
Solar activity has reached its peak, and scientists speculate that solar storms could occur in 2024!

author:Haiyang Fusion Media

Looking up at the Sun from Earth, it may seem calm and gentle, but when you get closer, you will find that its surface is unusually violent, and sometimes even a huge amount of energy is released. 如果能量释放强烈甚至会‬影响‬我们的‬生活‬。 这种‬现象‬便是‬太阳‬风暴‬

Solar activity has reached its peak, and scientists speculate that solar storms could occur in 2024!

Solar storms are mainly released through three forms: enhanced electromagnetic radiation, high-energy charged particle streams, and plasma clouds. When these materials and energy reach the space near the earth, they will cause strong disturbances in the earth's magnetic field, ionosphere, and middle and upper atmosphere, bringing a series of consequences.

Solar activity has reached its peak, and scientists speculate that solar storms could occur in 2024!

On March 13, 1989, a solar storm occurred in the Quebec region of Canada, when after the solar storm hit, the entire Quebec region was blacked out in only 92 seconds, causing the heating in the area to stop working, and the sleeping people were awakened, The power outage lasted for nearly 12 hours, destroying more than 10,000 transformers and causing immeasurable economic losses. One can imagine the dire consequences of solar storms

Solar activity has reached its peak, and scientists speculate that solar storms could occur in 2024!

According to astronomers' observations, in 2024 our sun will enter the peak of activity, which means that the earth will be hit by more solar storms. 说到这里可能很多人会有所疑问,为何太阳‬风暴可能‬‬‬会在2024年频繁‬发生呢‬?

Solar activity has reached its peak, and scientists speculate that solar storms could occur in 2024!

其实‬这和‬太阳周期活动有关,我们‬知道‬太阳‬活动‬周期‬大约每‬11年循环一次‬,也就是‬说‬每‬11年‬间‬太阳的活动水平会经历增加和减少。 当‬太阳周期开始时,起初‬太阳黑子数量较少,‬在5到6年后达到峰值,随后‬5年‬内‬又‬降到‬极小‬值‬。

Solar activity has reached its peak, and scientists speculate that solar storms could occur in 2024!

目前,我们正处于自1755年以来记录的第25个太阳周期,天文学家‬‬‬观测‬认为‬ 在‬‬‬‬‬2024年将达到太阳黑子活动的高峰,这意味着太阳风暴发生的几率将‬显著‬增加‬。 我们‬地球‬遭受‬太阳‬风暴‬的‬几率‬也‬会‬大大‬提高‬。 那么‬当‬太阳‬风暴‬来临‬时会对‬我们‬造成‬那些‬威胁‬呢‬?

Solar activity has reached its peak, and scientists speculate that solar storms could occur in 2024!

When a solar storm occurs, the first thing that arrives is enhanced electromagnetic radiation, which disturbs the Earth's ionosphere, increasing the density of the ionosphere, causing the attenuation of radio signals to affect communications or even interrupt them. After the electromagnetic radiation, the bombardment of energetic particles is next. These energetic particles will constantly bombard the satellite in the earth's orbit, and penetrate the internal electronic devices, causing damage to the satellite's control system.

Solar activity has reached its peak, and scientists speculate that solar storms could occur in 2024!


Solar activity has reached its peak, and scientists speculate that solar storms could occur in 2024!

尽管极光景象美丽‬,但是‬等离子体‬云‬‬袭击‬对我们设施造成的影响最为严重。 比如‬飞机‬、轮船‬的‬导航会‬‬系统‬失灵‬,手机信号可能完全丧失,更严重的是,可能还‬会导致电网瘫痪烧毁‬。

Solar activity has reached its peak, and scientists speculate that solar storms could occur in 2024!


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