
In summer, eat this dish hard, the whole body is a treasure, cook it and store it in the refrigerator at a time, and it is especially trouble-free to eat and take it~

author:Foodie Fengzi

Introduction: In summer, eat this dish hard, the whole body is a treasure, cook it once and store it in the refrigerator, and it is especially trouble-free to eat and take it~

As the saying goes, "eating beans in summer is better than eating meat", beans are nutritious, rich in vegetable protein, and are called "meat that grows from the ground", the climate is hot in the summer season, easy to sweat, often eat a little beans, which is conducive to clearing heat and dampness, appetizing and strengthening the spleen, and at the same time can also replenish the potassium lost by the body due to juice, which has many benefits for the body.

In summer, eat this dish hard, the whole body is a treasure, cook it and store it in the refrigerator at a time, and it is especially trouble-free to eat and take it~

There are a lot of beans that can be eaten in summer, and my favorite thing to eat is this chubby white kidney bean, white kidney beans are also called big white beans, Beijing beans, white beans, because they are cooked and look like white clouds, so it is named "white kidney beans", it belongs to high potassium, high magnesium, low sodium food, the whole body is a treasure, rich in protein, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, its practices are also varied, you can make a variety of bean paste food, you can also fry and eat, or add pork ribs, pig's trotters stewed to eat, fresh and soft glutinous, very delicious!

In summer, eat this dish hard, the whole body is a treasure, cook it and store it in the refrigerator at a time, and it is especially trouble-free to eat and take it~

【Pick white kidney beans】:

First of all, when we choose white kidney beans, we should choose the ones that are full in appearance, white in color, free of mildew, no peculiar smell, and dry. Because if the white kidney beans are not dry enough, they are easy to spoil and mold if they are wet.

【Boiled white bean】:

It is also because the white kidney beans we buy are dry and have a hard texture, so they should be cooked and cooked soft before cooking:

In summer, eat this dish hard, the whole body is a treasure, cook it and store it in the refrigerator at a time, and it is especially trouble-free to eat and take it~

Put the white kidney beans into a pot first, add more water to cover the beans, and then soak them overnight to allow them to absorb enough water and become swollen, so that they will be easier to cook again. Then pour the white kidney beans into the pressure cooker, add an appropriate amount of water, select the boiling bean button, and cook for about 20 minutes.

In order to make it convenient to eat next time, we can cook more at a time, and the boiled white kidney beans are cooled and packed into a fresh-keeping bag, sealed and then put in the refrigerator for refrigeration, which is particularly convenient to eat and take.

Recommended cuisine: [Stir-fried white kidney beans]

In summer, eat this dish hard, the whole body is a treasure, cook it and store it in the refrigerator at a time, and it is especially trouble-free to eat and take it~

1. Soak the large white beans first, put them in a pressure cooker and cook them until soft, then remove them and set aside.

In summer, eat this dish hard, the whole body is a treasure, cook it and store it in the refrigerator at a time, and it is especially trouble-free to eat and take it~

2. Then prepare side dishes according to your preference, I prepared red shredded carrots and green shredded chili peppers.

In summer, eat this dish hard, the whole body is a treasure, cook it and store it in the refrigerator at a time, and it is especially trouble-free to eat and take it~

3. Add oil to the pot, when the oil temperature is 5 hot, first add the minced garlic and ginger and stir-fry, fry the fragrance, and then add the white kidney beans, stir-fry evenly, add a spoonful of oyster sauce, a spoonful of light soy sauce, an appropriate amount of salt and a little sugar, continue to stir-fry over high heat until the seasoning melts, add half a bowl of water, and then cover the pot and simmer for about three minutes.

In summer, eat this dish hard, the whole body is a treasure, cook it and store it in the refrigerator at a time, and it is especially trouble-free to eat and take it~

4. After the white fully absorbs the juice, then add the carrot ratio and green pepper shreds, stir-fry for a while, fry until the carrot shreds become soft, then turn off the heat, add a little chicken essence before the pot to enhance the freshness, soft and glutinous, fragrant and fragrant fried white kidney beans are ready.

In summer, eat this dish hard, the whole body is a treasure, cook it and store it in the refrigerator at a time, and it is especially trouble-free to eat and take it~
In summer, eat this dish hard, the whole body is a treasure, cook it and store it in the refrigerator at a time, and it is especially trouble-free to eat and take it~

In addition to the white kidney beans can be fried and eaten, it is more delicious to stew potatoes and pig's trotters, my family will do it once every three days, nourishing and healthy, it is very suitable for summer to eat, as the saying goes, "I would rather have no meat for a day, not beans for a day", the big white kidney beans are nutritious and delicious, you can also hurry up and do it.

In summer, eat this dish hard, the whole body is a treasure, cook it and store it in the refrigerator at a time, and it is especially trouble-free to eat and take it~

I'm Xiaofeng, if you like the food shared by Xiaofeng, don't forget to pay attention to Foodie Fengzi!

This article was originally written by Foodie Fengzi, welcome to pay attention to communicate with you, so that everyone can benefit, and there must be my teacher in the threesome~

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