
Wang Sicong is free to travel in Japan, but the beautiful escort is in good shape?

author:Come on Leonardo da Vinci

When it comes to Wang Sicong, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is probably his rich emotional life and a lot of net worth. As a public figure, every time he travels, he seems to be the focus of attention of netizens. No, during the recent May Day holiday, Wang Sicong was encountered by netizens in Japan, and this time, the scene of his casual outfits and the company of three beauties has aroused heated discussions among the majority of netizens.

Wang Sicong is free to travel in Japan, but the beautiful escort is in good shape?

On the same day, Wang Sicong wore a white printed jacket, khaki loose pants, a black fisherman's hat, and brand-name sneakers worth more than 40,000 yuan, walking on the streets and alleys of Japan. Despite wearing a famous brand, Wang Sicong's style is still staggeringly casual. The jacket is loose and casual, the pants are even shorter, and the shoes are half covered by the pants, which makes people sigh: Is this really Wang Sicong's style?

Wang Sicong is free to travel in Japan, but the beautiful escort is in good shape?

And what is even more concerning is the three beauties around Wang Sicong. Although she can't see her face clearly, she is definitely a beauty in terms of figure and temperament. They walked on the streets with Wang Sicong, or chatting and laughing, or bowing their heads and playing with their mobile phones, completely immersed in their own world. Such a scene can't help but remind people of Wang Sicong's classic line: "I never look at whether he has money when I make friends, and I don't have money anyway." ”

Wang Sicong is free to travel in Japan, but the beautiful escort is in good shape?
Wang Sicong is free to travel in Japan, but the beautiful escort is in good shape?

Of course, in addition to Wang Sicong's outfit and the company of beautiful women, some netizens noticed his figure. It can be seen from the photo that Wang Sicong seems to be a little fat, his stomach is obviously protruding, and the whole person looks a little bloated. This is a stark contrast to his previous thin figure. However, for Wang Sicong, this may only be a short period of relaxation and enjoyment, after all, he has money and leisure, and he can live as he wants.

Wang Sicong is free to travel in Japan, but the beautiful escort is in good shape?
Wang Sicong is free to travel in Japan, but the beautiful escort is in good shape?

Wang Sicong's trip to Japan, although it was only a short visit, sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some people praise his casual style of dressing, some people think that he needs to pay attention to body management when he is fat, and some people express envy for his love life. In any case, as a public figure, Wang Sicong can become the focus of everyone's attention every time he travels.

Wang Sicong is free to travel in Japan, but the beautiful escort is in good shape?
Wang Sicong is free to travel in Japan, but the beautiful escort is in good shape?

For us ordinary people, we may be able to draw some inspiration from Wang Sicong's lifestyle. For example, no matter where you are, you can maintain a casual and free mindset and not be constrained by the eyes of the outside world, and at the same time, you should also pay attention to your body management and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Of course, the most important thing is to cherish your life, not to be confused by money and material things, and to truly pursue inner happiness and satisfaction.

Wang Sicong is free to travel in Japan, but the beautiful escort is in good shape?
Wang Sicong is free to travel in Japan, but the beautiful escort is in good shape?
Wang Sicong is free to travel in Japan, but the beautiful escort is in good shape?
Wang Sicong is free to travel in Japan, but the beautiful escort is in good shape?

Although Wang Sicong's trip to Japan was only a short tour, it brought us a lot of inspiration. Whether it is his casual style of dressing or the company of beautiful women around him, we can see his unique attitude to life. We may not be able to have the same rich family and endless wealth as he did, but we can draw some positive elements from his lifestyle to make our lives more fulfilling and meaningful. #王思聪日本旅游晒酒##王思聪身边又换人了##公众人物的私生活#

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