
The blackboard newspaper in the small restaurant is flowing with the time on the tip of the tongue

author:Handan News Network

There is a special small restaurant 20 meters south of the intersection of Renmin Road and Shuguang Street in Congtai District, called "Spring Pigeon Noodles". The shopkeeper insists on introducing the characteristics of the dishes, the requirements of the ingredients, and the hygiene standards in the form of a blackboard newspaper, and conveys the concept of serving customers.

"Dear guests, thank you for coming to the restaurant. Recommended dishes: crispy pigeon, pepper pigeon, Huangshan stinky mandarin fish; A must-try for ladies: potato chips, salad and shrimp balls. Happy dining, shopkeeper ......"

These chalk characters of various colors are written on small chalkboards, so that customers who walk into the restaurant feel the enthusiasm and vitality, as well as the focus and enthusiasm of the operators into each special dish.

The blackboard newspaper in the small restaurant is flowing with the time on the tip of the tongue

Shopkeeper Li is a connoisseur

The shopkeeper's name is Li Jianchun, and when the reporter first dialed the phone, he was in the field: "I am in the field now, and I want to rate a local hotel, and I will return to Han on April 21, can I meet when I come back......?"

On the afternoon of April 22, in the "Spring Pigeon Noodles" restaurant, the reporter met him, 1.8 meters tall, calm and capable, speaking humorously, calling himself "the shopkeeper".

During the conversation, the reporter learned that in addition to the daily operation of the restaurant, he also has another identity, that is, the senior reviewer of the national hotel rating, so he will go to all parts of the country every year to participate in the review work.

As for why he named the restaurant "Spring Pigeon Noodles", the shopkeeper Li explained that his lover's surname is Ma and his name is Yingchun. Because they both have the word "spring" in their names, and the restaurant's signature dish is crispy pigeon, the recommended staple food is Wu'an noodles, so they are named "spring pigeon noodles".

Talking about his past experience in catering, he said: "When I first joined the work in 1992, I worked as a waiter and sales manager in the catering industry, and was rated as advanced every year. ”

Over the years, Li Jianchun has also opened a number of restaurants, and before the opening of "Spring Pigeon Noodles" in July last year, he also participated in the guidance and training of some food courts and restaurants, and has already become an expert in the catering industry.

There are stories on the small blackboard

According to the shopkeeper Li, the blackboard newspaper is used to convey the nuanced service concept to customers, so that customers can feel the sincere sincerity and become the daily operation of "spring pigeon noodles".

On the clean and tidy hall wall, there are many small blackboards, including pasta, dishes, recommendations and other introductions, which makes many diners who come to dine feel relaxed and casual in an instant; On the walls of the passages provided for employees to enter and exit, there are also handwritten staff operating procedures and polite language.

He said: "I usually like to write and draw, this small blackboard expression in 2007 to use, one is to save costs, the traditional light box production, word change, photography, typesetting are more troublesome, and the advantage of the small blackboard is that there is something you want to write, raise your hand to write, even the recipes of our store are sometimes handwritten on brown paper, mainly to convey a respect to customers, eat clearly." ”

In addition to the clean hall, there is also a separate entrance between the kitchen and the entrance, and the lattice of the entrance is decorated with his favorite orchids and plants, which are lush and green, and the leaves are shiny under the light, adding a comfort and comfort to the customers who come to the restaurant.

Wander around the world to choose ingredients

"The blackboard newspaper is updated every week with special dishes and seasonal dishes. For example, there is a local saying that 'March 3, eat elm money', elm money is very rich in iron ions, calcium ions, conducive to human absorption, is a green food without oxalic acid, therefore, we launched a seasonal dish at that time, dry fried elm money balls, the taste is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, healthy and nutritious. Shopkeeper Li said.

"If you want to make a dish special, it's absolutely impossible to squat at home." With 30 years of industry experience, he has traveled all over the country, and has long tasted the major cuisines of the east, west, north and south, as well as the market and rural dishes.

When it comes to the selection of ingredients, Li Jianchun said with relish: "For example, the bighead carp head mixed with the noodles in the sauce pepper reservoir, the ingredients are selected from the Henan Reservoir, which is characterized by a large head and delicious taste, and the fish brain is also known as 'brain platinum', which is rich in a variety of amino acids, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids, which has the effect of softening blood vessels and is beneficial to health." Use our secret caviar sauce, fry yellow over low heat, cook over medium heat, reduce the juice over high heat, 20 minutes, and make to order. After eating the fish head, the fish juice is mixed with the handmade noodles, the noodles are smooth, the taste is springy, the flavor is full, and the aftertaste is long......"

"There are also Korean clams from Dandong, pickled stinky mandarin fish from Hefei, and spring bamboo shoots from the south, I have them all. There are also tofu from Xibaipo and Zhangjiakou, which are full of bean aroma, and the flavor and texture of the beans in the mouth cannot be compared with ordinary tofu......," Li Jianchun said.

In his busy life, whenever he has time, Li Jianchun and his lover Ms. Ma travel all over the world, tasting local food, and also looking for some ingredients with local characteristics, and then directly packing them back to Handan.

Ms. Ma told reporters that her lover, as a national catering reviewer, can take into account what the needs of local diners are, and often combines fresh foreign ingredients with Handan's local eating habits to develop new dishes unique and unique to the restaurant, which are very popular with diners.

"There have also been customers who complained about the slow serving speed, because 90% of the dishes of 'Spring Pigeon Noodles' are freshly washed, cut and freshly cooked, so the freshest ingredients are tasted in my small shop, which also retains more repeat customers for us." She said.

"Detail control" wins "full house"

Whether it's hotel management or restaurant management, the attention to detail involves all aspects. Li Jianchun introduced, "First of all, we should put the customer first, our purpose is to provide customers with satisfactory service, customers can come again next time, not only again, but also bring friends together." He humorously said: "Walking into my store is equivalent to voting for me with your feet." ”

The detail control is also reflected in the production process of the dishes, "Take the crispy pigeon as an example, only 50 pigeon are entered every day, all of which are 28 to 30 days old. The pigeon embryo cleaned on the first day is marinated with special materials, and then put into the embryo drying cabinet, the temperature and humidity are controlled, and the cold air is added to dry; Take it out the next day, soak it in warm oil at 120 degrees, take it out after 15 minutes, and then raise the oil temperature to 180 degrees to 200 degrees, drench the pigeon embryo, at this time the pigeon embryo will swell up, the skin is crispy, the meat is tender, and the juice is rich, and the taste is the best. He said.

From Ms. Ma's mouth, I learned that running a restaurant is indispensable to usher in the delivery, and the husband and wife are busy all day, usually returning home at eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening, and the shopkeeper Li also spends time on Douyin, Kuaishou, and WeChat account promotion, sometimes a word, a frame, and a voiceover have to be pondered repeatedly, and in order to let fans see the updated content as soon as they open their eyes every day, they have to send out the video early in the morning......

Li Jianchun has been working in the catering industry for 30 years, and his persistent character and unremitting pursuit of catering have allowed him to make more friends while achieving economic benefits.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, the "Spring Pigeon Noodles" was full, and Mr. Song, who finished the meal, said: "Every dish here is exquisite and delicious, delicious and inexpensive, and the service is thoughtful and warm." I'm a long-time diner here, and I often bring my friends to eat with me, so I've long been good friends with the shopkeeper. ”

At the end of the interview, Li Jianchun said sincerely: I am willing to spend my whole life to make customers satisfied, and I also hope that more friends who love food will come to "Spring Pigeon Noodles".

Handan News and Media Center reporter Hu Haoliang text/film

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