
Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

author:Fly sail fly sail fly sail


I have always thought of fascial guns as a product of "small massage, big healing". The structure of the fascia gun is very simple, the technical content required by the product is not high, as long as the brand is willing to do a good job in the details, has a certain research and development ability, you can do this product very well. Because of the needs of the studio, I have purchased more than twenty large and small fascial guns, and I can be said to be very familiar with fascial guns, today I will take several fascial guns in service to make a comparison, to show you what are some gaps in different levels of fascial guns, by the way, see what details professional fascial guns should pay attention to.

I with fascial gun

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

The earliest start to play fascial guns was in 2017, when fascial guns just began to appear in the fitness circle, and the price of three or four thousand also had to dissuade many people. Later, I don't know which god actually used a jiggsaw and a massage head to transform into a fascial gun! As a result, Wicks' jigsaw sales increased significantly... More than 400 jigsaws and 30 massage heads can stand out! It seems that there is nothing wrong except for the loud noise! However, the fact is that fascial gun as a rehabilitation physiotherapy product needs to be scientifically set in amplitude, thrust and frequency, and the jigsaw can only be played and can not really be used to relax, and there is a risk of damaging muscles~

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

Subsequently, a large number of brands joined the fascia gun industry, fascial guns began to be popularized in China, personal use plus the needs of studios, fascial guns have been bought one after another, there are brands, and there are original foundry orders, I believe that there are not too many people like me who are not industry insiders but have contact with a large number of fascial guns.

The principle and function of fascial gun


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This GIF is the internal dynamic operation structure of the fascia gun, which is very simple~

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

In another way, more people should be able to understand ~

The fascial gun is as simple as that, there is nothing too cutting-edge technology in it.

To make a good fascial gun, just do a few points:

1. The internal materials such as motors, batteries, and transmission arms use better materials to ensure durability;

2. Do a good job in internal design of earthquake resistance, noise and other design;

3. Do ergonomic design in appearance design.

Coupled with a little manufacturing experience, the manufacturer has done the details extremely well, and it can be ~


The fascial gun does two positioning: massage + relaxation

Don't read those online articles telling you that fascial guns are used to relieve lactic acid accumulation or something... Pure nonsense, still using this theory is basically people who lack sports knowledge.

First of all, there is no completely accurate and definitive scientific explanation for muscle soreness caused by exercise, and the mainstream explanations are as follows:

1. Lactic acid accumulation

2. Free radicals trigger inflammation

3. Muscle fiber damage

4. Spasticity theory

At present, the explanation of lactic acid accumulation has been overturned~ because many studies have shown that the lactic acid produced during exercise will be catabolized by the body within 1 hour after exercise, and there is no clear scientific demonstration for other specific core reasons.

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

So what is the fascial gun suddenly?

From my personal knowledge, massage, foam rollers and fascial guns can comb myofascial nodules, relax muscles and accelerate blood circulation.

And this is also the reason why fascial guns can be used as massagers, because all of our muscle fatigue is almost caused by myofascial tightness and pulling or nodules.

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

Different sizes of fascial guns will also target some different groups, the small fascia gun pictured above is more suitable for relaxing in the office, or for the elderly to massage, the relative strength is limited, the effect is acceptable.

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

Different sizes of fascial guns for different groups will also have some differences, the small fascia gun pictured above is more suitable for relaxing in the office, or for the elderly to massage, relative strength is limited, depth is limited, the effect is acceptable.

How to choose a professional fascial gun?

I casually took the pineapple Jun M2-B, Yunmai PB, Youpin H1 and Artsmith AS500 in use in the studio, combined with my own use of BYIKANG titanium Ti Pro, and a factory's SaiXkang Prime (original single version) to compare and see what points should be looked at when buying a professional fascial gun.

Let's get started.

Volume-size comparison

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

First compare the size of the volume, this is more intuitive, Beikang titanium Ti Pro is the smallest in size, pineapple Jun M2-B, Yunmai PB, Youpin H1 and Artsmith AS500 four models are similar in size, Sai X Kang Prime (original single version) won the first place.

Look at the fit of thrust + amplitude

Thrust is the most important indicator of fascial guns, there is no one.

Fascial guns with weak thrust can be stopped directly with the palm of your hand when working. A deep massage of the muscles is required, and it will stop directly. The fascial gun with strong thrust can better meet the user's deep muscle relaxation needs. If you test by pressing the scale, you need to slowly apply pressure as much as possible in 1-2KG increments, and take the highest value as a standard when you are close to pressing and stopping, in order to measure the weight of the fascial gun stagnating due to actual compression, otherwise the force of 30KG is applied to 10 fascial guns, and everyone will reflect that stopping at 30KG is easy to make mistakes.

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!


Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

The maximum stopping force of Yunmai is 9.2KG

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

The maximum pressing and stopping force of the product is 9.6KG

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

The maximum stopping force of Artsmith is 10.8KG

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

The maximum stopping force of Pineapple Jun is 8.3KG

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

Sai X Kang maximum press stop force 18.8KG!!

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

The summary of the top strength test is as above.

The scale is deactivated to test the maximum thrust performance of the fascial gun, and the first thrust is Sai X Kang, which is reasonable, after all, it is really big! The scale is ranked second in the stop, because the overall design is better, and the stopping force goes to 15.1KG.

If the thrust is large, it must be good? That is not necessarily, amplitude also affects the important indicators of fascial guns, just like a powerful boxer, if the punch range is very short, it is useless, amplitude, is the punching range of fascial guns.

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The picture above is the amplitude range measured by each fascia gun with a round head, and it can be seen that the professional type is basically 10mm-based, Sai X Kang (original single version) has reached a terrifying 16mm, and the early fascia gun pineapple jun is only 5mm, which is shorter.

And when force and distance are combined, the effect is this.

In order to tense my muscles, my legs are standing on tiptoe, and in this case, the one who can bring the most stimulation to the muscles is Sai X Kang (original single version), but it has reached the point where I hurt so much that I want to scream.

The second is Beikang, the amplitude depth and sense of power are very strong, and there is no pain of Sai X Kang (original single version), after all, the depth of 16mm is too terrible, if you are not the kind of muscles larger than the head of the extremely developed muscles, very large people do not need to be so big, easy to hurt themselves.

The third is Yunmai, the strength is also quite sufficient, but it is still almost meaningless than Beyikang and Sai X Kang (original single version).

The rest are similar to Artsmith, with Pineapple Jun being the weakest.

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It is worth mentioning here that we have the unique titanium alloy massage head of BYIKANG. When massaging some thicker muscles, the conventional massage head of the foam body will be reduced in terms of power conduction, while the titanium alloy head has a strong penetrating power.

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

Friends familiar with fascial guns should know that the predecessor of fascial guns is DMS (deep muscle stimulation instrument for rehabilitation), DMS standard massage head using titanium alloy, Beyikang this wave of operation is really a show, which requires a strong R & D team and technical cooperation, no strength of the brand really can't play.

Look at the frequency and gear

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This is the noise measurement record chart of the maximum and minimum gears of each fascial gun, summarized below with a table~

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This is the minimum and maximum gear vibration frequency of a fascia gun.

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After summarizing the data, the bottom is the official advertised rotational speed.

It can be seen that Beikang, Arstmith and Sai X Kang (original single version) are basically the same as the official propaganda speed, after all, the instrument may have certain errors.

But the false label of Yunmai, Youpin, and Pineapple Jun is a little big, especially Youpin, the actual measurement and official announcement actually exceeded 1200, after that...

Super amplitude and power, in addition to bringing good comfort to the user, but also very test the design of the fascia gun, motor, base materials, cavity, etc. can be perfectly matched, do not do well, the handle resonance is very serious, massage for 20 minutes, the palm is numb.

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Using gear 1, the bottom of the fascial gun is placed on the edge of a bucket filled with water, and the hand is only lightly supporting the fascia gun, and through the vibration of the water surface, see how several fascial guns control the grip resonance.

Beyikang was very clearly ranked first, and Yunmai ranked second.

Surprisingly, the pineapple Jun has the least strength, but the resonance of the grip is also very badly controlled, after all, the early product.

That shock of Sai X Kang (original single version) can be called terrible....

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

I hold the enlarged arm detail with one hand to show you some cases.

For example, the resonance of the excellent case Beekang can be said to be very small.

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

The resonance of Yunmai, you can see that my muscles are twitching~

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Sai X Kang (original single version) words, my whole arm could not help but tremble.

This is an important technical point of fascial guns, many people encounter vibrating products, thinking that fascial guns are like this, but the vibration of a good fascial gun grip really does not make people's palms seriously numb.

Look at size and weight

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In terms of volume and weight, it is also a very important assessment point.

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

First of all, speaking of weight, why is Sai Xcon's ultra-large fascia gun designed as a triangle? It is to give people a two-handed hold, because one-handed use is really too difficult to control.

For me, a 180-tall and 85KG man, fascial guns over 1000g feel too heavy, and it is not very comfortable to use with one hand, let alone girls, more than 1000g is not recommended for girls to choose.

Here to praise Beikang! 720g, aaa!!!a Really don't be too light.

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

The circumference of the handle determines whether it feels comfortable to hold the fascial gun, my palms are not large, my fingers are not long, and I am more sensitive to this.

There is only the handle dimension of Beikon, and the thumb and middle finger are in cross contact when held, and several other models are not available.

Sai X Kang is not in the ranks of comparison, after all, it is a two-handed weapon series, occupying the space of both hands ...

In addition, whether the handle has silicone is also a point of comfort or not, this point Yunmai and there are no products, the experience is general, Sai X Kang is not only a plastic shell, no metal cold and slippery, but also OK.

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The more interesting is the pressure sensing of this fascia gun of Beikon, the light at the top of the normal pressure shows blue, medium pressure yellow to orange, the maximum pressure is red, very intuitive.

Look at the massage head and storage

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For unprofessional users, a round head is used until it is rotten.

However, for sports users, various heads are used alternately, which can effectively relieve the muscles of various parts.

The best thing to do here is Sai X Kang, 8 heads.

Generally speaking, 5 heads are the most common configuration, and they are enough for everyone to use, but there are 3 heads like this, and I think it is too little.

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

Speaking of massage heads, I will talk about this titanium alloy massage head of Beikang Home.

This fascial gun is the favorite one used by the coach of the studio, because the titanium alloy massage head in addition to the light weight, it will not be as soft as the foam massage head, the transmission of fascial gun power is more direct, precise, and relatively less labor, suitable for relaxation after high-intensity exercise, relieve deep muscle fatigue.

It is recommended for those who like sports and are familiar with fascial guns.

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

In terms of storage, only pineapple jun does not have a matching storage box, which is estimated to be a problem with early products.

Here to talk about the charging head, in the case that the C port has been used for many years, there is still only Beikang and the early pineapple Jun to provide C port charging, the other 4 products are using their own round mouth design, with the use of charging is an empty word, like me studio N fascia gun, find a transformer is really big, I hope that everyone can popularize the C port in the future.


Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

Through a series of comparisons, I hope to show you several purchase points of fascia guns and the differences between each product.

In terms of strength, professional fascial guns can meet our needs as long as they are not too old, and this time the six are relatively weak except for Pineapple Jun, and several other models are qualified, among which Beikang and Saikang are the most prominent.

The control of grip resonance is the second most important place in my opinion, after all, it is really not good to numb the hand in 20 minutes. It is the most comfortable and suitable for regular use this time.

Weight and grip feel are very important purchase factors, it is recommended not to be a giant hand, or pay attention to this purchase point. The only thing that makes me think that these two points are done well this time is Byikon.

Practitioners talk about how to buy professional fascial guns? 6 fascial guns depth comparison!

In terms of price, a good brand of fascial gun can be used for a long time, but choose what price is still according to your own needs ~

As for the rest, it can be used as a reference item~

That sharing about fascial guns, I will share it here today~~ I hope to help everyone~