
This is a bit embarrassing: more than a dozen presidents have become academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences

author:Witness to history

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Recently, I heard that more than a dozen presidents have actually become academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, which has really caused a lot of waves and questions in various circles.

Take Southwest Medical University as an example, under the leadership of Zhang XX, several leaders of affiliated hospitals in their school have won the title of academician, like Chen X and Yang XX.

Moreover, Yang XX, the former president of Harbin Medical University, was also selected.

Let's take a look at Zhang XX, the former president of Anhui Medical University, who has participated in the evaluation of domestic academicians many times before, but unfortunately failed to be selected.

Then let's talk about those vice presidents, there is an academic vice president Li XX of North China University of Water Resources and Hydropower, who is a great woman, not only outstanding young people, but also quite accomplished in the academic field.

This is a bit embarrassing: more than a dozen presidents have become academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences

There is also He XX, vice president of Jiangxi Agricultural University, in the field of rice research, the results achieved by others are quite outstanding, and he has also been selected into the list of candidates for the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Even private schools are not far behind, such as Zhao XX, the president of Wuchang Institute of Technology, and He XX, the president of Changsha Medical College, who lead their own private schools and show their skills in the field of education.

Isn't it particularly interesting that so many presidents and vice-chancellors have hooked up with this academician of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, can it not make people curious, can it not arouse everyone's attention and questions?

It's a bit confusing!

You said that some of these presidents already have a considerable status in the domestic academic circle, and there should be no shortage of honors and recognition, so why do you have to be academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences?

This is a bit embarrassing: more than a dozen presidents have become academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences

Could it be that they didn't know about this matter at all, and they got involved in it in a daze?

Or have you been misled by some people into thinking how great this title of academician is?

Or was there some special inducement, such as some unknown interest or advantage?

After all, this seems to be a bit strange.

Normally, with their current status and achievements, it seems that there is no need to pursue such a seemingly inexplicable title of academician.

What's going on behind this? Do they have special considerations, or is there something hidden that we outsiders don't know?

This is a bit embarrassing: more than a dozen presidents have become academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences

This is really confusing, the more I think about it, the more I wonder, I really hope that someone will come out and explain it well, so that everyone can figure out the twists and turns in this.

Let's think about it carefully, why did these presidents, who are already very prominent in the domestic academic circles, join such a European Academy of Natural Sciences?

Could there be some unknown motives and backgrounds?

Could it be that it is to be able to have a wider range of opportunities for academic exchange and collaboration? After all, it is related to some foreign institutions, and to a certain extent, it may be able to expand more resources and channels.

Or is it to increase the visibility and influence of the school you lead?

This is a bit embarrassing: more than a dozen presidents have become academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences

If there is such a so-called title of "European Academician", it may be able to add some luster to external publicity and exchanges.

But no matter how you guess, whatever the possible reason, this thing is indeed quite curious.

It's as if in a fog, we try to find out the truth.

Is it really purely for the sake of academic development, or is there some other factor at work that we don't know yet? What kind of stories and meanings are hidden behind these actions and choices? It's like a mystery that keeps us thinking and asking.

The actions of these presidents have undoubtedly brought some interesting and interesting topics to the entire academic community, allowing people to think and examine more deeply about various phenomena and behaviors in the academic community in addition to curiosity.

This is a bit embarrassing: more than a dozen presidents have become academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences

The impact of this incident is not small.

On the one hand, this is likely to raise many questions about the academic pursuits and motivations of these principals.

Now, because of such a title of academician of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, people have begun to re-examine their behavior and starting point, which has undoubtedly brought a certain impact on their image and reputation.

On the other hand, this incident may also make everyone think deeply about the gold content of domestic and foreign academic institutions.

People will begin to compare and weigh the differences between the domestic academic institutions and the so-called European Academy of Natural Sciences abroad, and what is their authority and value.

This is a bit embarrassing: more than a dozen presidents have become academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences

On the Internet, everyone is also enthusiastically expressing their opinions.

Some people bluntly say that this may be just a false title in name, and in fact it does not mean much, maybe it is just to satisfy the vanity of some people;

Others expressed deep concern, wondering if there would be some unknown or shady dealings.

In the comment areas of major mainstream platforms, it is even more lively.

Someone sighed and said, "What the hell is going on, why does it feel a little incomprehensible, the water in here seems to be very deep." ”

Another person said in a firm tone: "I really hope that there can be a reasonable explanation, but don't make some flashy and bells and whistles to fool everyone." ”

This is a bit embarrassing: more than a dozen presidents have become academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences

All kinds of voices are intertwined to form a powerful force of public opinion, and everyone is eagerly waiting for someone to give a clear and clear answer to this matter to solve the mystery in everyone's minds.

Overall, this event is a real reminder of the complexity and diversity of the academic world.

It is like a mirror that reflects the different scenes and situations in the academic field.

This also reminds us that in the face of various academic honors and titles, we must uphold a more rational and objective attitude to examine and judge.

We should not blindly be superstitious and pursued, but should analyze and explore the true meaning and value behind it with a prudent thinking.

At the same time, we sincerely hope that the relevant parties will conduct in-depth and comprehensive investigations and deep reflections on these phenomena.

This is a bit embarrassing: more than a dozen presidents have become academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences

Only in this way can the academic environment become more pure and fair, and eliminate those possible undesirable factors and drawbacks.

Only by creating a good academic atmosphere can we truly and effectively promote academic progress and development, so that academic research can continue to move forward along the right track.

We look forward to the emergence of more real and valuable academic achievements and outstanding talents.

Because only in this way can we provide more powerful impetus and support for the progress of society, can we enable academia to play its due important role in promoting social development, make more outstanding contributions to the well-being of human society, and make our world a better and more hopeful place because of the development of academia.

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