
The penultimate can be admitted to 985, how good is this class?

The penultimate can be admitted to 985, how good is this class?

Last month, there was a popular certain music blogger (@在下辉子), and in just a few months, the number of fans rose to nearly 3 million.

Because he did a seemingly inconspicuous little thing: hang a high school graduation photo on the wall, then blindfold and throw a dart on the graduation photo, and visit whoever he hits to see how his high school classmates are doing 10 years later.

The penultimate can be admitted to 985, how good is this class?

This smash doesn't matter, what matters is to blow up a lot of cows - such as:

His first love, a master's degree in foreign economic cooperation and trade, worked in a large Internet factory;

A good standard student, Peking University undergraduate direct Ph.D., but living a non-mainstream life;

The girl sitting in the corner, Nankai bachelor's degree, people's university master's degree, career high, about to reach the peak of life;

The most surprising thing is that he actually hit Li Xueqin with a casual smash.

That's right, this blogger is Li Xueqin's high school classmate.

Needless to say, Li Xueqin is familiar to everyone, after graduating from Peking University, he went to NYU for a master's degree, and later became a well-known stand-up comedian. But through this video of the UP master, many people know that it turns out that Li Xueqin's children in this class casually brought out a "child of other people's families" in the eyes of their parents.

So ten years after graduation, what kind of life did they lead? Ten years ago, what did they and their parents expect from them? Have all your youthful dreams come true?

With curiosity, I also came to look through this high school class that was a cow baby.


The class was second to last in the college entrance examination, with 985

Yu Su, South China University of Technology

After graduating, he joined the local media and is now a sports journalist

The penultimate can be admitted to 985, how good is this class?

When the blogger contacted her, she was in Chengdu covering the Universiade. Without saying a word, the blogger took the high-speed train to Chengdu. The two used to sit at the same table in high school, but they never spoke again after graduation, and they only learned about each other's movements through their circle of friends every day.

After meeting, the two talked about the current work status of female classmates from their past high school days. The blogger thought that as a sports reporter, it would be a pleasure to often meet Olympic champions and sports stars, but Su Yu said that these were painful for her.

Because every game is in the evening, it is 11 pm after the interview. And being a sports reporter was not her original ideal, her initial intention was to be a fashion editor, a variety show, and a sports accident. This made her very devastated, because all the rules of the game had to be learned from scratch, and she would even call her friends to cry to relieve the pain and pressure in her heart.

But slowly, she also adapted, because she found that many sports athletes are simple, just like when she was in high school, with only one goal - she is going to go to college, and athletes are to score. This kind of straight thinking made her find a familiar feeling. Although she does not have any special plans for her career, she is still quite satisfied with her current state, and she says that she is very happy.

The penultimate can be admitted to 985, how good is this class?

However, when it comes to high school career, Su Yu still has some regrets. If you work harder, you may be able to live an ideal life like those better classmates. But she also accepted that she is an ordinary person, after all, loving herself is the essence of life.


The only student in the class who is still studying

Xiao Rui has a bachelor's degree in Peking University Law School and has not yet graduated

The penultimate can be admitted to 985, how good is this class?

Ten years ago, he was a standard good student, calm and steady, and every step of the way was steady and steady.

Ten years later, he ushered in his own period of rebellion. Because he was confused and did not know how to choose in the future, he decided to take the initiative to extend his graduation (specifically, the thesis was not finished), and lived in a difficult and simple doctoral dormitory room. After ten years in Peking University, how does Xiao Rui feel?

With no friends around, it's hard to meet new people. He said he was a little hesitant and scared because he hadn't figured out what to do yet. At first, his idea was simple, to finish his Ph.D. and become a teacher. But later, he found that his characteristics were not suitable for being a teacher. The thought of forcing himself to do something that is not suitable will be very uncomfortable, and he actively chose to press the pause button for life.

Seeing that his peers have worked, married, had children, and bought houses, Xiao Rui is not anxious, but he doesn't seem to like this kind of life so much. In the end, he found that freedom was very important to him, and he wanted to go to the Academy of Fine Arts for another graduate school to realize his childhood dream. He described that he did not enter puberty until he was 30 years old, and although it came a little late, it was better to arrive late than not to have puberty.

Xiao Rui said that those things that should be done are what others want you to do. They just want to make things easier for themselves and don't care if you're happy or not. In fact, who you become is more important than what you do or how much money you make. And now, except for the lack of money, he is satisfied with himself.

The penultimate can be admitted to 985, how good is this class?

Perhaps because his life was too depressing, in the past six months of Yanbi, Xiao Rui tried all kinds of new things, he wore a metal chain around his neck, a large tattoo patch on his arm, and took the blogger to experience a nail art that he had always wanted to try. Both of them were very happy.

The blogger concluded: This is not a story of a rebellious doctor, this is a story of being honest with yourself.


Especially looking forward to 30 years old: people will relax as soon as they are slack

Li Xueyang graduated from the School of Journalism and Communication of Peking University

After studying abroad, he became Li Xueqin after returning to China

The penultimate can be admitted to 985, how good is this class?

The blogger and Li Xueqin are three-year high school classmates, and they have been in the same class since they did not have a division of arts and sciences.

Li Xueqin is still the same as ten years ago, she loves to read and laugh, but she is not a good student in everyone's impression during the school stage. In class, she chatted with the classmates next to her, or nagged in circles, and it was useless for the teacher to adjust her seat, and finally simply let her sit alone against the wall, one table alone, without any table. Copying other people's physics homework every day (the classmate later became a provincial science champion), always sleepy in geography class, trying to listen carefully, trying to open his eyes, and finally opening his eyes - class is over.

But people are admitted to Peking University, which is really infuriating.

The blogger said that Li Xueqin's deepest impression on him was that he was smart. There is no need to practice with mountains and books, as long as you listen carefully to the class, you will do well in the test. However, Li Xueqin's high school life in her memory was full of bitterness, the city was mountainous, the roads were rough, and her home was not in the local area, and everything needed to be faced by her alone.

The two also talked about the topic of small-town questioners, and at first felt that they did not belong to this group (their hometown is still a prefecture-level city), but later found that the description of small-town questioners is actually quite accurate - they will do questions and take exams, and there is no way to get out of small places (economically underdeveloped) except for the college entrance examination.

The penultimate can be admitted to 985, how good is this class?

What supports him is not the youth literature like Kundera and Haruki Murakami, but the online novel that stimulates fighting spirit like "Breaking the Sky", which is completely based on a passion and believes that he will succeed in the end. Li Xueqin's ideal now is to be a writer. But she always felt that she could not reach it.

Ten years after graduation, from 18 to 28. Speaking of 30 years old, Li Xueqin said that many friends told her that people will become relaxed after 30 years old, so she is looking forward to it, as if she will relax at that moment. Could this be true?


First love, college entrance examination score can go to the NPC, but not on

Zhu Lingxuan, a master's degree from the University of International Business and Economics, works for an Internet company

The penultimate can be admitted to 985, how good is this class?

The blogger and his first love only got along for half a year at that time, and then both of their grades declined, and then they became strangers.

When they met again, the two exchanged pleasantries, and the blogger immediately asked his first love, why did he quit his last job? The girl replied that because she was so tired, she couldn't calm down before going to bed every night, and there were many anxious things.

The blogger said the seeds of her unhappiness may have been planted a decade ago. Because her score could already be on the NPC at that time, but because of a phone call, she chose the University of International Trade. Her life seems to have been trapped by this matter, she doesn't know what she wants to do, if she has the opportunity to do nothing, she really doesn't want to do anything. I don't get much fulfillment at work, and I seem to lose control of my life.

They talked about the early love ten years ago, and the blogger felt that he influenced the girl, if this had not happened, maybe they could also go to Peking University? The girl said that her mother never seemed to have walked out of her college entrance examination, and until now she is still remembering what happened at that time, what she did right and what she did wrong. She always felt that my daughter should be better.

The penultimate can be admitted to 985, how good is this class?

The girl said, I don't want to be compared anymore, no one will force me in the rest of my life.


Girl sitting in the corner - out of the shadow of being bullied

Xiaohan, Bachelor of Finance from Nankai University, Master of Finance from Renmin University, is currently a financial analyst

The penultimate can be admitted to 985, how good is this class?

Why did you study finance in the first place? She said, my mother reported it because of the high score.

She was the quietest student in her class, always sitting in the back row of the classroom. She said there was a sense of security in sitting against the wall, burying her head in the fortress of textbooks, and the whole world seemed to have only learning. When she was still very young, because of her well-behaved personality and good grades, she was bullied by her classmates. Referring to this incident, Xiaohan said that she did not forgive, but some of the hurts that happened in the past, she did not want to be trapped in them all the time. So she can now describe it in a relaxed tone.

When the blogger met Xiaohan, she was preparing for the wedding and trying on dresses. For marriage, she said that she can't measure or calculate, as long as she feels happy, and has the courage to enter and the courage to quit.

The blogger said that Xiaohan has always been a gentle and firm person.


A Peking University girl who once wrote from Rong became a full-time mother

Sister Wei, after graduating from Peking University Law School, entered the system

After becoming a working mother, she has just returned to the workplace

Ma Yiwei is the third student in Li Xueqin's high school class to be admitted to Peking University, and her classmates call her Sister Wei. In 2017, she gave up her qualification for insurance research at Peking University and applied to enlist in a frigate detachment of the Navy stationed in Ningning, becoming one of only five female soldiers in the detachment.

The penultimate can be admitted to 985, how good is this class?

Who would have thought that five years later, this heroic female soldier in the hearts of her classmates would be the first mother in her class?

But the blogger said that Sister Wei was very good at taking care of people when she was in school, so he was actually not surprised that Sister Wei became a mother. After taking maternity leave, Sister Wei chose to quit her job in the system and take care of her baby full-time. The decision was made because she found that she had changed particularly much psychologically.

Considering that her lover is a soldier and the army is stationed in Ningbo, she wants to focus more on her family, so she brought her children to Ningbo to reunite with her lover. She said that just because she graduated from Peking University, she can't all have to climb the peak!

When it comes to high school life, Sister Wei said that it was too depressing. She was originally a person with a flamboyant personality, and after three years of high school, she polished herself into a very obedient person. She often had nightmares, or the atmosphere of shouting slogans in high school. She didn't want her child to experience it again. She often wondered if she hadn't been so depressed at the time, would she have had a worse life than she is now?

The penultimate can be admitted to 985, how good is this class?

Now she is back in the workplace and works as a trainee lawyer in a law firm, her colleagues are very friendly, the unit is quite inclusive, and she can learn from scratch. Her goal is to become a good barrister after completing her internship to prepare for the professional lawyer certification.

Although the matter of resigning to become a full-time mother has caused many netizens to argue endlessly, the calmness and indifference on Sister Wei's face will make people feel that she is always in control.

After reading the life stories of these super students, are your parents like me, and they have gradually become vivid and concrete, which were originally like symbols?

In the school stage, because of the pressure of schoolwork, everyone can be defined only as "academic performance", and "Xueba" is a unified name for them by the outside world, although it sounds good but its face is vague.

When they enter the society, the goal of life is no longer to kill their peers and enter the Qingbei, and the self and pursuit that have been suppressed for a long time begin to germinate and grow, and in the process of finding themselves, they gradually discover what they want to do and the dreams they want to achieve.

They also show us that life is diverse and colorful, and that everyone has their own standards for happiness and strives for them.

I have been a public official for more than 7 years and have written a lot of parenting articles, and people have always asked me: Chang Dad, what kind of person do you hope to cultivate Xiao Xiao Chang into?

As a father for 9 years, the answer to this question is becoming clearer to me, that is:

I hope he can always have light in his eyes and love in his heart.

There is light in his eyes, hoping that he will always maintain his curiosity and love for life;

To have love in his heart is to hope that he will grow up in love and learn self-love and love others.

It is false to say that you don't want your child to become a dragon, but it requires resorting to talent, hard work and luck - none of which I can control, but the attitude to life, the perception and understanding of love, are closely related to family education.

We may be able to define good students by grades, but nothing defines a successful life. People who love life and live hard, everyone will bloom their own light.

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