
The temperature of the sun reaches 5,500 degrees, which can drive the temperature of the earth through such a distance, but why is the temperature in the universe between the earth and the sun absolutely zero? Made by the sun

author:Xu Youshi

The temperature of the sun reaches 5,500 degrees, which can drive the temperature of the earth through such a distance, but why is the temperature in the universe between the earth and the sun absolutely zero?

As the center of the solar system, the sun occupies the vast majority of the mass of the entire system, and in the interior of the sun, violent nuclear fusion reactions continue to occur, about 600 million tons of hydrogen are converted into helium every second, releasing unimaginable energy, which mainly travels in the form of electromagnetic radiation, passes through the vast space, reaches the earth and becomes the source of life on earth.

The earth enjoys the blessings of solar radiation, obtains moderate warmth and light, and forms an ecological environment with four distinct seasons and a changeable climate. However, the Earth's ability to maintain a habitable climate depends on its unique location and thick atmosphere.

The Earth's atmosphere plays an important role, not only filtering out excess solar radiation, but also acting as a sophisticated temperature regulator to maintain the surface temperature stably. In addition, the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere also plays an important role in retaining surface heat more effectively and avoiding excessive heat dissipation into the cold space.

However, not every star will have an atmosphere like the Earth, such as the Moon, which is a satellite of the Earth, but almost no atmosphere exists.

Although Mars has the same atmosphere as the Earth, but because the density is very low, there is no way to form an effective insulation layer, so when the sun is direct, it is possible that the surface temperature has reached more than 100 degrees Celsius, but at night, the temperature drops to more than 100 degrees below zero, such a serious temperature difference, can not live at all.

Sometimes, the frequent sensation of the sun will also change the temperature of the earth, especially in the hot summer, the sun will be active frequently, the earth's magnetic field will also be affected, sufficient sunlight will mention the temperature of the earth, so people will feel the heat.

What makes people wonder why the sun's radiation can shine so far, but why is space in the distance between the earth and the sun absolutely zero?

In fact, there are independent properties in the universe, similar to a vacuum, and the universe is extremely large, composed of countless galaxies and stars, and their molecules are very far apart, and they rarely collide with each other, so if there is no collision, it means that there is not enough energy to convert into heat, which leads to low temperatures in the universe.

In addition, the continuous expansion of the universe will inadvertently increase the distance between molecules, which will make the temperature of the universe drop again, although these things sound strange, but this is the truth.

But in the universe, there are still some smaller sources of heat, they are like a small sponge, scattered in the corners of the universe, absorbing radiation from the sun and other stars, although the heat they absorb is very small, but this does not plunge the whole universe into a dead silence.

The heat emitted by the sun and other stars will gradually spread out in the universe, and although this heat conduction is weak, it has a non-negligible impact on the distribution of temperature in the universe.

In addition, scientists have also found through experiments that the temperature in space is very low. This is because there is microwave background radiation in the universe, which is an extremely weak radiation, radiation that originates from the entire visible universe, and is the ember of the Big Bang.

The average temperature of cosmic microwave background radiation is about 2.73 K, which is much lower than the minimum survival temperature of the human body -20 degrees Celsius, indicating that the real temperature of space is actually very low.

The surface temperature of the sun is as high as 5,500 degrees Celsius, but space is very cold, which is the result of the extremely thin matter in space and the very slow transfer of heat.

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The temperature of the sun reaches 5,500 degrees, which can drive the temperature of the earth through such a distance, but why is the temperature in the universe between the earth and the sun absolutely zero? Made by the sun
The temperature of the sun reaches 5,500 degrees, which can drive the temperature of the earth through such a distance, but why is the temperature in the universe between the earth and the sun absolutely zero? Made by the sun
The temperature of the sun reaches 5,500 degrees, which can drive the temperature of the earth through such a distance, but why is the temperature in the universe between the earth and the sun absolutely zero? Made by the sun

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