
Hollyhock blossoms and beautiful family style

author:Love to read the headlines

Red Star News Network (Reporter Liu Jie) reported on May 11 On May 11, the launching ceremony of Jintang County's "Hollyhock Blossom and Beautiful Family Style" community education work was held in Flower Valley, Zhuanlong Town, Jintang County. More than 500 people attended the event, including the heads of relevant units and towns (streets) in Jintang County, as well as student representatives, school representatives, lecturer representatives, community representatives and the general public.

Hollyhock blossoms and beautiful family style

This event marks the official launch of the community education work of "Hollyhock Blossom and Beautiful Family Style" in Jintang County. It aims to implement the "Law on the Protection of Minors", "Law on the Promotion of Family Education" and "Regulations on the Promotion of Community Education in Chengdu" and other laws and regulations, make good use of the role of the new era civilization practice base and community education position in publicizing, educating, caring and serving the masses, further integrate the resources of all parties to care for minors, and promote the healthy, happy and safe growth of adolescents and children in the county.

Hollyhock blossoms and beautiful family style

At the launching ceremony, 10 specially invited community education lecturers were issued letters of appointment, 4 county-level community education pilot bases were awarded, 25 special projects such as "Pea Pod Golden Heart Nursery" Psychological Counseling Room and 33 civilized practice activities such as "Orienteering Experience Competition for Disabled Youth" were released, and the hired lecturers carried out special lectures on family education and the protection of minors.

Next, we will continue to carry out five special actions: community moral publicity and special education activities, community rule of law publicity special education activities, family education and training guidance special activities, actions to protect the healthy growth of minors, and special children in difficulty to help and care for them, to guide the whole society to pay attention to the construction of family, family education, and family style, and to enhance family happiness and social harmony.

Hollyhock blossoms and beautiful family style
Hollyhock blossoms and beautiful family style

According to the relevant person in charge of Jintang County, Jintang County will further integrate the forces of departments, towns (streets), and all parties in society, build a platform for family, school, and society to collaborate in educating people, increase the intensity of propaganda and education, care, and assistance, accelerate the construction of a community education work system with the characteristics of the times, regional characteristics, and Jintang characteristics, and constantly improve and improve the community service positions and working mechanisms for minors. By the end of 2024, each town (street) will build at least one town-level community education base of "Hollyhock Blossom and Beautiful Family Style"; By the end of 2025, the coverage rate of the county's village (community) village-level "hollyhock blossom and beautiful family style" community education and teaching points will reach 100%, and gather unity and forge ahead for the high-quality construction of "Chengdong Center and Park Water City".

Editor: Zhang Shuo Editor: Gao Ting, Qin Feng Review: Ma Lan Producer: Wang Shengsheng Sun Lei Director: Li Tianxiang

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