated a wonderful "bickering" show

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