
Guo Jinan's 90 million real estate did not add his wife's name, and the woman's support caused heated discussions


Marriage and family play a vital role in the journey of life. Whether it's a happy or a twist and turn, every marriage is a journey of growth and learning. The divorce of Guo Jinan and Ou Qianyi may make us think and reflect on marriage.

First of all, marriage requires mutual understanding and tolerance. In marriage, whether it is laughter or tears, both husband and wife need to support and tolerate each other. When faced with problems and difficulties, communication and understanding are the best ways to resolve conflicts, rather than choosing to escape and be indifferent.

Guo Jinan's 90 million real estate did not add his wife's name, and the woman's support caused heated discussions

Second, the distribution of property should be fair and reasonable. In a marital relationship, the wealth created by the joint efforts of the spouses should be jointly owned, and there should be no situation in which one party monopolizes the property. Fair distribution of property not only reflects respect and care for each other, but also respects and preserves the marital relationship.

Finally, no matter what kind of changes and challenges we face, we must learn to face them bravely and respond positively. The road of life is full of unknowns and uncertainties, and we need to learn to learn from failures, fight back from setbacks, and make ourselves stronger and more mature.

Guo Jinan's 90 million real estate did not add his wife's name, and the woman's support caused heated discussions

In this ever-changing world, the marriage relationship may go through ups and downs, but as long as we have kindness, cherish each other, and believe in the power of love and understanding, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and move towards happiness.

May all marriages be as warm as the sun and as soft as the spring breeze, let us work together for a beautiful marriage relationship and create a happy family of our own.

Guo Jinan's 90 million real estate did not add his wife's name, and the woman's support caused heated discussions

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