
He went to college at the age of 11 and studied with the Nobel Prize winner at Princeton at the age of 18, why did this prodigy fall?

He went to college at the age of 11 and studied with the Nobel Prize winner at Princeton at the age of 18, why did this prodigy fall?

Text | Rice grain mother

There are many stories of "Wounded Zhongyong", and many prodigies are gifted and achieve outstanding achievements at a very young age. Some of them really became great big names, while many of them shone briefly and then quickly fell and disappeared.

Mi Li's mother wrote the story of Zhang Fei, who was admitted to Peking University several times and was dropped out several times; There is also the story of Liu Zhiyu, who was admitted to Peking University and later became a monk and then became a vulgar.

There are actually many stories of high and low, those who have been surrounded since a very young age, shining "prodigy", when the glory is fleeting and disappears from everyone, the sense of gap, I believe that only they themselves can deeply experience.

Xie Yanbo, a prodigy who attended the University of Science and Technology of China at the age of 11, was admitted to Princeton University at the age of 18, where he studied under Nobel Prize winner Professor Anderson.

He went to college at the age of 11 and studied with the Nobel Prize winner at Princeton at the age of 18, why did this prodigy fall?

Such a powerful child turned from a genius to a madman and was repatriated. It's really regrettable.

Looking at his story again, Mi Li's mother found that he had a more common problem among the "hurt Zhongyong" prodigy, that is, high IQ and low EQ.

And his story also made Mi Grain's mother see that if you want to live a good life, no matter how high your intelligence is, it is not enough, if you can't have the ability to deal with the world, life will still be a mess.

It is not the intellect that guides us to happiness, but wisdom.

He went to college at the age of 11 and studied with the Nobel Prize winner at Princeton at the age of 18, why did this prodigy fall?

He went to college at the age of 11 and studied for a PhD at the age of 18

When Xie Yanbo was in college, TV stations, newspapers, and magazines were overwhelmingly reporting on him.

At the age of 11, he entered the junior class of the University of Science and Technology of China and became a nationally recognized prodigy, which is unique in history.

Xie Yanbo was born in Hunan to parents who were university professors. Because of his busy work, Xie Yanbo was sent to his grandmother's house in the countryside when he was 1 year old.

At the age of 5, he was taken back to the city by his parents, and because he also had excellent high IQ genes, he showed amazing abilities at an early age.

No matter what book he reads, he can remember it. It can even clearly indicate the number of chapters and pages in the book.

In the second grade, Dad stumbled upon him to get all the fifth-grade math problems right, and tried to give him middle school problems, and he got them all right.

He went to college at the age of 11 and studied with the Nobel Prize winner at Princeton at the age of 18, why did this prodigy fall?

By the time he finished the fourth grade, he could fully master all the mathematics, physics and chemistry courses in high school. The teacher tried to give him a set of high school Olympiad problems, and he got it all right.

While his classmates were still learning addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, Xie Yanbo, a fifth-grader, could already dabble in analytic geometry and calculus.

At that time, almost all teachers firmly believed that his actual knowledge level should go to university.

In a physical and chemical competition, he was discovered by teachers from the University of Science and Technology of China and encouraged him to apply for the "junior class" of the school, he successfully passed the written examination and interview, and finally, at the age of 11, he became the youngest child in the University of Science and Technology of China.

He went to college at the age of 11 and studied with the Nobel Prize winner at Princeton at the age of 18, why did this prodigy fall?

He completed his undergraduate studies in three years and obtained a master's degree from the University of Science and Technology of China at the age of 18. Immediately afterwards, he studied for a doctoral degree under Zhou Guangzhao, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

However, according to an article in Southern Weekend, he failed to get along with his mentor and did not graduate successfully.

Although Xie Yanbo has a gifted intelligence, he has not been good at words since he was a child, and normal communication is not very smooth.

He went to college at the age of 11 and studied with the Nobel Prize winner at Princeton at the age of 18, why did this prodigy fall?

Such a child, who only has the mind of a primary school student, was suddenly thrown into the environment of a college student, and it can be said that he cannot deal with many interpersonal problems at all.

Other people are not good, and the relationship with the mentor is also very stiff, so that such an excellent genius cannot graduate successfully.

Fortunately, considering that his ability is indeed extraordinary, I recommended him to go to Princeton University in the United States. And this was the beginning of the real tragedy of his life.

He went to college at the age of 11 and studied with the Nobel Prize winner at Princeton at the age of 18, why did this prodigy fall?

"Hurt Zhongyong" because of low emotional intelligence?

From childhood to adulthood, Xie Yanbo has been riding smoothly with the title of prodigy. Because he has a gifted ability, almost everyone around him will let him, and even indulge his shortcomings in life ability and dealing with the world.

He entered the University of Science and Technology of China at the age of 11, and when he enrolled, he even rolled his beloved iron ring to report. Such a person whose mind is completely childish is simply unsatisfactory in the complex relationships of adults.

When he first entered Princeton to study theoretical physics, his doctoral supervisor was not the Nobel Prize-winning Professor Anderson, but a female Chinese mentor who treated him as a son.

That female mentor is really talented, and the old lady treats him as her own, and even spoils him a little. This tolerance made his time in a foreign country very smooth.

But the idol that the wayward Xie Yanbo really admires in his heart is Professor Anderson, who has always wanted to join his protégé and be his student.

As a result, he made a particularly emotionally intelligent decision, and when the Ph.D. thesis with the Chinese old lady was immediately written, he left her without hesitation and went directly to Anderson with the draft paper.

He went to college at the age of 11 and studied with the Nobel Prize winner at Princeton at the age of 18, why did this prodigy fall?

In fact, this kind of defection is very taboo. The female supervisor revised his thesis for him, and the process of cultivating him also put a lot of effort into it. He directly took the results to another person's door, which was too much of a slap for the female mentor.

This kind of personality that does things by nature will eventually harm him.

When he handed the paper to Professor Anderson, the other party directly left a sentence:

"Your English is so poor that I can't understand it."

In fact, the intention of Anderson's sentence is not literal, Xie Yanbo quoted many theories, all of which are the views of Anderson's theory opposing schools, and his theoretical direction is opposite, so he very vaguely expressed his disagreement.

But theoretical physics is studied to a certain extent, and it will be very illusory. What four-dimensional space, black holes, no one has ever seen or demonstrated, so it is difficult to distinguish between quantitative right and wrong.

Anderson dismissed Xie Yanbo's paper on the grounds that "English is not good", but he did not understand human feelings and had solid eyes. He spent two years directly tinkering with English, earning a Master of Arts degree from the Princeton College of Letters.

Rice grain mother has to say, Xueba is Xueba! It's pretty hardcore.

He submitted his paper again with brilliant writing, this time the language was impeccable, and Anderson could only tell him that he could not pass his paper because of school problems.

He went to college at the age of 11 and studied with the Nobel Prize winner at Princeton at the age of 18, why did this prodigy fall?

This is equivalent to you having to worship under the door of the Wudang Sect, and then you have to talk to the master about hard steel, saying that the martial arts of the Emei Sect is superior. Although it is said that they are all martial arts, how can your Wudang Sect master recognize you? In his opinion, isn't this a lifting bar!

The solid-eyed Xie Yanbo has hardly experienced being denied since he was a child, he is used to going with the flow, his ideas have been repeatedly rejected, and he simply can't bear it.

As soon as he was impulsive, he ran directly to Anderson's house late at night to theorize with him, and suddenly pulled out his trouser pocket halfway, and Anderson thought he was going to pull out a gun, and his soul flew with fright.

At this point, Xie Yanbo's academic career has really reached Waterloo. Stubborn, he has no future anymore.

He went to college at the age of 11 and studied with the Nobel Prize winner at Princeton at the age of 18, why did this prodigy fall?

Returned to China to teach

In fact, Anderson is also worthy of Xie Yanbo, because of the theoretical incompatibility, he introduced Xie Yanbo to another supervisor, hoping that he can graduate with a doctorate as usual.

But Xie Yanbo was never denied, he felt abandoned. He held on to Anderson, insisting on his theoretical views, and graduating under his protégé.

This contest lasted for several years, and later, during the visit of associate professors of the University of Science and Technology of China to Princeton, there happened to be a case of Peking University students killing professors, and Anderson was always worried about his late night visit to his home, so he took this opportunity to directly explain the situation to the university and repatriate Xie Yanbo back to China.

He went to college at the age of 11 and studied with the Nobel Prize winner at Princeton at the age of 18, why did this prodigy fall?

Before he could even pack his bags, Xie was taken back to China by the HKUST Vice President, and he has been teaching at HKUST ever since as a master.

Such a genius stopped at a master's degree and became an ordinary physics teacher.

Mi Li's mother feels that Xie Yanbo's problem is that he will not think differently at all, but will only start from his own position and will not empathize with others.

When he was rejected by Anderson, he could feel the shame of being denied and abandoned, but wasn't it also very insulting when he ruthlessly abandoned his female mentor and took the paper away?

Anyone who knows the basics of human feelings will understand that since you have chosen a mentor, you must respect his theoretical direction to the greatest extent. And in order to prove that he was right, he kept barring with his mentor, completely ignoring Anderson's position as a mentor.

Until the end, he did not understand why he ended up like this. He still felt that everyone was sorry for him, that no one understood him.

In class, he often smiled inexplicably. Sometimes in the middle of class, I suddenly turn around and smile at the students, which makes the students feel strange.

Many students called his expression "Mona Lisa's smile", as if he smiled, but not completely.

Many students said he might be crazy and psychotic. Some students also commented on him:

"He probably thinks all the students are stupid, it's a contemptuous expression, and he can't help but laugh when he thinks about it."

He went to college at the age of 11 and studied with the Nobel Prize winner at Princeton at the age of 18, why did this prodigy fall?

There are also many geniuses who do not eat human fireworks, such as Wei Shen. But not everyone can have a relatively good future like Wei Shen.

Many people will be like Xie Yanbo, because of the problem of emotional intelligence, they buried geniuses, which is really a pity.

So don't think that you can be prepared for everything with a high IQ, it is equally important to hone your emotional intelligence in education and consciously train your ability to behave in the world. If you affect your own development because of this shortcoming, it is actually worth the loss.

In fact, Xie Yanbo's low emotional intelligence is mostly because he is smart and feels that everyone should let him, and life should give him the green light.

But in fact, no one has the obligation to let him, if he cannot integrate well into social life, in the crowd, sooner or later he will suffer his own consequences.

It is said that "holding beautiful to commit murder", didn't Li Jiaxin use his prosperous beauty to be domineering back then? Curse and humiliate people casually in the circle, and rob other people's husbands and boyfriends.

This kind of "clever murder" may actually be a similar mentality. Do whatever you want with great value, but someone will always make you understand that when the world hits you with nails, you also hurt badly.

Hone emotional intelligence is a topic that we all need to practice for life. With relatives, with loved ones, with children, with everyone who deals with social life.

When we truly have the wisdom of life, we have the ability to stand up in the world. Otherwise, even if the IQ is like God, it is still a "disability" in life.

Personal profile: @米粒妈爱分享 Rice grain mother, American returnees, Haidian parents focus on learning dry goods, educational experience and further education.

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