
defeated Wei Wei, but was smashed into a concussion by his own brother, and twice committed suicide as a nanny for the sake of a generation of singers

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1. The shadow behind the halo: The superstar in the music world missed the international stage due to shady scenes, burying the hidden worries of family disputes!

In 1987, Jin Weiling, an outstanding singer in the world, won the crown of a global music festival competition with her deeply rooted singing voice and extraordinary performance skills. According to common sense, it is natural for her to represent China on the international stage and show her ability to win the championship.

However, the composer who won her the title song "The Friendship of Green Leaves to Roots" exerted all kinds of pressure on her and insisted on recommending his apprentice Mao Amin to participate in the international competition.

defeated Wei Wei, but was smashed into a concussion by his own brother, and twice committed suicide as a nanny for the sake of a generation of singers

Faced with the ruthless reality of shady operations in the music world, Jin Weiling's heart was full of helplessness and indignation. She had tried to fight for it, but found that the deep-seated nepotism was too hard to shake.

In the end, she had to reluctantly cut her love, leave the Shanghai stage that once allowed her to spread her wings, and seek a new path of development.

This sudden blow brought a heavy blow to Jin Weiling. She began to question her own strength, full of resentment and resentment towards the industry. And this emotion also unconsciously affected her future family life and buried the hidden danger of family strife.

defeated Wei Wei, but was smashed into a concussion by his own brother, and twice committed suicide as a nanny for the sake of a generation of singers

2. Setbacks on the road to chasing her dreams: After leaving Shanghai, Jin Weiling longed to study abroad, but she failed due to an accident and wandered abroad.

After leaving Shanghai, Jin Weiling did not give up her music dream. She has always been eager to go overseas for further study, improve her musical literacy, and shine more brightly on the stage.

By chance, she was fortunate to meet Gu Jianfen, a highly respected music master at the time, and originally expected to be able to learn more exquisite professional knowledge under his tutelage.

defeated Wei Wei, but was smashed into a concussion by his own brother, and twice committed suicide as a nanny for the sake of a generation of singers

However, just as she was preparing to go abroad for further study, an accident occurred and her guarantor was in a car accident, and the whole plan came to naught in an instant. As a fledgling newcomer, Jin Weiling was arrogant at that time, and failed to take the initiative to ask Gu Jianfen for advice, missing this once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunity, which makes her still regret it.

Having lost the opportunity to further her studies, Jin Weiling had no choice but to run around performing in other places to earn meager living expenses and struggle to make ends meet. Her musical dreams were interrupted in this way, and the road ahead was full of difficulties and setbacks.

3. Tribulations in life: In order to maintain her life, she bravely chose marriage and childbirth, but the failure of her career led her into a divorce, and finally, with a tired body, she chose to return to the warm house of her parents, but unfortunately, it was no longer her shelter, but became the source of her pain.

defeated Wei Wei, but was smashed into a concussion by his own brother, and twice committed suicide as a nanny for the sake of a generation of singers

During the years of struggle in a foreign land, Jin Weiling met a 15-year-old music apprentice, and the two hit it off, quickly fell in love and entered the marriage hall. Soon after, the crystallization of their love was born - a lively and cute little girl.

In order to create a stable economic foundation for her family, Jin Weiling resolutely gave up her singing career and devoted herself to the business field. At first, business was booming and life was quite comfortable.

However, as time passed, due to improper management and the huge difference in personality between husband and wife, the conflict gradually intensified, and finally came to the end of divorce.

defeated Wei Wei, but was smashed into a concussion by his own brother, and twice committed suicide as a nanny for the sake of a generation of singers

After the divorce, the property belonged to her ex-husband, and Jin Weiling had to take her young daughter and return to her parents with anxiety. She had hoped to find warmth and strength in the love of her parents, but this once safe haven had become a new nightmare in her life.

Jin Weiling's younger brother has a grudge against her, and he is worried that his sister's return will affect the distribution of family property, so he uses evil words every day to accuse her of not choosing to marry a rich man when she was young.

What's worse is that he often violently assaulted Jin Weiling, and once beat her to the point that her head was bleeding, almost causing a concussion.

defeated Wei Wei, but was smashed into a concussion by his own brother, and twice committed suicide as a nanny for the sake of a generation of singers

Faced with such a ruthless injury from her younger brother, Jin Weiling felt extremely helpless and desperate. She felt that her closest family members would treat her in the same way, and the hurt far outweighed the pressure from the outside world.

4. The courage to survive in a desperate situation: After the painful struggle of two suicide attempts, her daughter's crying finally woke her up, and she decided to leave the "hell" family and start a new journey in life.

Under the double blow of the injury of her relatives and the frustration of her career, Jin Weiling's spirit almost collapsed. She recalls the glorious days of the past when she was a high-profile and household name, but found that she could no longer bear the difficulties and losses of today.

defeated Wei Wei, but was smashed into a concussion by his own brother, and twice committed suicide as a nanny for the sake of a generation of singers

Despair hung over her like a dark cloud, and she had twice stood on the edge of a tall building, trying to end her life.

Just as she was about to take that step, jumping down from the gap in the balcony, she saw her 11-year-old daughter waiting anxiously downstairs.

The daughter's heart-rending cry was like a thunderclap, completely waking up Jin Weiling, an almost desperate mother. She suddenly realized that she was not nothing, and her daughter was the most important concern and reliance in her life!

defeated Wei Wei, but was smashed into a concussion by his own brother, and twice committed suicide as a nanny for the sake of a generation of singers

After months of intense and painful struggles, Jin Weiling finally decided to open a new chapter in her daughter's life. She resolutely left the terrifying family like "purgatory", and took her daughter to rent a simple cottage outside, vowing to start a new life.

Even if the road ahead is full of ups and downs, she must unswervingly go on and never let her daughter suffer any more grievances.

Part 5: Struggle for Survival: Alone with her daughter in a rented house, and even reduced to a part-time job as a nanny, but she found self-confidence and life value from it.

defeated Wei Wei, but was smashed into a concussion by his own brother, and twice committed suicide as a nanny for the sake of a generation of singers

At the stage of living independently in a rented house for the first time, Jin Weiling's family lived an extremely embarrassing life. In order to provide a stable home for her young daughter, Jin Weiling had to put down her dignity and take up menial jobs such as nannies and part-time workers.

With a meager income of only a few hundred yuan a month, it is not enough to cover the basic living expenses of the mother and daughter, let alone pay for antidepressants as much as 200 yuan a week.

During those years, Jin Weiling's living and working environment were extremely bad. On one side is a cold, damp rental house, and on the other side is a workplace where people are driven to abuse at will.

defeated Wei Wei, but was smashed into a concussion by his own brother, and twice committed suicide as a nanny for the sake of a generation of singers

Sometimes she was woken up late at night by the scolding of her employer's family, or was asked to complete the heavy housework overnight, and she had to endure the humiliation and cheer up. The double torture of body and mind made this former generation of singers suffer.

However, it was in such a difficult environment that Jin Weiling gradually regained her self-confidence and love for life. The experience of working as a nanny made her feel the bitterness and bitterness of ordinary laborers, and she began to cherish everything in front of her even more.

The existence of her daughter also made her deeply aware of the meaning and value of her life.

defeated Wei Wei, but was smashed into a concussion by his own brother, and twice committed suicide as a nanny for the sake of a generation of singers

Although the reality is worrying, Jin Weiling's enthusiasm and pursuit for the music career has never been extinguished. She began to plan for the future with peace of mind and composure. Whenever she hears her daughter's encouragement of "Mom come on", it always makes her rekindle her fighting spirit.

That's right, she wants to live strong for her daughter, not choose to give up. Even if she can only start from the bottom of the society and start over, Jin Weiling has made up her mind that one day she will be able to be reborn and stand on her own stage again.

At this critical time, Jin Weiling eagerly participated in the audition schedule in variety shows such as "The Voice of China", "China Dream Show" and "Mamma Mia". Although the initial attention was relatively low, she never showed the slightest intention of backing down.

defeated Wei Wei, but was smashed into a concussion by his own brother, and twice committed suicide as a nanny for the sake of a generation of singers

Every time she performs on stage, she puts all her energy into preparation, rehearsing in front of the mirror and imagining all possible scenarios.

In family life, the young daughter is always by her mother's side to cheer up: "Mom, you will definitely succeed! You will always be the first in my heart!" This sincere support from her daughter undoubtedly drove Jin Weiling to move forward bravely and firmly, and became the strongest source of motivation and belief on her way forward.

There is no doubt that music is not only the cornerstone of Jin Weiling's career development, but also the unique and deep emotional bond between her and her daughter. The fusion of these two hearts makes their relationship closer, and this deep relationship will also inspire Jin Weiling to always maintain a tenacious and indomitable spirit on the road of pursuing her dreams.

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