
Haigeng Dam exhibits and operates escort robots

author:Yunnan Net

During this year's "Double Festival", Kunming Haigeng Dam Scenic Area displayed and operated escort robots, opening an attempt to innovate the model of science and technology + cultural tourism. It is reported that the escort robot was welcomed by the people as soon as it appeared during the "Double Festival", and tourists actively participated in the experience. This also marks that the Haigeng Dam Scenic Area keeps pace with the times and has made important breakthroughs in the digital transformation of cultural tourism and the practice of smart cultural tourism.

Haigeng Dam exhibits and operates escort robots

Haigeng Dam exhibits and operates escort robots

Located in Kunming Dianchi National Tourism Resort, Haigeng Dam is located on the picturesque Dianchi Lake and intertwined with the West Mountain, forming a beautiful landscape of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and is one of the iconic attractions of Kunming Cultural Tourism. It is reported that the exhibition and operation of this escort robot reflects many high-quality cultural tourism contents exclusive to Kunming Haigeng Dam scenic spots, such as the introduction of the seagull migration season, seagull migration location navigation, sunrise and sunset time guide, etc.

Haigeng Dam exhibits and operates escort robots

Haigeng Dam exhibits and operates escort robots

With the economic development and the improvement of people's income level, the cultural tourism industry has ushered in a new industry growth point, and smart cultural tourism, as the core development direction of the current global cultural tourism industry, will surely bring new vitality to the industry. Smart cultural tourism aims to digitize cultural, cultural tourism and business elements through advanced information technology, big data, artificial intelligence and other tools, and realize online and offline seamless interaction and rapid linkage. Escort robots use big data to provide tourists with high-tech functional experiences such as intelligent tour guides, intelligent navigation, and AI human-computer interaction. Safe driving technology ensures safety during driving. The panoramic map function also provides tourists with one-stop accurate navigation services. The search query function allows tourists to search for various points and cultural tourism background knowledge in the scenic area at any time, and can also explain to tourists at any time through voice or screen text. The mobile app equipped with the escort robot provides tourists with a seamless connection between online navigation and offline travel experience.

Haigeng Dam exhibits and operates escort robots

Haigeng Dam exhibits and operates escort robots

This interesting and practical "black technology artifact" has brought a fresh experience to visitors to Kunming's Haigeng Dam Scenic Area. Under the general trend of "technology-enabled cultural tourism", such products and services that can improve the digital level of smart cultural tourism provide an important breakthrough for the development and construction of "digital intelligent scenic spots". In the future, the deeply digital smart cultural tourism will become a benchmark for empowering the core capabilities of scenic spots, and it is expected that more scenic spots in the province can actively embrace the new trend of digital intelligence of "technology" + "cultural tourism".

Yunnan net correspondent Zhang Jun photo report

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