
211 graduates do cleaning, the real situation of thousands of cold students

A friend reposted a post on WeChat, and I couldn't help but feel tight after reading it, isn't this the real situation of thousands of cold students?

A girl named Xiaodai was admitted to China University of Geosciences and entered a Fortune 500 company after graduation, but left because she couldn't bear the pressure of work and turned into a houseworker.

As soon as the news came out, it quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and everyone received mixed reviews about it. Some people think that girls do not know how to plan in advance, have a good job but are not willing to do it, and are too pretentious.

Some people think that without lying in the rental house to play games, without constantly changing jobs day and night, and firmly taking the road of hard work to get rich, one day can rely on the accumulated industry experience to get development!

Most netizens said that they saw their own shadow on Xiaodai's body, and the first half of his life was like crossing the river by feeling a stone, one foot deep and one foot shallow, and he took a lot of detours in circles.

As a university student from the village, I feel the same way. When I first entered college, I felt that children from wealthy families knew everything and could have everything they wanted, and they were free and confident, giving people a feeling of sparkle.

And I always feel disgraced, I can get the first place in the exam, but I can never confidently speak on stage, I always hate to hide myself from the crowd, and I am afraid that others will see my embarrassment.

Years after graduation, looking back, those who have developed well either have a family support and found a good job, or they have super personal combat effectiveness, and after some hard work, they also have some achievements.

But many children at the bottom of society, even if they go to college, have stumbled along the way, spent a lot of time in trial and error, and are still struggling to survive.

What causes this, is it simply material poverty? The pit he stepped on, how can the child perfectly avoid it?


Young people don't know the road to the workplace, and they are middle-aged when they wake up

Xiaodai comes from a single-parent family in a rural area in Jilin, where her only sister goes out to work, while her mother is too busy to communicate with her. Gradually, her personality became more and more introverted, and she did not like to communicate too much with people.

After finishing high school step by step, she also achieved good results in the college entrance examination, but when she needed to fill in the volunteer, she was confused and her heart was at a loss. I didn't know what I liked, and I didn't know which one was more promising, and finally I entered China University of Geosciences by mistake.

During college, other students were busy with graduate school entrance examinations and certifications, but Xiaodai did not understand the use of doing this. In order to reduce the burden on her family, she went to work-study whenever she had time and worked part-time to earn living expenses.

Fortunately, after graduating, Xiaodai successfully entered a Fortune 500 company. However, what awaits her in this job is 24-hour standby, receiving daily lectures, often going on stage to preach, various weekly and monthly reports, and she was originally introverted to the point of almost suffocating. In the end, he had to choose to leave.

Later, I accidentally bumped into the high-end housekeeping industry, although my body was more tired, but my spirit was more relaxed. Now she is most worried that if her mother and the villagers find out, there will be misunderstandings and gossip.

As the "first generation of college students in the family", Xiaodai found that his previous cognition of academics and the workplace was always a state of confusion, and many major choices were like opening a blind box.

Many people feel the same way: there are no people to refer to at key points in life, and there are no role models to follow. They do not understand the laws of social operation and are not good at interpersonal communication, and are often excluded to the edge of the workplace. The world is so big, it seems that you can only walk alone.

Some people say: "It takes at least three generations to change the fate of a family, the first generation changes cognition by stepping on the pit and steps on a bloody road, the second generation accumulates raw capital on the basis of the cognition of the first generation, and the third generation is likely to change the class." ”

When I was young, I was ignorant, when I was young, I kept trying and making mistakes, and when I realized some truth, I looked back and had already gone through half of my life.


The education of elite families is unimaginable to ordinary people

Netizens shared the story of a rich second generation, a boy who did not study particularly well, and it was difficult to enter a prestigious school after passing the college entrance examination. His parents knew this, so when he was in high school, his family emigrated overseas, and finally he easily entered Peking University as an international student.

Parents of elite families have clear goals and will use all resources to plan the best path for their children. And because the resources are widely connected, they are often the first to get the latest information and take the lead.

If the child can't learn, he can help the child take other paths, such as learning art. What works to produce, what exhibitions to do, what kind of famous foreign schools to apply for, everything is in the plan. Such an operation is simply unimaginable to ordinary families, let alone the gap in financial and material resources.

The richer the family, the more they attach importance to their children's education, and they will learn more scientific educational concepts and set a good example for their children. Children can not only master a lot of knowledge, but also understand a lot of truths about how to behave in the world, and have a childhood that can heal a lifetime.

Teacher Fan often tells the story of raising his child, and before and after the birth of the child, he read a lot of classic parenting books and applied them to his life. Later, his son Dudu grew into a teenager with excellent learning, outstanding ability, high cognitive level and super self-control.

In contrast, for children from families at the bottom, the situation is very different. When some children are young, they don't even have extracurricular books to read, let alone be consciously guided, accompanied by endless farm work, and know almost nothing about the outside world except what they learn in books.

When they grow up, they have no own preferences, no clear goals and plans, and because of the pressure of life, they have to desperately pursue a seemingly stable job and live a tight life.

Most parents of the bottom families believe in fate, agree that filial piety comes out under the stick, and often solve problems by beating and scolding, making the child's character timid and inferior.

Of course, this is also the helplessness of the previous generation, because the livelihood alone has hollowed out their energy, and it is almost impossible to learn scientific parenting.

Now that we are parents, we know that accumulating wealth is not easy, and that the best way to study hard, get more information, and accompany our children to grow up may be the best way.


With the help of parents, children will go further

Although it is difficult to get out of the cold door, in fact, fate always slips through the net. No matter what era, there will be children from families at the bottom of society who stand out and are active in various fields. They seem to have a common characteristic, both have a strong thirst for knowledge, and the courage to dare to fight fate.

Family environment can determine how high a person flies, but personality can determine how far a person goes. The vastness of the spirit, the activity of imagination, and the diligence of the heart can help children grow better.

Increase your knowledge and communicate with your children

I like the practice of a friend, who often exchanges industry knowledge with people, and when he returns home, he shares his insights with his son. When he was a child, his son felt that his father understood everything and admired him very much. When they grew up, the two were more like friends, chatting and discussing together from time to time.

Young children, the channels to obtain knowledge are very limited, parents consciously communicate with the child, will open up another world for the child, help him learn more social knowledge.

Use online resources to help children break through cognitive limitations

Now the online media resources are particularly developed, only what you can't think of, nothing you can't find. A large number of high-quality documentaries at home and abroad, cultural puzzle variety shows, and educational films are all worth watching.

Without leaving home, you can help children, understand the customs and customs of different regions, see the rise and fall of dynasties, and explore the mysteries of the universe and nature.

Parent-child interaction, deal with the underlying emotions and relationships

Yitu Education Li Yinuo once shared a viewpoint: there is only one magic weapon to be a good parent, that is, to deal with the underlying emotional connection with the child.

If a close, healthy and positive link is established between parents and children, children will be more cheerful and secure, and even if some problems arise in the process of growing up, they will be easier to solve.

A famous person said, "The art of education is not to teach, but to inspire and awaken." ”

Success in education is not just about producing the best, but about developing people who can keep improving. Even if we can't create more material wealth for our children, please don't let our children be mentally impoverished. Your patience and love may become an inexhaustible motivation for him/her in the future.

Light up "looking", may our dear parents live a long and healthy life, and may our beloved children walk in the light.

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